Whats to say any of the Christian members might not try to missionize or manipulate the Jewish members? Should us Jews shun and not trust every goy who comes our way? The man has made himself an outcast to his own community, he gave praise and honored the greatest rabbi the Jews have possibly had in the modern world. Where were many of the other rabbis to praise and honor Kahane on this day? The man had some balls. I know he is a negro, but he is an "honorable negro". I didn't detect any missionizing sentiment in the speech of this man. And, if some Jews decide to follow his ministry or convert, is it his fault? What if a gentile decides to go through halacha and convert to Judaism, should our rabbis be hated? I don't see Manning going to the synagogues or to Israel passing out Jesus pamphlets. He was very respectful in his speech and did not want to antagonize the members of the synagogue. I felt sincere respect in his voice for the Rebbe and his mission.
Although I understand where you are coming from Ron, I think you don't realize the risks Pastor Manning has taken not only for his resistance to his own black people, but for supporting the most contraversial rabbi of the modern era. He really has risked his image, ministry and integrity by honoring the great rebbe. Cannot you give this guy, pastor Manning, any credit for what he has done? If his goal was to convert Jews, I think he would have just went to reform synagogue and preached the "Good News". He has different intentions and has deep love for Jewish people, regardless of their beliefs. That is my opinion. Manning has plenty on his table. He spends most his time trying to convince the black community to wake up and put an end to their self-destruction. If he is trying to missionize anyone, its the idiotic blacks and liberals of America. This man is a very important asset to the Kahanist movement in my opinion.
Personally, I think our greatest threats our some of our own so-called Jewish brothers who have been working hard to destroy out nation, interestingly enough, Pastor Manning seems to know the difference as he hinted at the beginning of the speech. Too bad a lot of our fellow Jewish brothers cannot see what this black preacher from Harlem sees.
BTW.. Nobody I see here is worshipping the guy. Respecting him is not same as worshipping him. I see a few people who worship Chaim. I respect Chaim and his mission and sacrifices. Yet, I will not worship Chaim or any other human; I worship only Hashem. I think most JTFers feel the same. In a way its a bit condescending to say JTFers worship him. They hear his good message and agree, that is a far cry from worshipping.