Also, take into account that GWB was the only President who Weigang knew (other than Obama). He was too young during the Clinton years etc. He probably just figured GWB is President, he seems like a nice guy, and that's it. From a teenage, German, goy point of view, maybe GWB was really a hero,lol. In comparison to the other President of his generation, Obama, GWB is better. And if he knew anything about Clinton, which he probably did, than GWB is greater than Clinton. If he knew anything about Bush Sr., it doesn't take an idiot to know how bad Sr. was..... In today's and age, realistically, the best President for the Jews you're ever going to see, will be just like Bush Jr. In other words, if the President doesn't pressure Israel, that's as good as it's going to get. I'm tired of hearing "this Pres is good for Israel, that one's bad for Israel" because they are all bad. The definition of "good for Israel" by presidential standards is "a President who won't pressure Israel to commit national suicide or give land to the Arabs." That's all the expectations I have in today's corrupt society. It's just the lesser of two evils, now.