I suppose it actually IS possible that someone could be dyslexic AND stupid.

Maybe Tonycali is harmless...but I do think Chaim should insist on Tonycali writing his posts as a College Student should...as though he were writing a college paper to one of his professors or something. The JTF deserves at least that modicum of respect. Heck, Chaim and every single one of us who is self-respecting deserves that amount of respect.
Who wants to read (And why would Chaim wish to subject himself) to inane and nonsensical (OBVIOUSLY) wacked out liberal propaganda? (Such as Tonycali's supposed quotes from his supposed professor?)
ok, to be fair I am certain college professors out in California are Liberal beyond belief. Most university professors I had in school were screaming liberals as well.
If Tonycali is NOT a troll...he should be required by the mods, and/or by Chaim to maintain a certain level of normal and correct written English. That goes for whether he is dyslexic or not.