An "Allensbach research" (this one from 2006) carried out every year reveiled that 98% of the German associate Islam with violence, while only 6% could have a certain sympathy with Islam.
61% think that Islam cannot coexist with other religions and 83% think that Muslims in general are religious fanatics.
75% see Islam as intolerant.
56 percent say "there is already a clash of civilizations" and 61% are sure there will be severe conflicts with Islam in future.
For 91% the first word that comes to their minds when they hear Islam is "humiliation of women" (risen from 85% in 2004).
The ones calling Islam as marked by fanatism rose from 75 to 83%.
62% said that Islam is backwards (it was only 49% in 2004).
The ones considering Islam as non-democratic rose from 52 to 60%.
Only 22% of the people think that the WON'T be tensions between Muslims and others in Germany.
Another 46% of the Germans are sure there will be terror attacks on the country in future and 42% fear the "high number of Muslims which might include a lot of terrorists also".
74% are against the construction of mosques in neighbourhoods where the surrounding population is against it. Only 11% said that the mosque should be built even though.
56% said it should be forbidden to build mosques here as long as there mustn't be built churches in muslim countries.
40% think there should be only a "limited religious freedom for Muslims in order to prevent terror"!!!!

Only 35% of the Germans can understand that Muslims get offended by Mohammed caricatures. image of Islam is worse than I thought!!!