Author Topic: Join WND in fighting CAIR in court!  (Read 2426 times)

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Join WND in fighting CAIR in court!
« on: January 12, 2010, 07:05:09 PM »

As you may know, WND is locked in a dramatic and ongoing legal battle with the terror-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, which has sued one of our authors over the blockbuster book "Muslim Mafia," based in part on a daring six-month undercover operation by three young investigators posing as CAIR "interns."

Recently, the case has swung in our direction – see last week's story, "Judge rules against CAIR" – but the battle is far from over, and the current good result has been made possible only because you have supported us this far in our battle with this notorious Islamist organization.

Please continue to support as generously as possible WND's Legal Defense Fund.

We're doing well in this lawsuit so far for three reasons: 1) We're in the right, 2) We have the best attorneys in the country, and 3) We've been blessed with your financial support. Remember, lawsuits are extremely expensive – even if you're in the right.

What's it all about?

Last month, attorneys for WND Books author P. David Gaubatz and his son Chris – whose harrowing undercover investigation of CAIR resulted not only in the blockbuster book "Muslim Mafia," but also in a lawsuit against them by CAIR – filed a legal brief claiming the D.C.-based Muslim-rights group has no claim because it does not legally exist.

That's right. Doesn't even legally exist! You can read the whole story explaining the legal filing and examine the actual documents themselves, but this is a bombshell development in the lawsuit filed against our author by the notorious Islamic group.

In this audacious, ACORN-style undercover operation by Chris Gaubatz and two young ladies, all three pretended to convert to Islam – he grew a beard, they wore veils – and landed positions as interns with the notorious Islamic organization headquartered just three blocks from the U.S. Capitol. In the process, they retrieved 12,000 pages of internal CAIR documents.

CAIR is known by the U.S. government to be a Saudi-funded, terrorist-front group, whose terror connections caused the FBI earlier this year to cut off ties with the organization. The U.S. Justice Department has likewise branded CAIR an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the largest terror-funding trial in U.S. history. In other words, in law enforcement terms CAIR is a "dirty" organization. It has supported known terror groups like Hamas, it has engaged in placing interns and staffers in key congressional offices, and works ceaselessly to undermine America's post-9/11 security, according to multiple FBI agents.

Indeed, as "Muslim Mafia" documents exhaustively, major Islamic subversion of America is taking place right under our noses, to the point that most of this nation's largest "mainstream" Islamic "civil rights," "charitable" and "lobbying" organizations are in fact fronts for the dangerous international Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of al-Qaida and Hamas. One major nexus of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. is the supposedly "moderate and mainstream" CAIR.

Americans' knowledge of all this increased dramatically with WND Books' recent publication of "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America," co-authored by P. David Gaubatz, a former federal agent and veteran terrorism investigator, as well as investigative reporter and "Infiltration" author Paul Sperry.

Predictably, CAIR has denied all charges against it – disputing the Justice Department designation of the group as a terror co-conspirator, faulting the FBI, and condemning members of Congress who, based on "Muslim Mafia"'s revelations, have recently called for three separate federal probes of the organization. Instead, on Nov. 2 CAIR filed in federal district court in Washington, D.C., a lawsuit against Chris Gaubatz and his father, "Muslim Mafia" co-author P. David Gaubatz.

The next day, Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, based solely on the requests from CAIR's lawyers and without benefit of input from the defendants (that'll come later), granted CAIR's demand for a temporary restraining order barring P. David Gaubatz and his son, Chris Gaubatz, from further use or publication of the internal documents, recordings and records obtained in the six-month undercover operation, and ordering they return them to CAIR's lawyers by midnight Nov 18.

(Story continues below)


Although CAIR contends Chris Gaubatz stole the documents, WND founder and CEO Joseph Farah has previously explained in a letter to Congress that the CAIR material was legally obtained by the young investigator, who had been asked by CAIR officials "to shred documents he believed might be criminal evidence … and involve matters of national security."

"On advice from counsel, he collected those documents and preserved them. None of the documents were 'stolen,'" Farah said. "They were, in fact, handed to him by CAIR employees for destruction. All of the documents are available for review by appropriate law-enforcement authorities and, in fact, some have already been provided to them."

In fact, since the lawsuit was filed, the FBI has jumped into the fray, serving a warrant asking for the same CAIR documents.

WorldNetDaily has stepped up to the plate by coming to the defense of its author, Dave Gaubatz, and his investigator son, and are aggressively fighting this lawsuit – which is switching to offense today. But all that requires money.

"This is a battle we absolutely can win," said Farah, "especially since we have retained the very best First Amendment attorneys in the world – including the lawyer who defended Ronald Reagan – to defend our author and our book. But lawsuits are very expensive and we urgently need our readers to help us fight this radical Islamic group's attack on us."
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt