In the last few weeks the Director of the school my wife works at has disappeared without explanation and a Muslim Nazi man has replaced her. The school has had a strict policy about not allowing religious topics to be discussed in class, although, like most cowards has taken to caving in to Muslim garbage. Today a Muslim Nazi animal announced upon arrival in class he wanted to celebrate the prophet Mohammad's[piss be upon him] birthday. My wife told him that wasn't allowed, he'd have to get permission from the Director which he apparently already had,he probably got it the previous night while they were sodomizing each other. My wife was pulled aside by the Director and told that he was aware of her "file", her bigotry in the past and her overall "intolerance" of other faiths. She was told she had to let him give his presentation. She was also told from now on all printed materials that will be given to her for her classes will be stickered, these stickers depict a rose, with this written on it; "None of you shall be true believers unless you wish for your brother the same that you wish for yourself" and "A Muslim is one from whose hand and tongue others are safe" Prophet Muhammad [Piss be upon him]. My wife reluctantly agreed and started the class. The Muslim Nazi pig who wanted to give the presentation disappeared?!! With ten minutes left until the class ended the Muslim Nazi worthy of violent death pig returned to class, attempted to give his speech but was trembling and incoherent and couldn't say anything. He gave out some cakes and roses, he gave my wife a rose which she quickly gave to someone else which the dirty Muslim pig took great offense to. I don't think my wife should return to work, period. I think this has become an impossible environment to work in and she should put her trust in G-d and start looking for a new job on Monday. What do you think? I am wondering if a lawsuit can't be pursued. I hate Islam.