Translated by me 
Quotes of Butterwegge's essay, Broder is responding to in >><<
Henryk M. Broder 26.12.2009 22:24 +Feedback
Butterwegge and the unholy allianceIt is a nice old custom, to punish the bearer of a bad message for it's content. Already the ancient greeks had their fun with this. This tradition is now continued by scientists, who nurse their own myths. It sounds then like this:
>>Finally there was formed an "unholy alliance between Neonazis, right wing populists, cultural racists, Christian fundamentalists, feminists, intellectuals who are critical of religion, friends of animals, unprivileged members of lower classes and parts of the petty bourgeois who are threatened by social descent, that if provocative symbols and customs of the Muslims like the Burka or the halal slaughtering of animals are providing the necessary cement, it is definitely capable of winning a majority.<<
This "unholy alliance", in that are all miniority groups part of, except the bolschewiks, the freemansions and the Jews, has picked on the Moslems; it is represented in Germany by three persons, >>whose goal is to spread primitive resentments and propably even more to bring their media coverage forward<<, namely : >>Henryk M. Broder, Heinz Buschkowsky und Thilo Sarrazin<<.
The guy who writes this, is teaching political science in Cologne: Prof. Christoph Butterwegge. He is not the first intellectual, who has build his tent in the shadow of the cathedral. Before him there were Tünnes and Schääl, the dog catcher Andreas Leonhard Lersch (Läsche Nas), the night watchman Johann Jakob Hehn (policeman Streukooche) and Klaus the fiddler. In order to count in Cologne as an intellectual, you don't have to be capable of much. It is enough if you can differ between Shrove Monday and Ash Wednesday and between a "halve Hahn" (half biscuit with cheese) and a Flönz (smoked blood sausage).
Prof. Dr, Christoph Butterwegge is here already overqualified. He knows, what "direct democracy" not means, namely: >> That referendums can take place about all kind of political dissenses: Would the building of Synagoges in Germany depended on a decision of the majority, it would be never built a Jewish fane. Basic rights of miniorities are never be available to the voting decision of majorities.<<
[What an animal! Of cause he is right that there are in Germany lots of antisemites and probably there would be a problem with the rebuilding of synagoges if this decision would be made by the people. Even today in some areas. But he is one of them! This I call cheeky]Yes! If Cologne would be built at the Etsch, Butterwegge would never have become a political scientist, but in the best case an expert for semolina dumplings. Because he had become someone, he explains to the Swiss people how their vote on the Minarettes had >>harmed the political culture and the peacefull coexistence
[WHAT?] of the citizens<<.