Author Topic: THE CRISIS CREATORS Exposing Barack Obama's secret strategy for transforming USA  (Read 925 times)

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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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The American electorate has watched in amazement for a year as the Obama administration has created unprecedented havoc and outrage throughout the nation.

And yet, the actual result of 2009's non-stop crises has been not just the dramatic transfer of wealth and power away from citizens and small businesses and into the hands of government, but also the beginnings of a profound transformation of America's economic and governmental system.

Is it possible that the Obama administration is intentionally creating crises for the purpose of converting America into a full-fledged socialist state? To many, such a conclusion sounds like an absurd conspiracy theory.

But for those knowledgeable about the modern history of the radical left, creating crises is simply how things get done.

Indeed, in one of its most powerful issues ever, the January 2010 edition of Whistleblower magazine – titled "THE CRISIS CREATORS" – documents conclusively that the Obama administration's primary modus operandi of governance is the transformation of America through wreaking havoc.

Following the classic radical-left strategy of the manufactured crisis, the Obama administration and Congress are creating crises in every area of life and policy.

They're wreaking havoc throughout America's capitalist, free-enterprise system by taking over major industries like banking, auto and healthcare. And by multiplying the national debt so astronomically that the only mathematically possible way to pay it off is with the printing press, which translates directly into the "grand theft" of Americans' hard-earned wealth through major inflation.

But it's not just the economy. They're wreaking havoc also on America's national security, prosecuting U.S. soldiers for being too rough on terrorists, but rewarding confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed with a civilian trial in New York City and affording him all the powerful legal rights of an American citizen. And by badmouthing and apologizing for America overseas and bowing before Muslim kings, while scandalously snubbing leaders of America's few remaining allies like the U.K. and Israel.

They're creating crises in the nation's energy policy by stubbornly adhering to the controversial and now utterly discredited "global warming" theory and pursuing economically catastrophic legislation like "cap and trade." They're creating havoc in education by putting radical homosexual activist Kevin Jennings, notorious for sexually corrupting children, in charge of the safety of the nation's public schools.

In every area imaginable, as "THE CRISIS CREATORS" documents, the Obama administration is busily engaged in undermining and destroying the nation's key institutions – or as Obama himself euphemistically put it a few days before being elected president, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

"For the last year," says Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, "we've had it relentlessly hammered into our heads that America will self-destruct economically if we don't solve our cataclysmic healthcare crisis. But in reality, there is no healthcare crisis. We have the best medical services delivery system in world history. What about the poor and uninsured? In America, you can be an escaped-convict-illegal-alien-child-rapist, but if you get hurt and go to a public hospital, you will by law be taken care of, completely and totally, whether you can pay for it or not. That's not a broken system; that's the most magnificent system in the world."

(Story continues below)


"Of course, the government could easily create a simple safety net to help the small percentage of Americans who don't have health insurance," added Kupelian. "But they've never been interested in that. They're interested only in creating the illusion of a systemic and fatal healthcare crisis as a means of forcing socialism down free Americans' throats.

"And that's just one example. Manufacturing crises to force 'change' is how the radical left has operated for decades, and now that Obama, Pelosi and Reid are in power, fake crises and their terrible 'solutions' dominate life in America."

Highlights of "THE CRISIS CREATORS" include:

    * "Empowerment by manufactured crisis" by Joseph Farah

    * "The crisis creators" by David Kupelian, on how leaders keep us dependant and off balance

    * "Manufactured healthcare crisis" by James Simpson, in which the former White House economist reveals the shocking truth about Obamacare

    * "How ACORN creates crises to bring about 'change'" by Jerome R. Corsi, who shows that, from voter fraud to subprime mortgages, the notorious group is a chaos machine

    * "Famous weather scientist: Climategate 'tip of iceberg'" by Bob Unruh, on expert who reveals "one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the American people"

    * "U.N. climate chief cashes in on carbon" – exposing the global "climate change" leader's ties to a conglomerate that stands to make hundreds of millions in emissions scheme

    * "How U.N. redefined 'pandemic' to heighten alarm over H1N1" by Chelsea Schilling, on how and why the World Health Organization quietly changed the meaning of the scary term just before declaring "swine flu" a "pandemic"

    * "Swine-flu bribe fever!" by Chelsea Schilling, revealing links between the U.N.'s H1N1 scientists and companies making vaccines

    * "Obama's uncompromising inner man" by David Limbaugh, who shows how the president's "petty," "mean-spirited" personality pops out when he gets off teleprompter

    * "The left's religious-like dogmas" by Dennis Prager, who reveals that behind the seemingly secular political philosophy lies a fervent, irrational faith

    * "Are Obama, Pelosi, Reid mentally ill?" by Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D., in which the veteran forensic psychiatrist explains the ‘disturbed personalities’ of the political left

    * "How politicians 'solve' problems" by Thomas Sowell, on the secret to understanding elected officials and bureaucrats

    * "The silver lining of the left in power" by Dennis Prager, who points out that finally, America gets to see what happens when statists rule the state

    * "When half gives and half takes" by John Stossel, who provides a glimpse of what happens when government stops creating crises

"Many Americans already know what is going on in their country, and are understandably horrified," said Kupelian. "But now, in THE CRISIS CREATORS, they'll learn exactly why and how it's all being accomplished. With that kind of knowledge comes the wherewithal to effectively fight back – and for millions of outraged citizens, fighting back is what 2010 is all about."
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt