Author Topic: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan  (Read 20777 times)

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Offline ProudToBeSerb

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Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« on: January 20, 2010, 01:02:43 PM »
Stipe Mesic croatian president talk to a newspaper that in case of separation Republika Srpska from Bosina and Hercegovina he will invade Republika Srpska with military forces.
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!

Offline Saint Sava

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2010, 01:29:05 PM »
Cheap political sensationalism: he's out of power and wants to provoke, even if it's more than notorious he deeply hates Serbs, since the days in communist-terrorist gangs, so-called "partisans" which collaborated with the Nazis, and known by the Allied political and military top as "the croatian army". >:(

Offline Boyana

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2010, 10:16:17 PM »
 I volunteer to pluck his ( Mesich )beard


Offline ProudToBeSerb

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2010, 11:08:58 AM »
They are joining NATO and that is real threat... Maybe it's gonna happend in near future, nothing is imposible...
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2010, 05:14:24 PM »
Republika Srpska is much stronger than Mesic thinks. We have the most experienced army in Europe. No Croat would come out alive from there. Plus, fighters from Serbia would would cross Drina river and defeat nazis once and for all. I am not afraid from NATO. NATO cowards could only bomb hospitals, radio and telvision stations, bridges and other civilian objects. Up to 500 Serbian soldiers died in NATO invasion mostly from Albanian gangs. Our military stayed almost untouched. Mesic is overt nazi and he admitted that himself. How can people in Republika Srpska be afraid of Croatian nazis? There is no way.
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline Saint Sava

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2010, 04:33:46 PM »
Republika Srpska is much stronger than Mesic thinks. We have the most experienced army in Europe. No Croat would come out alive from there. Plus, fighters from Serbia would would cross Drina river and defeat nazis once and for all. I am not afraid from NATO. NATO cowards could only bomb hospitals, radio and telvision stations, bridges and other civilian objects. Up to 500 Serbian soldiers died in NATO invasion mostly from Albanian gangs. Our military stayed almost untouched. Mesic is overt nazi and he admitted that himself. How can people in Republika Srpska be afraid of Croatian nazis? There is no way.
Problems are arms: there was a demilitarization of my fellow Serbs and RE-militarization of Croats, shiptars and bosnian moslems in the Balkans with new modern equipment, and it is not sure that Serbia under such rulers we have on the political scene in Serbia, would delare war as a respond to an ustashi attack on Serbs west from the Drina, as Milosevic also never did.

Problem is also that Serbs are surrounded by NATO, and there also already is NATO on Serbian soil, through the nobody-knows-how-many agents going through the US embassy, as "srbian democrats" signed a treatee several years ago that enables US forces to cross Serbian territory whenever they want, with just informing the officials, but not even asking for permission. >:(

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2010, 02:28:36 AM »
Does Croatia want to annex Republika Srpska? As far as I know, present-day Srpska used to be part of Nazi Croatia during WW 2.
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Offline ProudToBeSerb

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2010, 10:14:22 AM »
Does Croatia want to annex Republika Srpska? As far as I know, present-day Srpska used to be part of Nazi Croatia during WW 2.

They want to annex Republika Srpska to provoke Serbs, but this time they are much stronger because NATO is gonna equipe them and albanians and everyone who can be used against us. It's not so naive situation and it's a real danger and if it's gonna happens it could be in very near future I think in my life time...
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2010, 02:20:26 PM »
Does Croatia want to annex Republika Srpska? As far as I know, present-day Srpska used to be part of Nazi Croatia during WW 2.
Croatia can't annex Srpska because foreign powers wouldn't allow it, but their leadership would love to help Bosnian muslims destroy it, and make a muslim dominated Bosnia.
I don't know if we would be able to defend ourselves, because NATO, USA and Europe weakened our army, and who knows if Serbia would intervene. On the other hand, I don't think Croats have the will to die for something like that.

Offline george_jtf

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2010, 05:24:14 PM »
Does Croatia want to annex Republika Srpska? As far as I know, present-day Srpska used to be part of Nazi Croatia during WW 2.
Croatia can't annex Srpska because foreign powers wouldn't allow it, but their leadership would love to help Bosnian muslims destroy it, and make a muslim dominated Bosnia.
I don't know if we would be able to defend ourselves, because NATO, USA and Europe weakened our army, and who knows if Serbia would intervene. On the other hand, I don't think Croats have the will to die for something like that.

Croatia wouln't have the courage or foreign support to do it. Why? Primarily because of today's Putin Russia (not 1990's Yeltsin's) is fully supportive of Republika Srpska and have massive investments in Srpska. I strongly doubt that they would try. Further, Croatia's economy and Muslim/Croat Federation is severely bad due to great decrease of foreign aid. For the past few years, RS economy has been much better than that of the other Muslim/Croat Federation.
Croats would definitely not want Muslims to have full control of Srpska because if it happened, Croatia would definitely be next of the list of islamization. It would also signal the fall of Tadic's traitorous regime by the people, just like the one in 2000. Nationalists would be back in power (which I would welcome), volunteers from Serbia & Montenegro, arms from Russia & China. Yes, both Russia and China have economic ties in RS. You must look at it more at an economical, rather than military aspect. Everyone protects their own economic interests.

Since Milorad Dodik (my favorite Serbian leader right now) came to power, Western powers together have been trying to overthrow Dodik, but are yet to do so because of Dodik's popularity and again, Russia and China.

Istra Peninsula has a large Italian population and was NEVER part of Croatia. This Italian population and even good part of Dalmatian coast is pro-italian, rather than pro-Nazi Croatian. Since 1945, they have wanted to be part of Italy. Many Serbs mistake those who live in Dalmatia to be pro-Nazi Croats, but that is so innacurate.

NATO would not be able to get involved because according to it's own rules, which they themselves have broken often, NATO allies help each other "ONLY" when one of the members is attacked, not if they are attacking someone.

In conclusion, Croats have enough of their own problems.

Would I personally like the war to occur. That is a hard question to answer because I am against killing innocent civilians, even Croatian civilians due to some egoistical idiot who wants it. Why he said it? Maybe because he is smoking some good chronic.

On the pro-war side, I would like to see some old scores settled once and for all. I don't think that Serbs should take the whole country, but rather take only what is rightfully ours, Italians take what's rightfully more or less.   This would pretty much make true croatia the size of Rhode Island (no offense intended to Rhode Islanders). Pretty much, Zagorje (area around Zagreb) would be central Croatia. Those are the Croats that you have to be careful with because those are the true Croats and would kill anyone who isn't a Roman Catholic Croat, period.

You have to understand that eventhough what they did to us in the last 100 years, that nothing goes unpunished. I just hope that if it happens, that Serbs will show more mercy towards Croats than they did towards us. We have to learn how to play the game on our own. Western economies and influences worldwide are slowly dissipating ( NO $$$ for new wars),while new economic blocks are taking over. If anything, this insult by Croatia is nothing but a last attempt to stop this, but to no avail yet. Current Croatian foreign debt is over $45 billion, some of it to Russia and China.

For example, in 2008, during the Georgian war, Western Powers, led by US were testing Russian response. I believe that they were completely shocked by the intensity of the Russian force that the conflict taught them that today's Russia will not allow someone to get involved in their zone of influence. NEVER COMPARE 90'S RUSSIA TO PUTIN'S RUSSIA because it is an understatement. Putin has more than once shown this...remember Chechnya...what's Chechnya..........exactly).

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2010, 05:31:17 AM »
Thank you for extensive analysis! I hope Russia and China will not abandon Srpska in case of war.

Did Croatia try to invade Srpska after they destroyed Serbian Krajina in 1990-es? If yes, were Croats defeated on the battlefield?
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Offline Novakovic

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2010, 11:06:33 AM »
Did Croatia try to invade Srpska after they destroyed Serbian Krajina in 1990-es? If yes, were Croats defeated on the battlefield?

The army of Croatia tried to conquer the capitol of Republic of Srpska [Banja Luka] after the brutal invasion of Republic of Serbian Krajina in 1995.
The Croats and Muslims were not defeated on the battlefields. The armies of Republic of Croatia and the Croatian-Muslim coalition from Bosnia and Herzegovina  were physically able to crush the Bosnian Serbs in 1995, after the fall of Krajina. But they did not succeed.   

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2010, 02:49:21 PM »
Thank you for extensive analysis! I hope Russia and China will not abandon Srpska in case of war.

Did Croatia try to invade Srpska after they destroyed Serbian Krajina in 1990-es? If yes, were Croats defeated on the battlefield?
Regular army of Croatia did invade Republika Srpska after the fall of Krajina in 1995, with the support of western powers. Milosevic kept Serbian army out of it, and even imposed sanctions on Bosnian Serbs, because he wanted to be seen as a peacemaker. He thought he was going to be nominated for Nobel peace prize:) That's why I don't see him as a big victim. He betrayed our people west of Drina river.
Arkan fought heroically at that time against Croats for Banjaluka, but I think in the end we would have lost the western part of Republika Srpska. It was about 1.5 million Serbs (without gas for tanks) against 5 million Croats and 2 million muslims.

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2010, 03:43:16 AM »
Thank you for extensive analysis! I hope Russia and China will not abandon Srpska in case of war.

Did Croatia try to invade Srpska after they destroyed Serbian Krajina in 1990-es? If yes, were Croats defeated on the battlefield?
Regular army of Croatia did invade Republika Srpska after the fall of Krajina in 1995, with the support of western powers. Milosevic kept Serbian army out of it, and even imposed sanctions on Bosnian Serbs, because he wanted to be seen as a peacemaker. He thought he was going to be nominated for Nobel peace prize:) That's why I don't see him as a big victim. He betrayed our people west of Drina river.
Arkan fought heroically at that time against Croats for Banjaluka, but I think in the end we would have lost the western part of Republika Srpska. It was about 1.5 million Serbs (without gas for tanks) against 5 million Croats and 2 million muslims.
Was it Arkan who prevented the occupation of Srpska by Croats and Muslims? Why Croats and Muslims had to agree to split Bosnia into Srpska and Croat-Muslim Federation despite their military andvantage, support of the West and inaction of Milosevic's Yugoslavia?
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2010, 06:08:49 AM »
Was it Arkan who prevented the occupation of Srpska by Croats and Muslims?
I don't think so. Like I said, he fought bravely, but he had no more than 500 men under his command.

Why Croats and Muslims had to agree to split Bosnia into Srpska and Croat-Muslim Federation despite their military andvantage, support of the West and inaction of Milosevic's Yugoslavia?
Good question. Probably Milosevic made a deal with Americans. Serbs lose Krajina and some land in western Bosnia, Yugoslavian army keeps out of it, and then he becomes a great peacemaker in Dayton and gets to stay in power.
Milosevic was forcing Bosnian Serbs to accept a peace plan (Vance-Owen plan) as early as 1993. That plan was a disaster for Serbs and much worse than Dayton. (Similar to what Jewish "peacemakers" are proposing to Israel) Fortunately, Bosnian Serbs said F.Y. to Milosevic.

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2010, 07:21:12 AM »
Was it Arkan who prevented the occupation of Srpska by Croats and Muslims?

Arkan controlled a small paramilitary army and was not able to resist the Croatian and Bosnian Muslim forces.

Why Croats and Muslims had to agree to split Bosnia into Srpska and Croat-Muslim Federation despite their military andvantage, support of the West and inaction of Milosevic's Yugoslavia?

Like you said before the army of Republic of Croatia along with the Croat-Muslim coallition from Bosnia and Herzegovina went direction the capitol of RS, Banja Luka after, the defeat of Republic of Serbian Krajina. They tried to achieve the same in RS in 1995, after the brutal invasion of Krajina.

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2010, 07:40:46 AM »
Why Croats and Muslims had to agree to split Bosnia into Srpska and Croat-Muslim Federation despite their military andvantage, support of the West and inaction of Milosevic's Yugoslavia?
Like you said before the army of Republic of Croatia along with the Croat-Muslim coallition from Bosnia and Herzegovina went direction the capitol of RS, Banja Luka after, the defeat of Republic of Serbian Krajina. They tried to achieve the same in RS in 1995, after the brutal invasion of Krajina.
I understand. The question is why Croats and Muslims did not conquer Banja Luka and the rest of RS. Maybe, like voo-yo said, Milosevic made some kind of a deal with the US.

Btw, welcome to the forum. Добро нам дошао!
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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2010, 07:54:58 AM »
Btw, welcome to the forum. Добро нам дошао!

Thanks for the welcome!

Maybe, like voo-yo said, Milosevic made some kind of a deal with the US.

They supported the invasion of the Serbian territories. The NATO participated in the so called operation strom, the invasion of Krajina and carried out military strikes against the army of Republic of Srpska.

The US allowed and also participated in the Croatian aggresion on Krajina, an area which was placed under UN-protection. The NATO would not have a problem if the Croats together with Muslims would also invade RS in 1995.
Currenlty the NATO and US representatives are proclaiming that the exinstence of RS within Bosnia and Herzegovina is unnecessary. They advocate for the elimination of RS and the centralization of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Back then the US would tolerate an invasion against RS just like they tolerated the invasion against Republic of Serbian Krajina.

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2010, 09:35:03 AM »
Btw, welcome to the forum. Добро нам дошао!

Thanks for the welcome!

Maybe, like voo-yo said, Milosevic made some kind of a deal with the US.

They supported the invasion of the Serbian territories. The NATO participated in the so called operation strom, the invasion of Krajina and carried out military strikes against the army of Republic of Srpska.

The US allowed and also participated in the Croatian aggresion on Krajina, an area which was placed under UN-protection. The NATO would not have a problem if the Croats together with Muslims would also invade RS in 1995.
Currenlty the NATO and US representatives are proclaiming that the exinstence of RS within Bosnia and Herzegovina is unnecessary. They advocate for the elimination of RS and the centralization of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Back then the US would tolerate an invasion against RS just like they tolerated the invasion against Republic of Serbian Krajina.
Spectator asked why did Croats and Muslims stop their offensive. You gave him no answer. The fact is Bosnian Serb army was in difficult position in the late summer of 1995. They had no petrol for their vehicles and the enemy was numerically superior. Republika Srpska was attacked from all sides. Yugoslavia imposed sanctions on them.
Croats and Muslims had no reason to stop their attack unless Americans told them to stop. Americans told them to stop most probably because they had a deal with Milosevic. Milosevic must have agreed to give Krajina and a piece of western Bosnia and in turn Americans declare him "a man of peace".

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2010, 01:06:32 PM »
From the beginning of the war the Americans along with the European Community advocated for the independence of Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. The Americans did not want to see Serbian Republics within Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The American foreign policy was clear about that.

I believe that Milosevic made some deals with America. I agree with you on that.
I do not think at all that the Americans respected their deals with Slobodan Milosevic. If it was in the interest of the American objectives, than the Americans would probably respect those so called agreements. The Americans were against any form of Serbian control within Bosnia and Herzegovina or Republic of Croatia. The behavior of the American foreign policy and its representatives was clear about that on the terrain. The Americans would not endanger their own agenda because of Milosevic and their deal with him.

I do not think that the prevention of the Croatian-Muslim invasion of Republic of Srpska was a consequence of some kind of deals between America and Milosevic.

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2010, 01:33:56 PM »
From the beginning of the war the Americans along with the European Community advocated for the independence of Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. The Americans did not want to see Serbian Republics within Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The American foreign policy was clear about that.

I believe that Milosevic made some deals with America. I agree with you on that.
I do not think at all that the Americans respected their deals with Slobodan Milosevic. If it was in the interest of the American objectives, than the Americans would probably respect those so called agreements. The Americans were against any form of Serbian control within Bosnia and Herzegovina or Republic of Croatia. The behavior of the American foreign policy and its representatives was clear about that on the terrain. The Americans would not endanger their own agenda because of Milosevic and their deal with him.
They thought that Serbs will, as time goes by, give in to western demands and that Republika Srpska will slowly and quietly disappear. Exactly that was happening until a few years ago, when Dodik stopped that process.   

I do not think that the prevention of the Croatian-Muslim invasion of Republic of Srpska was a consequence of some kind of deals between America and Milosevic.
Then how do you explain it? They were near Banjaluka when they stopped. Why do you think they signed the Dayton agreement?

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2010, 03:15:05 PM »
Do any of you who think that Croats would be able to crush Srpska know how large army Serbs had at that time? It is insane to say that muslim-croat coalition would even enter Banja Luka :laugh: You are under muslim propaganda which states that Americans saved Serbs by not letting ustasha-muslim forces to take over Banja Luka :laugh:

I just do not beleive what am I reading here :o
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2010, 03:18:22 PM »
They thought that Serbs will, as time goes by, give in to western demands and that Republika Srpska will slowly and quietly disappear. Exactly that was happening until a few years ago, when Dodik stopped that process. 

Do you mean that Americans didn't want Serbs to have real autonomy in Bosnia, but they needed some puppet Serbian entity, just to present themselves as peacemakers who are just to all sides?
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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2010, 03:22:11 PM »
Do any of you who think that Croats would be able to crush Srpska know how large army Serbs had at that time? It is insane to say that muslim-croat coalition would even enter Banja Luka :laugh: You are under muslim propaganda which states that Americans saved Serbs by not letting ustasha-muslim forces to take over Banja Luka :laugh:

I just do not beleive what am I reading here :o

Can you tell us about the defence forces of Srpska and how they battled Croats and Muslims on the ground?
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2010, 04:25:14 PM »
They thought that Serbs will, as time goes by, give in to western demands and that Republika Srpska will slowly and quietly disappear. Exactly that was happening until a few years ago, when Dodik stopped that process. 

Do you mean that Americans didn't want Serbs to have real autonomy in Bosnia, but they needed some puppet Serbian entity, just to present themselves as peacemakers who are just to all sides?
Of course. They couldn't destroy Srpska in 1995. completely because people in Serbia wouldn't allow it. They wanted it to be a slow process, and they are still working on it. Dodik bothers them, and that's why I fear for his life.