Author Topic: The West is with Croatian support stealing Kosovo  (Read 2586 times)

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Offline Serbian_Radical_Party

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The West is with Croatian support stealing Kosovo
« on: October 20, 2009, 06:53:37 AM »
11.080 Zemun, Magistratski trg 3 Tel. 3077-028, [email protected],
Number: 2001/09 – 16. 10. 2009.

The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina in exile is honored to welcome the diplomatic consular representatives of the Republic of Serbia and to remind them on 35 notes – with facts, that lies are being introduced in the western-European countries and in the US about Serbs and Serbian territories. These lies are being taken over by other countries, including the institutions of the UN.    
The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina is reminding the diplomatic consular representatives of the Republic of Serbia, that the West is dishonorably dealing with the Serbs and decided to obligate Croatia at the international court in the Hague to put foreword its position regarding the justification of the separation of Kosovo of Serbia; this all in order to legitimate the self-proclaimed state of the Albanian national minority. This action of the EU and NATO nations represents Western terror against the remaining world, because it is obligating the highest court within the UN to recognize a state of a national minority, what can results into a chain reaction in other UN nations, because all of them have members of a national minority on their territories. The West is doing this with support of Republic of Croatia, which conducted genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Serbs in the Republic of Serbian Krayina from 1991 to 1995.
Until 1990 Croatia was a binational state of the Croats and the Serbs who lived in Croatia. The Government of Zagreb converted the Serbs [a state-building nation of Croatia] into a national minority and eliminated the Serbian historical, territorial and cultural rights. The West did not want to validate the Serbian rights which were recognized by Hungary in 1471, by Austria in 1630, by Yugoslavia in 1918 and which were again in 1943 and 1945 confirmed by communist Yugoslavia.
The government of the Republic of Serbian Krayina is repeating that Croatia was a binational state just like Belgium. The government of the Republic of Serbian Krayina is convinced that the West would not allow that one of the state-building nations of  Belgium would convert the other one into a national minority.
The West must explain why it supported this uncivilized decision when the state-building rights of the Serbs were violated and when Krayina Serbs were expelled from their territory – in a percentage of 80%? The government of Republic of Serbian Krayina is calling Republic of Serbia to response to the Croatian action in behalf of the Albanian separatists, to not abrogate the accusation against Croatia at the UN SC & UN’s General Assembly and to cut off its diplomatic relations with Croatia.
If not, the Serbs of Krayina will consider Serbia as an ally of Croatia.
The government of the Republic of Serbian Krayina is begging to Republic of Serbia to instruct its institutions to apply to the UN to return to the Serbian state-building  nation its violated rights and to end the Croatian occupation of Republic of Serbian Krayina [UN’s protected area].

The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina is taking advantage of this opportunity to show it’s high respect towards the diplomatic consular representations of the Republic of Serbia. 

Diplomatic consular representatives
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 08:03:38 AM by Serbian_Radical_Party »