Shalom Irish Zioinist!
Dear Irish Zionist,
Is it true that the Guinness in ireland is better than the factory reject Guinness we get here in USA?
Ok serious question

. How are Jews treated overall in Ireland? I know lot of JEws who would love to travel there. I know the Irish in general are notorious for loving Palipigians because they think Israel was stolen from them like Ireland was stolen by the British . I also hate the bloody UK conquerers and know they had no right to be in Northern Ireland. However, I think many of the Irish united with the arabs and lowered themselves to being bloodthirsty terrorists like the IRA. I know the IRA had noble roots, but over time became ruthless and inheritied some of the ideologies from the Muslims. It is also known arabs train with Irish and vice versa and supply each other with weapons and bombs.
My question is, how do your fellow Irishmen feel that you are one of the blessed ones who opened their eyes to see the struggle of the Irish and Jews are the same!?? Once upon a time, 2000 years ago, the Irish lived in Ireland and the Jews in Israel. How is it you are one of those good Irishmen who realize this? I am happy to have you here brother. I know many good Irishmen who recognize Isarel as being the land of the Jewish and we in return recognize as Ireland belonging to the Irish, not the British. So, are there many Irish who respect and love Jewish people? How are you treated, since you are a Zionist? I am interestd to here.
Just yesterday I had a conflit with a pretty, but wicked Irish catholic woman living in North Carolina. She told me that Jews never suffered and that we deserved to die in gas chambers. This bat zonah was telling me that Christians are persecuted and treated horrible in Israel and that we are horrible people . I suppose this is the sentiment many Catholics, especially Irish ones have towards us Jews. What do you think of people like her, are they very common in Ireland or just people you meet occasionally?