I just wanted to share this dream someone posted on another forum I am at.....I thought it was significant...it was a dream she had...
If this is not ok to post here, the mods can delete it...thanks.
10-21-09 A Dream
The "Hedges" Have Been Removed
I saw before me the borders of the United States both Canada and Mexico. On these borders grew the most massive Oak and Maple trees. They were enormous they scraped the sky. They were so tightly spaced that it was impossible for a person to pass through them.
As I watched a giant, larger than life, semi truck appeared. An angel removed a huge chainsaw from the trailer and started it. As I looked on he began to cut down the mighty trees. The trees fell on anything or anyone in their path. Soon only stumps remained. The beautiful and mighty trees that had encircled the United States were gone.
At this point a voice spoke: "You as a nation have relied on your own strength. It is failing you. You can not stand."
Enemies began to enter carrying American flags. Once inside the country they began laughing and tearing up the flags, some were burned. As I watched these enemies began marching. Laughing loudly as they walked. One of them, spying a Bible held it up and proclaimed: "Look at this! The book of make believe stories. This book is nothing but lies. He began to tear the pages out.
These enemies looked and talked and acted just like other Americans. The difference was in their hatred of the Bible and of all things American. The man who had spoken earlier then said: "Let us gather all these books up (Bibles) and destroy them. Then we will take the people who own and read these make believe books and put them in cages. We will show them what true freedom is."
I then awakened and began to seek the Lord on all of this. I praised Him for the privilege of owning and reading a Bible.
HE then spoke "The time is almost upon you when you will not be able to carry MY word so freely. Stand on MY word now or you will surely fall." .