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Dear Confederate Kahanist.
Dear Confederate Kahanist,
What would you like to study in graduate school?
Confederate Kahanist:
--- Quote from: Moshe92 on December 14, 2009, 11:14:34 PM ---What is your opinion on the Reconstruction Era?
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I guess it was good that the southern states were helped out after there defeat since they were once again part of the United States. Ironically the government gave a lot to blacks during this time even though today they still complain they haven't gotten there reparations yet. I guess we will be sending re constructionist money down to Texas if they lose there war of independence from the Obamanation.
Confederate Kahanist:
--- Quote from: Lisa on December 15, 2009, 09:48:04 AM ---Dear Confederate Kahanist,
What would you like to study in graduate school?
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Probably applied mathematics.
Confederate Kahanist:
--- Quote from: Dan ben Noah on December 16, 2009, 07:56:52 PM ---Shalom Confederate Kahanist,
Why do you have a period at the end of your name? Also, can you give us an affirmative action story? Thanks in advance.
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I'm just now seeing that. I probably just touched the period key accidentally.
When I was still at Reinhardt College, I went to eat lunch at this small on campus eatery. If you pay to get in, they had like this all you can eat pizza. I am behind in line this fat black girl. There is like 7 slices and she is taking them all and I then I try to grab one for myself real fast which I successfully did. Why do these people eat so much food. Do they have bottomless stomachs? I have also seen fat white women who like black men eat a trough load of food.
So why Confederate? Whats wrong with federal?
Also what is the difference between confederal and federal?
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