Author Topic: Save Rifqa Bary  (Read 1289 times)

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Offline 2honest

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Save Rifqa Bary
« on: December 18, 2009, 03:23:38 PM »

below there's an articel about the teenage girl who fled from her parents after converting from Islam to Christianity and has been threatened with death by her own father.
She could be sent back to her parents on Dec 22nd 2009. Take action and let the authorities hear your voice!

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Dear reader,

I'm asking you to invest a few minutes and read about a case that is currently going on in the US. If you are very short on time I'd suggest to watch video [1] in the References section and then skip to the What can you do section.
There is a girl who fled from her parents after converting from Islam to Christianity. Her name is Rifqa Bary. She was raised in a Muslim family that emigrated from Sri Lanka to the US and resides in Ohio.
This 17 year old girl fled to Florida after she had been threatened with death by her own father.
Please watch the 6 minute unedited clip recorded after she fled from Ohio to Florida in August 2009 and you'll understand her situation. [1]
This is not an average teenage runaway story. She fled out of fear for her life. [2]

Since Rifqa is still a minor her parents went to court to get her back home denying that she was threatened or that there was any danger for her at all.
The Florida judge sent her back to Ohio where she has since been in foster care under the guide of Ohio children services. There, Rifqa is not allowed to attend a public school, her internet and phone are restricted and she is not allowed to go where she wants or meet those she likes to.
In effect she's living under imprisonment right now.
When she was questioned for 2 hours by Florida law officials she wasn't even allowed to have her attorney present. [3]
Where are her natural rights?

On the first sight it looks like it's her statement agains her parents' statement.
However, her parents are supported by CAIR (Counsel on American Islamic Relations) and claim that she was brainwashed by others through phone/internet, converted to Christianity, convinced to be afraid of her family and kidnapped away to Florida.

It is a fact that several girls in the West have been killed by their own families for things like becoming too westernized, not wearing the veil or dating non-muslim boys. [4]
Rifqa has left Islam and stated that publicly. This is an offense far worse than the above ones.

According to Islamic law becoming an apostate is the worst crime a Muslim can commit and is therefore punishable by death. The Islamic sources leave little doubt in that regard. [5]
Most schools of Islamic jurisprudence agree on the death penalty although there are some saying that females should be imprisoned until they recant. [6]
These are not irrelevant rules in some old dusty books, it is rather valid law as practiced in several parts of the Islamic world today. Apostasy law is confirmed by several fatwas (religious rulings) from Al Azhar University in Cairo which is the leading voice in the Sunni Muslim world, i.e. for at least 85% of all Muslim worldwide. [7]
All of the above shows that it is absurd to claim Rifqa was not in danger.

What's even more worrying is the connections of both CAIR and the mosque Rifqa's parents attend to Islamic terrorists and fundametalists.
Leading figures of CAIR have stated to be in support of Hamas and the idea to make the Koran the highest authority in America and Islam become dominant. [8]
Moreover CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in an Hamas funding case. [9]   

Rifqa's parents attend the Noor Islamic cultural center in Ohio, which is connected with Yusuf al Qaradawi. He is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, which gave birth to numerous terror organisations and in their own words are dedicated to a "kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilication from within...". [10], [11], [12]
Moreover Qaradawi as well as some individuals being connected to CAIR today took part in events back in the 80ies and 90ies where they were celebrating and fundraising for international jihadist groups. [13], [14]   

Both the Media and Ohio authorities have completely dismissed the Islamic apostasy laws and the well documented connections of CAIR and the Noor Islamic Center to Islamic fundamentalists.
Instead they have adopted the claims of Rifqa's parents and CAIR, saying that she was an unruly teenager, which is not plausible given the fact that she has no record of rebellious behaviour in the past.
Not only have her parents made contradictory statements to authorities, they have also released Rifqa's diary which was exploited in an article of the Orlando Sentinel. [15]
Why would caring parents release the most intimate thoughts and documents of their own daughter?

Instead of defending her right to live in safety and choose any religion she wants the Media portrayed her as a rebellious runaway teen that has been disturbed from the outside. Those who gave her shelter and speak out on her behalf are labeled as Christian fundamentalists and rightwing bigots.
Ohio authorities have stated that they see no danger for Rifqa at home because her father assured them he wouldn't harm her.
What kind of statement would have been necessary to alert the authorities? And who expects a father to reveal intentions to harm his daughter when asked by officals? 
Isn't it a matter of common sense to be on the side of caution and keep her in foster care until she turns 18?

Why should we care?

First of all an innocent girl's life is at risk. Compassion and decency demand not to ignore her plight.
Second, as you've read Rifqa is in a prison-like situation right now. Among all the children under foster care she's probably the only one with restricted phone and internet. That is not acceptable. Everybody with some common sense should demand the application of basic rights for her.
Third, many girls who are in similar situations are watching this case. The way Rifqa is treated will send a signal to all those who seek freedom for a self-determined and independent life. Will they be protected by the state or do they have to live in fear and hide themselves?
Fourth, we tend to take our basic freedoms for granted. This case shows, that we need to defend them. In the past thousands have died to make sure liberty prevails over opression.


On December 22nd 2009 there will be another hearing in Columbus/Ohio where the judge may decide to send Rifqa back to her family. Since their immigration status is not clear they might go back to Sri Lanka. That would place Rifqa's life in severe danger. There have already been several death threats made against her. [16]
We need to demand that she is neither sent back to her family nor sent abroad along with her family. Moreover it is necessary to restore unlimited phone/internet access as well as contact to friends and supporters for Rifqa.
The Ohio authorities need to get as many messages (phone or mail) as possible.

1. Below there's a draft to make sure you don't have to start from scratch. Please complete or modify it before sending it out. You can help Rifqa by contacting the following people: [17]

Ohio Governor Ted Strickland: [18]
Governor's Office
Riffe Center, 30th Floor
77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215-6108
General Info: (614) 466-3555
Fax: (614) 466-9354

Franklin County Children Services: [19]
Main Office
855 W. Mound
Columbus, OH 43223
General Office Hours: 8AM-5PM

Eric Fenner, attorney for Franklin County children service: [17]
[email protected]


Dear Sir or Madam,

I have heard about the Rifqa Bary case and I am extremely concerned about her safety. There have already been several cases in the West where muslim girls were killed by their own family for offenses like not wearing the veil or becoming too westernized. [1]
According to Islamic law becoming an apostate is a major crime and punishable by death or at least imprisonment. The Islamic sources leave little doubt about that. [2]
Moreover the law of apostasy is still practiced in parts of the Islamic world today. [3]
It is worrying to know that the mosque Rifqa's parents attend has ties to Islamic fundamentatlists. [4]
In any case, Rifqa's safety should surely be the top priority.
Therefore I feel very strongly that this girl stays in foster care until she turns 18 and is neither returned to her family nor sent abroad along with her family.
Moreover it is necessary to restore unlimited phone/internet access as well as contact to friends and supporters for Rifqa. These are fundamental rights and I do not see any reason why they are denied to Rifqa Bary.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,



You don't like this draft? Here's another one:

2. After contacting the authorities it would be very helpful to copy and paste this whole text into a new email and send it to as many people as possible. You may have friends or family members who might be concerned with this issue. Maybe you are part of a congregation. Why don't you send this message around to its members and leaders? You might have contact to influential people in politics or business. Make sure they know about this case. If you are running a blog, website or forum: copy and paste will do the job.

3. On December 22nd 2009 prior to the hearing there will be a rally for Rifqa in Columbus, Ohio. [20]
If you got the chance to attend or know of people who do let them know about it.

4. If your time permits stay updated on this case. If it weren't for a few courageous individuals her story probably wouldn't be known to the public. You'll find a couple of them and their websites in the Additional information section. If you want some more background information I'd suggest to check out the resources [1] and [2] in that very section.

Thank you for spreading the message!


[1]: Alternative links to Rifqa's only publicly recorded testimony from August 2009, Florida

[2]: Affidavit Rifqa Bary, August 30th 2009, Florida












[14]: Kansas City/Missouri, 1989


[16]: Death threats agianst Rifqa





Here's a list of people who are major supporters of Rifqa including their websites:

Pamela Geller:

Robert Spencer:

Tom Trento:

Nonie Darwish:

Andrew Bostom:
[1]: Panel #1 on Rifqa Bary

[2]: Panel #2 on Rifqa Bary

[3]: Rally for Rifqa, November 16th 2009, Columbus/Ohio

[4]: Brigitte Gabriel on Rifqa Bary

[5]: Walid Shoebat on Rifqa Bary

[6]: Usama Dakdok on Rifqa Bary

[7]: Ressources about Islam

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Save Rifqa Bary
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2010, 08:27:59 AM »
Sadly enough she is now battling cancer. Hopefully she will come out of it ok.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline mord

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Re: Save Rifqa Bary
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2010, 09:08:38 AM »
Yes shes Battling Cancer but i think i read she's doing better.Strickland is a leftist bum but i wrote him.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03