I used to have a nostalgic view about the Persians, because the pre-Islamic Persians were tolerant and hospitable to my people. Too bad Islam pretty much erased that ancient culture.
Yeah. Unfortunately Iranians that are secular or agnostic/atheist are also rather hostile to Jews. Some are leftist and have that standard anti-Zionist leftist attitude while others think they're "Aryans" related to Germans and are therefore outright Nazis.
This Aryan issue is superstition-science.

But fact is, that the Farsi language is closer to English, Dutch & German than to Arabic. Also the Iranians have developed a different and more successfull culture compared to the Sunni world. Polygamie is nearly not existent in Iran. They build airoplanes, cars and lots of other stuff, what the average quranimal Sunni nation would never be able to. The Iranian diaspora is succeeding well in western countries, while the normal quranimals are only be able to raise their parnassa by primitive and barabaric crimes, property offenses and of cause welfare.
On the one hand it makes them more likely to become normal people one day, but on the other hand it enables them to cause grave damage to the world. We have all learned, that the civilized and educated people are not automatically righteous.
So I think we must be extra observing to Iran. And we have to act on Iran. It is the main threat, like Chaim always states.
It is a terrible situation, but we have no choice.