Hi my friends,
I'm Mark from Malta. I support your war against the evil islam murderers. Unfortunately Europe is bending backwards to appease them while they are insulting everything we stand for..freedom liberty peace. they are taking over Europe and this I will never allow. I'd rather see Europe die out without kids.
I am so frustrated seeing them kill innocent europeans for no reason while our goverment feeds and house them. I hate them so much and will hate them till the end of time becuase they are barbaric monsters.
If you need help fighting this [censored] then come for me send a helicopter or sometin' heh and I will be the person in front fighting these murderous monsters. I've had enough of them and would rather die for the freedom of this world then see them take over.
ps at least I hope if I write here they dont arrest and convict me to be politically correct

our goverments have betrayed us and all of europe now understand what you went thru and are still going thru becuase of these barbaric monsters my israeli brothers. My family is christian but more importantly ..I stand for what is good, for what is right, for freedom for everyone, women gays everyone should be allowed to live and enjoy live. That is all. And I am serious ...if you need some a fighter with courage and conviction to fight these madmen then dont look anywhere else ...come for me in Malta or send me a ticket and I will fight them till my last drop of blood. For Love For Freedom For Peace For All Mankind (except islamic terrorist monsters ofcourse who are not fit to live and enjoy live)