Author Topic: White Nationalist perfer Native American mongol blood over jewish blood!  (Read 19049 times)

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Offline BabylonianJew

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I always peek on Stromfront, Pan-Aryan allaince, and other "White Nationalists" sites, most of them i found out actually do belive that Mongoliods are superior to Caucasiods and especially those of "Aryan" extraction. The funniest thing most of the WN's fear Jewish blood, they call it a poison, and Jewish blood is not accepted, but rather they would accpet Native Americans and East Asian Mongoliods. The funny thing is who they claim Jews are an inferior race, and never accomplished much, when infact they try to claim our heritage, with their filithy "Christian" Idenity movement. The WN's accepted MONOGLIOD BLOOD OVER JEWISH BLOOD PATHATIC LOSERS. THE ARYAN NAZIS ENVY US JEWS BECAUSE WE HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO CIVILIZATION AND ALSO WE HAVE MOST NOBLE PRIZE WINNERS. AHSKENAZI JEWS HAVE THE HIGHEST IQ IN THE WORLD, FOLLOWED BY OTHER JEWS(MIZHARIS/SHEPARDIM), THEN ASIANS, THEN, WHITES(ARYANS).

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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You raise a good point--these Aryans are all phonies (they have no problem with Arabs, who are obviously nonwhite, after all), but I do hate using the term "mongrel blood". Righteous or not, there are no biological differences between the races and bandying about such concepts as "mongrel" or impure bloodlines defeats the purpose of Torah/Biblical Kahanism.

Offline Dr. Dan

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I think Chaim Ben Pesach has one thing in particular right: The extremists are easy to point out.  It's the so-called moderate anti-semites we have to finger.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline mord

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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline BabylonianJew

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WN's don't mind Arab or Paki blood, they only mind Black and Jewish blood, even more they accept people with far black ancestory but not with Jewish ancestory. The movement is ridiclous. They know accept Whites with black ancestory to do the fact many of them have Black in them, for example Southern Americans are 5% Black maternaly, Native American around 16%, and rest is European. The WN movement is filled with fuckups. Nordics look down on Meds, because according to them the Meds resluted from racial admixture with Semitic Arabs,the only people who could have high degrees of Arab blood is are the Maltaese they speak an Arab dailect, but mixed with latin.

Offline mord

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Well wait till they see their offspring ;D ;D
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline BabylonianJew

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Well wait till they see their offspring ;D ;D

Well with Arabs and Pakis, the kids usually do look "White" since Arabs and Pakis are a Caucasiod race.

Offline mord

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i saw some it depends on the arab or persian i know persians who are dark and almost mongol looking and some with red hair.the same goes for arabs a saudi animal looks different from a lebanese
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline BabylonianJew

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i saw some it depends on the arab or persian i know persians who are dark and almost mongol looking and some with red hair.the same goes for arabs a saudi animal looks different from a lebanese

What you saw was Turkoman, the one with Red hair is an Aryan possibly. Saudi Arabians are mostly Arabids, a dark Caucasiod race, that might have been influenced by Veddiod admixture, its typical among Iraqi Jews.

Offline mord

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No it was a persian jew
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline BabylonianJew

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No it was a persian jew

cool. All Caucasiod races do get red hair, blod hair once awhile. For example i used to know a Bharani who had blond hair, but green eyes not blue it was weird

Offline Lisa

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I know I wrote this on another thread but I'll post it once more since we're talking about red headed Iranians.  My parents are Persian Jews.  As were their parents before them, and so on.  My grandparents on my mother's side were quite light haired and light skinned, as are several of my aunts and uncles.  I have a red haired cousin whose brother is quite dark, and I have another blond haired blue eyed cousin.  When I asked my mother if our family has any European ancestry, she said no, and that we're Persian/Iranian through and through. 

Offline mord

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I knew a a jew from tripoli he lived in Netanya blue eyes and blonde hair
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline BabylonianJew

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I knew a a jew from tripoli he lived in Netanya blue eyes and blonde hair

its common among the Berbers to have those, most North African Jews are of Berber decent. Iam part Libyan Jew.

Offline mord

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yes but he really looked like a northern European
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline BabylonianJew

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yes but he really looked like a northern European

he porbably was a Berber from the Riffian areas

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Guys, I am gonna be blunt. I don't care much for these endless racial discussions. What counts is how a people acts and thinks, not what they look like.

I am with Chaim on this subject and constant racial threads make us look like idiots and turn people off from us. If we are going to criticize a particular race for the way that it ACTS, that is one thing. If we are endlessly going to talk about mixing blood and various physical characteristics, we are playing right into the Bolshevist's trap and giving them plenty of ammo to use against us to call us racists with.


Offline mord

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My brother was in Malta there are alot of Jews there also, kosher stores
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline genteelgentile

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You know, it is funny that just when I was clicking on to the second page of this thread, I was thinking about how all this "racial identity" stuff is getting boring and tedious; and then there was Chaimfan's response.  I don't know if I would quite agree with everything that was pointed out, but can we maybe move on from all the minute details.  There is nothing wrong with the original subject line story, but it just deteriorated from there.
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Offline dawntreader

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I agree with Chaimfan. There is no such thing as "Mongrel blood". No race whatsoever is superior to another.

Different cultures might be superior to other cultures. But! That doesn't make individual persons better than other individual persons. What makes one right is whether you are righteous or not in the eyes of HaShem. That's the only thing that matters.

Also, I really don't like the idea posted that Ashkenazi IQ is the highest in the world...followed by Sephardim and then the Aryans etc. What kind of Garbage is this?!

IQ is not based on race. Anyone who suggests that it is, are themselves falling into some kind of stupid pseudoscience nonsense. I am Ashkenazi...but to suggest that the Ashkenazim are smarter than the Sephardim is nothing, if not insulting.

Not just this, but to postulate that we are smarter than the rest of the world? Give me a break. We are smart yeah...but it's because our culture encourages us to study hard. Any other culture...if they insisted on education and study would eventually have the same sort of "brainy" statistics we do.

Come on, lets end the whole racial superiority crap I have been seeing from certain posters. We aren't StørmFrønt. AND we shouldn't even desire to be ANYTHING like them.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 07:12:17 AM by dawntreader »
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Offline dawntreader

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Are you saying that they are converts and not from the original Jews?

As all of you know...Rabbi Kahane would point out that a convert to Judaism is as Jewish as a Jew born to Jewish parents. So Converted Berber Jews with blonde hair and blue eyes would still be Jewish.
Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

Our peace must be a peace of victors, not of the vanquished.
- General Ferdinand Foch

We have met the enemy and they are ours.
- Oliver Hazard Perry

Offline BabylonianJew

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I knew a a jew from tripoli he lived in Netanya blue eyes and blonde hair

its common among the Berbers to have those, most North African Jews are of Berber decent. Iam part Libyan Jew.

Are you saying that they are converts and not from the original Jews?

Yes the Libyan Jews are Berber converts to Jaudism, they might have been part of the lost tribes of Israel.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2007, 04:29:30 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

Offline BabylonianJew

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I knew a a jew from tripoli he lived in Netanya blue eyes and blonde hair

its common among the Berbers to have those, most North African Jews are of Berber decent. Iam part Libyan Jew.

Are you saying that they are converts and not from the original Jews?

Yes the Libyan Jews are Berber converts to Jaudism, they might have been part of the lost tribes of Israel.

There is no basis for that. You should ask Chaim about it in Ask JTF. What don't you post questions for him ever? Do you ever listen to JTF shows?

Yes I do, this how i came to know this site. So your saying the lost tribes of Israel are a myth?, When the Arabs invaded North Africa in the 7th century the most powerful Berber tribes that resisted parcticed the Jaudic faith. The Berber female warrior Dehayiah was from Berber Jewish tribe.

Offline BabylonianJew

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The Berbers are a Hamitic people, not lost tribes. North African Jews are not related to Berbers.

Chaim has said that the lost tribes are gone and only the ancient lost tribes will return when we have Techiyat HaMeitim.

Yes most Berbers are Hamities. Until the barabaric Arabs Semitized them.

Offline mord

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The Berber female warrior Dehayiah was from Berber Jewish tribe.
This is true
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03