Awesome antisemitic tome of libel against the Jewish people: of Contents:
1. Are Jews satanic?
1.1 What The Talmud Rules About Christians
1.2 Foes Destroyed During the Purim Feast
1.3 The Shocking "Kol Nidre" Oath
1.4 The Bar Mitzvah - A Pledge to The Jewish Race
1.5 Jewish Genocide over Armenian People
1.6 The Satanic Bible
1.7 Other Examples
2. Are Jews the “Chosen People” or the real “Israel”?
2.1 Who are the “Chosen People”?
2.2 G-d & Jesus quotes about race mixing and globalization
3. Are they “eternally persecuted people”?
3.1 Crypto-Judaism
4. Is Judeo-Christianity a healthy “alliance”?
4.1 The “Jesus was a Jew” Hoax
4.2 The "Judeo - Christian" Hoax
4.3 Judaism's Secret Book - The Talmud
5. Are Christian sects Jewish creations? Are they affecting Christianity?
5.1 Biblical Quotes about the sects , the Jews and about the results of them working together.
6. “Anti-Semitism” shield & weapon is making Jews, Gods!
7. Is the “Holocaust” a dirty Jewish LIE?
7.1 The Famous 66 Questions & Answers about the Holocaust
8. Jews control “Anti-Hate”, “Human Rights” & Degraded organizations???
8.1 Just a small part of the full list: CULTURAL/ETHNIC
Page 3
9. Money Collecting, Israel Aids, Kosher Tax and other Money Related Methods
9.1 Forced payment
9.2 Israel “Aids”
9.3 Kosher Taxes
9.4 Other ways for Jews to make money
10. Are Jews in control of America’s politics?
10.1 Partial list of Jews in the Bush Administration (March 26, 2003) from JewWatch
10.2 List of Jewish ambassadors.
10.3 List from Wikipedia Encyclopedia (also Jew owned)
10.4 Small list of powerful Romanian Jews (Bonus)
11. Are Jews in control of the Mass Media & Hollywood?
11.1 Media List 1
11.2 Media List 2 (other source)
11.3 Media List 3 from Wikipedia Encyclopedia (also Jew owned)
11.4 Small list of famous actors, musicians in Hollywood (world)
11.5 List of Jewish American Film Directors from Wikipedia Encyclopedia (also Jew owned)
12. What is the Free-Masonry?
13. Jewish implications in porno industry
13.1 List of Jewish American porno “Actress” and Producers
13.2 List of Jewish American porno “Actors” and Producers
13.3 Why porno exists… Reasons!
14. Israel, Weapons, Treachery & Communism
15. Bonus - Political Incorrect Quotes
15.1 Biblical Quotes about Jews (if you don’t own a Bible just search over the internet)
15.2 Famous Men Quotes about Jews (the following list is a tiny fracture of the overall list)
15.3 Quotes Coming From Jewish People
1. Are Jews satanic?
Most Christians believe that the Jews follow only The Tanach of the Holy Bible and reject the
New Testament. The truth is their "real bible" is The Talmud. The Jewish book "The Mizbeach" states
that "there is nothing superior to the 'Holy Talmud'.
The Talmud is made of 63 books and is often printed in about 18 large volumes. The Talmud was written
by Rabbinical sages between the years 200 AD and 500 AD.
While Christians follow the Twelve Commandments, the Jews follow the 613 Commandments of The
Talmud. The BIG SECRET is -just what are these commandments of the Jews?
Eight Catholic Popes condemned the Talmud. Martin Luther, founder to the Protestant Church ordered
it burned! Pope Clement VIII declared: "The impious Talmudic, Cabalistic and other wicked books of the
Jews are hereby entirely condemned and they must always remain condemned and prohibited and this
law must be perpetually observed."