To be frank, they should all be expelled out of this country.. PERIOD. Cause I don't trust those that are not in the military either. 1 Muz in the U.S. is 1 great threat in the U.S. And you are right, their loyalty is only to their sick pedo cult from a sick pedo fake prophet. How much you want to bet though guys and gals. If this was a white guy? A Tim McVeigh type and yes McVeigh was also a pos. But you would have every drop of info from the moment he was born till now. The fact this SOB is a Muz they are trying everything in the Media to be P.C. to try to sugar coat that this man follows a book and cult that is programmed on terror. Nobody, not even Fox say it.. As along as Islam is in the U.S. the U.S. will never be safe. And I want to add another thing. We are at war with these animals. What the hell is the Army or any branch of military thinking enlisting these bearded, desert camel jockeys? P.C. is going to be the death of so many innocent people and through that everyone else are sitting ducks for any further God forbid attacks. No one in the media pushed the envelope that this pig was screaming Allah Akbar. What are they afraid of? To "offend"? Fangool with that... Let them be offended. I find it offensive when they are attacking our people, and when everyone in the establishment run in circles trying everything they can to try to paint a pretty picture under an ugly canvas.