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Dear Confederate Kahanist.

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hello, what do you do for a living?

Confederate Kahanist:

--- Quote from: Moshe92 on December 14, 2009, 08:15:57 PM ---What is your favorite Civil War song?

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Well what I actually like is the Glorious Burden Trilogy by Ice Earth if you consider that a traditional civil war song: 

The devil To Pay:

Hold at all costs:

High Water Mark

What is your opinion on the Reconstruction Era?

Confederate Kahanist:

--- Quote from: Moshe92 on December 14, 2009, 08:23:27 PM ---Also, when did you start being a conservative/libertarian? I saw your myspace page, and you wrote there a few years ago that you want the Democrats to be the majority in congress.

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I guess when I started to read and learn more about Economics, Civil Rights, Immigration, Third World Versus Western World, Israel and etc.  I also had a Cuban American Economics professor that turned me on to such thought.  I was kind of hoping that back in 2006 that Bush would lose his rubber stamp congress though we got a big surprise.  Yeah I was also a dumb liberal democrat back in the day who supported the likes of the Clintons, Kerry, Gore and McCain.

Confederate Kahanist:

--- Quote from: ~Hanna~ on December 14, 2009, 10:53:19 PM ---hello, what do you do for a living?

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I don't have a job for the moment though eventually I would like to have an actuarial job in the Insurance industry or some other business.  Right now I am open to anything before I go to grad school.


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