We really need to cull the insanity out of our people, where did all of these suicidal (actually I wouldn't mind if they were just suicidal but these nut-jobs want to take down the rest of us with them!) insane traitorous "Jews" come from?
I truly believe that some Jews think they are 'doing the right thing' by helping our enemies, because they don't see any enemies. They are ruled by lenses of Chesed/Kindness. It is true that Judaism is built on the idea that everything in the world is Hashems Kindness. It is a trait of his most famous of names. The world was created with Kindness. But we also know that Kindness must be tempered with Gevurah/Restraint. Without restraint the trait of Chesed becomes destructive. The name of Judgement is the other name which Hashem is referred to in the Torah.
When Adam and Chava ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil it began the loss of distinction between absolute good and absolute evil. We are in a world of varying shades of grey. Many of our own people are trapped in their own image of the world, that even our enemies are worthy of our kindnesses. These liberal Jews look at the ethical and moral underpinnings and lose the spiritual dimension of the commandments of Torah. They are 'enlightened' Jews but their eyes are closed to the Covenant which was made between the Jewish people and Hashem at the Mount of Sinai.
I too hope that teshuva will come to the Jews who have lost their faith. Only when we have absolute faith in Hashems promise to the Jewish people will Israel be strong again. As long as we build images of Hashem which fit our moral understanding we will suffer with Jews who see only Kindness and not Judgement.
Chesed: The world is built on Kindness :
http://www.aish.com/sp/k/48961231.htmlGevurah: The strength of Judgement: