Oh, no, I just meant Moses did not grow up with a Jewish father, actually not even knowing himself to be a Jew[right?].
I kinda noticed that Moses never interacted with his own father, though his genetic Father was a Jew like his Mother; he did have some counsel from Jethro, a man who was not shy in telling him things from his role as the Father-in-law Father type of way, and Moses prospered from Jethro's advice. Jethro was known to be a righteous man, who was a non-Jew. My Dad is a righteous man of his own heart [with no help from his own parents], he has no religion; and he is not Jewish. A man of his character being graded against the Noahide laws is too simple! "7 questions? That's it?"
Did Moses ever get a chance to lay eyes on his Father even? Is there Midrash on this? My Dad is so special to me I get sad for Moses if he did not get to see his own Father, who would have been a slave during his life so very close to him but out of reach, this may likely have made Moses feel even more powerless about the Father relationship he lost out on as well.
Moses had to teach himself what a Jewish man is as he went along on his own, granted the stiff-necked slaves of Egypt were not all Rashi scholar-ed Jews, but Moses still was denied the chance to spend time with his Father as a child. Moses did not have multiple synagogues, libraries, or the internet with websites like this one to learn from either, so his task was even greater than mine [for other reasons as well of course, which surely reduces my task to the status of "humanly possible"] if I look to Torah I can find things about Moses/Yitro/me/my Dad that makes me feel positive. Sometimes I like to teach my Dad what I study in Torah, and last year when we talked about Jethro I called my Dad right after.
Jethro took care of Moses children while Moses was gone for many years, yes? This is a righteous deed which could crush weaker men.
As far as people who are actually "1/2 this and 1/2" that genetically for good examples...
Paul Newman, my Mom's favorite actor, was 1/2 Jewish... he played "
Ariel ben Caanan" in the classic, "Exodus". His Father's people were from Poland and Hungaria... some of my people are from Prussia.
"Newman had no religion as an adult, but described himself as "a Jew", stating that "it's more of a challenge""
-And this is why he played Ariel ben Caanan so well!
Alexander the Great! He was scoffed at for being only 1/2 Macedonian by Macedonian aristocracy... and he turned out pretty well for himself! [and he was kind to Jews, from what I have read. of all the bad things he did to bad people, he remained kind to those who were deserving of such treatment. one of my favorite people in history]
Sometimes I feel a little self-conscious about not having a traditional gorgeous Jewish nose like many of my friends do, but my beard growing ability did not come from my Dad's side...

As far as the 1/2's with the "way ward son" images go... Tiger Woods: Not a role-model, he has brought shame to his family, he has destroyed his personal life, and his professional life has taken a beating because his sponsors [or sponsors customers] do not condone behavior such as his.
It is very warming to hear that you got taken in for dinner immediately by another Jew upon meeting him. It speaks very positively of the Jewish community. It's one of the reasons I am dedicated to my children being brought up Jewish; both parents are equally highly enthusiastically happy about that decision.
Stories like these and others always reaffirm my goal of a positive focused traditional Jewish family... In a conversation with my wonderful room mate, she asked me, "while all Jews I know are nice to me if I am with you, how come the Jews are not so inviting to each and everyone who is not a Jew right-off-the-bat in the same way"; I responded, "if every other society were as inclusive to everyone as the Jewish society is to Jewish people such a thing would most certainly be so." Jewish society is supposed to be, "A light unto other nations." -I can point out my roomate's Mom as a great example of a G-d-fearing, G-d-loving righteous Gentile woman as proof "the fire" is catching on. -The Persian monotheist Zoroastrians were among the first to pick up on some of the good Jewish habits [as far as other religions go they seem to endorse good values as well, as many ordinary Christians do today]. Judaism has a tremendous track-record of success.
My synagogue has been violating mitzvoth? Oh my. It's a bit much to take in actually. That I need to investigate further post-haste. I have come to know my Torah study teacher is a more reliable source than anyone else, including the rabbis, about many things, I think he might have been brought up strictly, but I need to ask him why we do this! If I have been shooting myself in the foot while trying to be observant it is depressing.
Can you put me "in link" with a site explaining these laws so I can get a productive list of questioning for my teacher?
I love the singing stuff, and a lot of people know "secret moves" to do, like when to clap or snap, or stand up and do the wave, or bang on a bench, etc. that go into the service at certain particular times, I do not know but these are things also involved in perhaps Chabad and other Orthodox styles as well? I hope to observe and learn from observing in practice more of what I am forced to describe momentarily as "secret moves".