Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles
Why do Jewish women have to be so Damn Liberal?
What is damn liberal?
Nic Brookes:
--- Quote from: or_ly on May 17, 2007, 01:26:40 PM ---What is damn liberal?
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The whole of America and the UK >:( >:(
(joke ;D)
And what is "Jdate"?
--- Quote ---Firstly, Jesus was a Pharasee (Rabbinical) Jew. Jesus would have been an Orthodox Jew and well learned in both Torah and the Oral Law not a deformed (Reform) Jew. All credable evidence places this issue in the earliest texts by Josephus Flavus which was obviously a distortion to carry favor with the now Christianized Romans.
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I am not talking about the origin of Jesus, but his practical actions. He was the first to "reform" or "deform" Judaism.
--- Quote ---What you have stated above is totally Christianity and nothing whatsoever dealing with Judaism.
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I think you should remove this prejudice by thinking that I might be Christian and that what drives me.
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