No human bone, artifact or record can be positively dated as being older than 10,000 years.
Whether what you say here is true or not, 10,000 years is still older than 5,770. You created your own quandary here.
There is no evidence that our ancestors were apes or ape-like creatures, and no fossils have ever been found to link human beings with anything other than human beings.
You live in denial of clearly established fact. If you don't know about these ideas and don't understand reality, then just claim ignorance. Don't run around trying to say all the scientists are wrong about what was found in the ground, and you some guy with an anti-science reactionary handbook cooked up in the 20th century have found the real truth.
When you say
OUR ANCESTORS you are being deceptive. "Ancestors" the concept, refers to those other humans who we descend from, most notably our Avoth, Abraham Yitzhak and Yaakov, whose example we try to follow in our lives. So you're right that these people were... people. If you mean our
"evolutionary ancestors" as in, what primitive
species the human being developed from, then what you said is completely false. There
IS evidence for this whether you like it or not. Whether you want to "believe" the facts or not, the facts exist.
Overwhelming evidence can be denied by a person, and you have that right to do so, but don't expect other logical and rational thinking people to always (or ever) deny overwhelming evidence like you desire to do, for the sake of a unitary dogma you want Judaism to be, especially when they grew up exposed to these ideas. You will come off as (excuse me for saying) an idiot, you desecrate the Torah, and that is the opposite (obviously) of what you are trying to do. You may not like this or want to hear this, but that is the reality. To a scientifically-inclined person you make a mockery of Judaism by insisting that Judaism demands a denial of science and a denial of truth. Judaism does
NOT demand this of us. And it's not monolithic as much as you may want it to be. Judaism is a truth system.
For a person ignorant of science and who grew up only knowing basic postulates of faith and has emuna peshuta (simple faith), he can believe that maybe you are right, and maybe I'm right, but it's irrelevant - no nafka mina. On the other hand, a person who grew up with some operational knowledge of science and the method by which science arrives at the truth, and knowing these ideas that have come up in archaeology, he can't possibly believe that you are correct to deny reality.
The entire concept of man's evolution from an ape-like creature is a phantasm,
You are merely presenting us with your wishful thinking. You cannot actually disprove the science that has uncovered these facts.
According to Jewish tradition (Sanhedrin 109) the punishment of one-third of the builders of the Tower of Babel was their miraculous transformation into apes: devolution not evolution!
Are you honestly claiming that apes didn't exist as a species until the Tower of babel? That can also be readily disproved. In fact, it is disproved by what
you yourself wrote above. You claimed that these ancient (tens of thousands) year old archaeological findings were 100% ape or 100% human. That admits that apes existed far more than 5770 years ago, before man was created. But here's a more interesting question for you. If any of those findings were 100% homosapien, what were they doing roaming around the earth before 5770 years ago?

Don't cite stupidity/philosophy/wishful thinking here and pass it off as science.