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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2010, 11:06:49 PM »
Do any of you who think that Croats would be able to crush Srpska know how large army Serbs had at that time? It is insane to say that muslim-croat coalition would even enter Banja Luka :laugh: You are under muslim propaganda which states that Americans saved Serbs by not letting ustasha-muslim forces to take over Banja Luka :laugh:

I just do not beleive what am I reading here :o

Can you tell us about the defence forces of Srpska and how they battled Croats and Muslims on the ground?
We had such a strong fighters in that area that it would be a suicide mission to even think about attacking Banja Luka. Krajina Serbs lost war not on the battle field but they were give order from politicians to retreat. I will provide you a list of our troops. I had some good information before. Trust me what I tell you-there is no way they would advance any futher into our territory
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2010, 02:48:42 AM »
They thought that Serbs will, as time goes by, give in to western demands and that Republika Srpska will slowly and quietly disappear. Exactly that was happening until a few years ago, when Dodik stopped that process.   

I agree. Everybody can see that through the centralization the EU tries to  administratively eliminate the Serbian entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They are using their followers within the Muslim-Croat federation to accomplish that.
The US functionaries like R. Holbrook and other top diplomats regret the fact that Republic of Srpska did not disappear in 1995, just like Krajina. They say in front of the media, that 1995 was the perfect time to eliminate the ‘’murderous’’ regime of Banja Luka. Like you say, they are trying to gradually eliminate all the attributes of RS and that can lead to the separation of RS from Bosnia and Herzegovina.   

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2010, 04:00:17 AM »
Can you tell us about the defence forces of Srpska and how they battled Croats and Muslims on the ground?

If we want to debate the conflicts between the Serbian forces west from the river of Drina  [Krajina and Bosnia & Herzegovina] and the forces of Republic of Croatia and the Croatian-Muslim coalition from Bosnia and Herzegovina, than we must bare in mind that the statistics were on the side of the Croats and Muslims, during 1991-1995. In 1990 the Croats constituted 79% of Croatia’s population and within Bosnia and Herzegovina the Croats and Muslims constituted approximately 65% of the total population. The numbers were on their sides.

In 1995 the Croats and Muslims were well armed, enjoyed political, military and media support from the Western world. Their motivation was very high.
If the army of Krajina did not withdraw to Serbia, than the Croat-Muslim coalition would have a problem with the Serbs west from the river of Drina. After the fall of Krajina, Republic of Croatia was able to send all of its forces to Bosnia and with the help of the Bosnian Croats and Muslims, Croatia could enter in Banja Luka. After all they did not realize their intention to destroy RS. Why? Only those Serbs who were present on the terrain know why the Croatian and Muslim forces did not invade RS, after the defeat of Krajina. After the end of Krajina, the remaining Bosnian Serbs could not resist the Croats and the Bosnian Muslims, who were supported by NATO. We all know that! The Croatian-Muslim propaganda claims that America prevented the invasion against RS in 1995. If you only know that, than you do not know the whole story! Remember, the Americans only care about their own interests. The American interests were to be compared to the interests of Croatia and the Bosnian Muslims. So it is very contradictive to claim that America stopped the Croatian invasion against the Bosnian Serbs!!

I will tell you why the forces of Republic of Croatia and the Croat-Muslim coalition of BiH were stopped from conquering Banja Luka.

After the tragic fall of Republic of Serbian Krajina more than 250.000 Serbian refugees arrived to the territory of Republic of Serbia. The authorities of Republic of Serbia were extremely surprised about the amount of refugees from Krajina. It was a chaos and Serbia was not prepared to receive that amount of refugees. The authorities of Republic of Serbia were not happy about that situation. During these moments the Croatian and Bosnian forces arrived near Banja Luka. Republic of Serbia could not handle the refuges from Krajina and in case that RS also falls, than Republic of Serbia would be totally exhausted by the amount of refugees.
So when the Croats and Muslims were going towards Banja Luka, the authorities of Republic of Serbia started to mobilize the army of Republic of Serbia and Montenegro.
If the Croatians and Muslims start to attack Banja Luka, the army of Republic of Serbia and Montenegro would get involved in the conflict. Everybody who was present in Serbia in 1995 knows that a mobilization was taking place, because the Croats and Muslims threaded to also occupy RS. The authorities of Republic of Serbia did betray Krajina, but they would not tolerate the expasion of Croatia until the river of Drina. The deal was to surrender Krajina and to control atleast the areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which were near Serbia. 
The Americans were informed about the fact that in case the Croats attack Banja Luka, the army of Republic of Serbia and Montenegro  may get involved in the war. The Americans did everything in power to prevent an eventual involvement of Republic of Serbia in the war in Bosnia; this because if Serbia gets involved in the war the interests of the Croats and Muslims would be endangered.
Thats why the Americans suggested to Croatia to aviod an eventual military confrontation with Serbia. It was quite possible that Serbia would stop the invasion of RS, because Serbia could not handle all the refugees any longer.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 07:32:47 AM by Novakovic »

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2010, 03:13:45 PM »
Austrian soldiers were well armed, and Hitler had a huge army and lost :::D  Muslims and Croatian nazis were encouraged by NATO bombings and that is all. We lost three cities totaling 100.000 people together :laugh: They would not even take that but our communications were cut off by NATO bombs. Attacking Banja Luka was a suicide mission.
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #29 on: January 31, 2010, 09:32:03 AM »
After the tragic fall of Republic of Serbian Krajina more than 250.000 Serbian refugees arrived to the territory of Republic of Serbia. The authorities of Republic of Serbia were extremely surprised about the amount of refugees from Krajina. It was a chaos and Serbia was not prepared to receive that amount of refugees. The authorities of Republic of Serbia were not happy about that situation. During these moments the Croatian and Bosnian forces arrived near Banja Luka. Republic of Serbia could not handle the refuges from Krajina and in case that RS also falls, than Republic of Serbia would be totally exhausted by the amount of refugees.
So when the Croats and Muslims were going towards Banja Luka, the authorities of Republic of Serbia started to mobilize the army of Republic of Serbia and Montenegro.
If the Croatians and Muslims start to attack Banja Luka, the army of Republic of Serbia and Montenegro would get involved in the conflict. Everybody who was present in Serbia in 1995 knows that a mobilization was taking place, because the Croats and Muslims threaded to also occupy RS. The authorities of Republic of Serbia did betray Krajina, but they would not tolerate the expasion of Croatia until the river of Drina. The deal was to surrender Krajina and to control atleast the areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which were near Serbia. 
The Americans were informed about the fact that in case the Croats attack Banja Luka, the army of Republic of Serbia and Montenegro  may get involved in the war. The Americans did everything in power to prevent an eventual involvement of Republic of Serbia in the war in Bosnia; this because if Serbia gets involved in the war the interests of the Croats and Muslims would be endangered.
Thats why the Americans suggested to Croatia to aviod an eventual military confrontation with Serbia. It was quite possible that Serbia would stop the invasion of RS, because Serbia could not handle all the refugees any longer.

That is really interesting and makes sense. Does that mean that even though Milosevic betrayed Krajina, he was not a complete traitor and cared for the rest of Serbian nation?

I also wonder why Americans prevented the direct conflict between Republic of Serbia and Croatia. Did they feared Croatia would be defeated?
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2010, 10:00:11 AM »
That is really interesting and makes sense. Does that mean that even though Milosevic betrayed Krajina, he was not a complete traitor and cared for the rest of Serbian nation?

You pull the right conclusion when you say that Milosevic betrayed Krajina.
By surrendering Krajina to Croatia, Milosevic endangered both Serbia and Serbian Bosnia and Herzegovina [Republika Srpska]. That makes him a complete traitor.
I hope that you understand that Milosevic's politic was a danger to the survival of all Serbs.

Slobodan Milosevic was not a real Serb and he was also not a real man.
He was a communist above everything and he only cared about his position.
He was able to eliminate his political opponents if it would benefit his position. There is nothing Serbian about him. He was not Serbian, neither human.

The regime of Milosevic was able to betray Krajina, but because of the pressure of the refugees the regime did not want to lose RS. They could handle anymore refugees and that's why they did not want RS to be defeated. 

I also wonder why Americans prevented the direct conflict between Republic of Serbia and Croatia. Did they feared Croatia would be defeated?

Well Croatia was 5 years long so called oppressed by a Serbian town [Knin] and it’s surrounding Serbian villages. Croatia needed 5 years to defeat the Krajina Serbs, who constituted only 20% of Croatia's population. Poor Croatia was from 1991 to 1995 under threat of the Serbian minority? Croatia was not attacked by the Serbian minority, that’s funny; the Serbian minority was attacked by the Croatian regime, which eliminated the clause on the Serbian sovereignty from Croatia's constitution.

In the beginning Serbia supported the Serbian minority which was under threat of Croatian neo fascism. It is a tragedy that Belgrade did not support the Krajina Serbs until the last moments.

Croatia could not even handle the Serbian minority by it self, let alone Republic of Serbia. The US did everything in power to prevent an eventual conflict between Serbia and Croatia. Because if Serbia would get involved in the war, the numbers would be on the side of the Serbs.

Before the Croatian invasion against the Republic of Serbian Krajina occurred in 1995 [operation Storm] the US said to Milosevic that he is authorized to do everything with his current opponents. That’s why Slobodan Milosevic arrested Vojislav Seselj along with high ranking members of the nationalist opposition party and placed them in jail; this while the Croats were carrying out  genocide on the Krajina Serbs. What a national shame!

Slobodan Milosevic is the father of Republic of Croatia. He ordered the withdraw of the army of Krajina and allowed Croatia to expelled and murder Serbian people.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2010, 12:48:13 PM by Novakovic »

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2010, 10:39:03 AM »
I'm 19 years old so I don't know much about that war,I was just a 3-4 year old kid in that time... But can someone answer me what interest they have in destroying Serbia??? I have been watched Prof.Dr. Jovan Deretic on youtube and he explain that vatican and some other countries change our entire history and that's 2-3 thousand years ago... I just do not uderstand what interest they have in doing such terible things???
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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2010, 11:23:27 AM »
But can someone answer me what interest they have in destroying Serbia???  I just do not uderstand what interest they have in doing such terible things???

They do not like the fact that the Serbs are the oldest state-building nation of the Balkans. In order to control the Balkans they are eliminating the Serbs from their territories and they are using invented nations and people who recently arrived to the Balkans to carry out the extermination of the Serbs.

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2010, 11:31:55 AM »
Why Balcan is so important to them???
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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #34 on: January 31, 2010, 11:33:28 AM »
They need to control the Balkans in order to get closer to the surrounding of Russia.

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #35 on: January 31, 2010, 03:34:33 PM »
They need to control the Balkans in order to get closer to the surrounding of Russia.

But from geographic point of view, Serbia - and even the whole Balkans - is not the main direction from where you can get close to Russia. Former soviet republics of Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are much closer to Russia, and seem to be more important for that.  There are pro-Russian and pro-Western movements/trends in all these countries  but none of them had such bloody internal wars as former Yugoslavia.
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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #36 on: January 31, 2010, 03:38:09 PM »
They need to control the Balkans in order to get closer to the surrounding of Russia.

But from geographic point of view, Serbia - and even the whole Balkans - is not the main direction from where you can get close to Russia. Former soviet republics of Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are much closer to Russia, and seem to be more important for that.  There are pro-Russian and pro-Western movements/trends in all these countries  but none of them had such bloody internal wars as former Yugoslavia.

Yes but why?
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #37 on: January 31, 2010, 03:44:45 PM »
They need to control the Balkans in order to get closer to the surrounding of Russia.

But from geographic point of view, Serbia - and even the whole Balkans - is not the main direction from where you can get close to Russia. Former soviet republics of Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are much closer to Russia, and seem to be more important for that.  There are pro-Russian and pro-Western movements/trends in all these countries  but none of them had such bloody internal wars as former Yugoslavia.

Yes but why?

That what I ask Novakovic. If there are countries that want to surround Russia, they should have struggled to get control of the countries that border with Russia and are important to Russian economy, military, etc. Serbia is not one of them. Therefore I think there should be another reason for the interest in the Balkans.
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2010, 03:49:57 PM »
Milosevic was not a traitor. He was just alone in his struggle. Republic Srpska could not taken!! Banja Luka was could not be taken and even if nazis take Banja Luka there is a huge land mass to conquer. Muslims could not come closer to my city  :laugh: They were over hour away entire war :dance:
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2010, 12:16:52 AM »
Look there are several reasons why the West tries to eliminate the Serbs from the Balkans. The major reason is because of the Russian federation, which they want to encircel. If they eliminate Russia's allies on the Balkans, they can focus on Russia.

This is a part of the American Geo-Political "Chess Game".
You must understand this game in order to understand why they need to eliminate Serbia.

Belgrade = Knight

Moscow = King 

If you want to eliminate the king, you must first deal with the knight.
There is only one pro-Russian country on the Balkans and that is Serbia.
This does make sence.

Of course there are also other reasons. I am just mentioning one of them..
« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 01:25:09 AM by Novakovic »

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #40 on: February 03, 2010, 03:59:11 PM »
Look there are several reasons why the West tries to eliminate the Serbs from the Balkans. The major reason is because of the Russian federation, which they want to encircel. If they eliminate Russia's allies on the Balkans, they can focus on Russia.

This is a part of the American Geo-Political "Chess Game".
You must understand this game in order to understand why they need to eliminate Serbia.

Belgrade = Knight

Moscow = King 

If you want to eliminate the king, you must first deal with the knight.
There is only one pro-Russian country on the Balkans and that is Serbia.
This does make sence.

Of course there are also other reasons. I am just mentioning one of them..

USA could deal with us easily, they have some interest in our country and that have nothing to do with Rusia...
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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #41 on: February 04, 2010, 01:40:26 AM »
Yes it has nothing to do with Russia..... :)


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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #42 on: February 04, 2010, 12:40:30 PM »
Yes it has nothing to do with Russia..... :)


Ti si neki zajebant  :::D
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #43 on: February 04, 2010, 01:07:49 PM »
Чекај ипак ја сам стариј и ја знам нешто о овим стварима. Зато неби било лоше да мене послушаш. Ипак млађи треба да од старијег учи! Читаве деценије трају напори да не дође до владе проруске оријентације у Београду. To ти је одговор на твоје питање..

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #44 on: February 04, 2010, 02:07:14 PM »
Читаве деценије трају напори да не дође до владе проруске оријентације у Београду.

Заиста, чему проруска држава нема проруског председника?
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #45 on: February 04, 2010, 02:18:19 PM »
Чекај ипак ја сам стариј и ја знам нешто о овим стварима. Зато неби било лоше да мене послушаш. Ипак млађи треба да од старијег учи! Читаве деценије трају напори да не дође до владе проруске оријентације у Београду. To ти је одговор на твоје питање..

Pa dobro burazeru tako reci ne moras odma da se podsmevas... Ja hocu da ucim ali necu da me neko sprda...
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #46 on: February 04, 2010, 02:26:53 PM »
Читаве деценије трају напори да не дође до владе проруске оријентације у Београду.

Заиста, чему проруска држава нема проруског председника?

Чак је и Хитлер изгубио времена, јер се превише задржао са Србима. Због тога Адолф Хитлер није могао на време да крене према истоку, Русији. То га је коштало.

Иста ствар се догодила у почетку 90-тих година на Балкану.
Од 1990 до 1999 НАТО снаге и ЕУ су водиле битке да се Балкан ствави под контролом Западних сила. Срби као најстариј државнотворни народ на Балкану су највеће жртве такве политике. Западу је требало више од 10 година да елиминише Српску Крајину и одвоји Црну Гору и КиМ од Србије.
Од 1990 до 1999 вођени су ратови на Балкану да би српски државнотворни фактор што више ослабио. У тој борби су Хрвати, Шиптари и Муслимани се ствавили на располагање Западних сила.

Ти мене питаш зашто нема проруског председника у Србији?
Па све шта се дешавало од 1990 до 1999 на терену је била борба да се у Србији инсталира антируска и проамеричка влада. Ево зато немамо проруског председника..

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #47 on: February 04, 2010, 02:30:51 PM »
Чекај ипак ја сам стариј и ја знам нешто о овим стварима. Зато неби било лоше да мене послушаш. Ипак млађи треба да од старијег учи! Читаве деценије трају напори да не дође до владе проруске оријентације у Београду. To ти је одговор на твоје питање..

Pa dobro burazeru tako reci ne moras odma da se podsmevas... Ja hocu da ucim ali necu da me neko sprda...

Чекај ја теви објашњавам неке ствари а ти кажеш да то није тако?
Ако то није тако, онда требаш ти то да потврдиш са чињеницама и аргументима. Мислим требаш увјек своје ставове да потврдиш са ноторним чињеницама. Јер иначе изгледа да мени идеш контра!!

Offline ProudToBeSerb

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Re: Stipe Mesic want to provoke another war on Balcan
« Reply #48 on: February 04, 2010, 06:19:32 PM »
Чекај ипак ја сам стариј и ја знам нешто о овим стварима. Зато неби било лоше да мене послушаш. Ипак млађи треба да од старијег учи! Читаве деценије трају напори да не дође до владе проруске оријентације у Београду. To ти је одговор на твоје питање..

Pa dobro burazeru tako reci ne moras odma da se podsmevas... Ja hocu da ucim ali necu da me neko sprda...

Чекај ја теви објашњавам неке ствари а ти кажеш да то није тако?
Ако то није тако, онда требаш ти то да потврдиш са чињеницама и аргументима. Мислим требаш увјек своје ставове да потврдиш са ноторним чињеницама. Јер иначе изгледа да мени идеш контра!!

A jel mozes onda da mi objasnis sto im toliko treba Balkan? Ako je Balkan toliko bitna stavka sto se Rusi malo vise ne bore za nas nego gledaju sa strane i cekaju, meni to nekako nije logicno???
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!

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Re: Stipe Mesic is trying to provoke the Serbs into another war in the Balkans
« Reply #49 on: February 04, 2010, 09:01:22 PM »
ProudToBeSerb & Novak Djokovic molim vas pisite na engleskom tako da ostali ljudi mogu da razumiju.