If you're white and male you might as well be dead - that's what EVERYONE, the media, the hospitals, the schools, the intelligentisa, even your friends and relatives, and not just the political parties - tell you.
I am going to leave this stinking Britain behind me and begin a spiritual journey in a new world!

Blundering David Cameron is likely to lose many more of his hard-working party activists as he tells voters to vote Labour, Liberal (sic) in the Conservative Party political broadcast.
The broadcast which went out earlier this evening on both BBC and ITV included an extraordinary clip where Cameron warns a voter “Don’t do it”. The voter, a white male with a white van in his driveway, possibly a builder or tradesmen has clearly told the Conservative leader of his intentions to vote BNP, and Cameron comes out with the astonishing advice “Vote for one of the mainstream parties, I hope it’s me but vote Labour, vote Liberal, vote for anyone else rather than BNP”.
Any grass-roots Conservative activist busy delivering leaflets or canvassing on the campaign trail might do well to ask themselves “why bother” when their own Party leader is advising British voters to vote for a opposition political party. "What was he thinking of?" inquired an emailer earlier this evening, perhaps he wasn't thinking at all, might be an appropriate response!
Eagle eyed viewers might also notice the bewildering number of youngsters of ethnic minority origin who get the dubious opportunity to ask “Dave” a question and might also notice the absence of youngsters of the indigenous majority.
Viewers who missed this example of bungling Cameron in action can see it online
http://www.webcameron.org.uk/blogs/3538-An-exclusive-look-at-our-Party-Election-Broadcast. The BNP voter clip comes after the Yorkshire market stall owner about half-way through.