You make it sound like we are to blame for them not being Serbs anymore. That's twisting of our entire history upside down. They deserted their own people, and they must ask to return. Like Kusturica. It took a great deal of courage for him to become a Serb again, and it has to be respected.
I've said it before, stop reading Seselj's books, and start reading beautiful epic serbian poetry.
What? Do not twist my words to your advantage.
Secondly you are not going to dictate what I must read or not.
Being Orthodox does not mean that you are automatically saved.
As long as you live, you can fall from the truth. It is for you easy to judge people!
According to you Orthodox Serbs have no responsibility? Being arrogant and judging people like that, is not Orthodox behavior! Not at all. Please look first at your self.
Look at Fikret Abdic he is Muslim, but he was loyal to Serbs. Whole Western-Bosnia was pro-Serbian. Open your eyes and do not judge other people like that!
Look brother, this is simply not a forum for you. We don't like muslims here and they are not our brothers.
Ферат Зачир, кавазбаша
Јок, сердаре, не угађеш путом!
Вјера турска поднијет не може
да се хаба докле глава скочи.
Иако је земља поузана,
двије вјере могу се сложити,
ка у сахан што се чорбе слажу.
Ми живимо као досад братски,
па љубови више не требује.
Кнез Јанко
Бисмо, Турци, али се не може!
Смијешна је ова наша љубав.
Грдно нам се очи сусретају,
не могу се братски погледати,
но крвнички и некако дивље:
очи зборе што им вели срце.