Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles

Why do Jewish women have to be so Damn Liberal?

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"Anti-Jewish thinking".  Yeah right.  Jeffguy, G-d said to Eve after she sinned with the tree of life that one of her curses was that "he will rule over you" (Genesis 3:16).  So the bible clearly states that the man is supposed to be the ruler of the household. 

That was a curse. We aren't supposed to make the curse the ideal.

That's like saying we should get rid of air-conditioners while men work so we can earn bread by the sweat of our brow... or like saying we should stop giving women in delivery pain killers so they will have their pain multiplied.

We are supposed to fix the curse... not embrace it! G-d forbid.

I'd like to know the Rabbinical/ Talmudic ruling on this actually...


--- Quote from: jeffguy on May 18, 2007, 04:47:53 PM ---That was a curse. We aren't supposed to make the curse the ideal.

That's like saying we should get rid of air-conditioners while men work so we can earn bread by the sweat of our brow... or like saying we should stop giving women in delivery pain killers so they will have their pain multiplied.

We are supposed to fix the curse... not embrace it! G-d forbid.

--- End quote ---
That's your interpuitation but it is not accepted by any Jewish commentators or Scholars.  They all agree that the man must be the ruler of the household.  To answer your question, if G-d tells you something, you must fulfill it whether it was a curse or a blessing.  You can't skip over the sad depressing parts of the Bible and only fulfill only the happy sections or those parts you like.  G-d's will must be fulfilled.  There is no excuse by not fulfilling it because it was a curse.  G-d said that HE will greatly increase the pain of childbearing.  You are not violating that statement by giving pain killers, since G-d himself said that he will increase the pain of childbearing and he can do whatever he wants, whether you take medication or not.  Secondly, even with medication, childbearing was much easier before the curse.  If he said that "you must increase your childbearing pain" then she can't take excessive medication, but it was not said in that way.  Similarly, G-d stated that "he will rule over you".  That's what G-d said and it must be fulfilled.  It makes no difference if it was a curse or a blessing, there was no condition attached to this so it is an eternal commandment.  The reason why the man must be the ruler of the household is probably due to the woman sinning with the tree of knowledge and that pointed out a defect in a woman's nature that makes her unfit to be the leader of the household.  


--- Quote ---You are Jewish?  Why do you not study Judaism and Jewish history so you will not have to ask such questions with such an anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, illogical and benighted tone to them?
--- End quote ---

I think, you should slow down a little. What authority did you take upon yourself? In other words, who are you to tell me this?


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