I gave up pork more than 15 years ago when I only had the very slight idea about converting. Afterwards, when I started the conversion process I tried to keep strict kosher as far as I could. I even baked my own bread. Now it's more than 5 five years since I decided to remain a Gentile. I don't keep kosher (shechitah, Melichah, Hashgacha) but I still avoid pork and shellfish ( and all animals declared impure by the Torah). I know that Law does not apply to me. I wonder if it has any sense now. But I keep it for two personal reasons:
1- Western society rejects nearly all non-kosher animals (reptiles, horse, insects, rats) but accepts pigs. Why eating only one while we reject all others? Perhaps it has to do with anti-semitism? Perhaps Christian Europeans just accepted pork not to seem Jewish....
2- I have heard that what we eat influences our mind. Perhaps it only applies to Jews. Perhaps it's only forbidden to Jews but can affect also a Gentile mind, only that it's not a sin for him. If the latter is the case, I certainly don't want my mind to be changed after 15 years.
Now, Muman, you are a Jew, your soul is infinetely more worthy than the pleasure of eating some forbidden food that you may imagine tasty. It's easier to abstain from pork than to abstain from other temptations. Noahides are forbidden sexual immorality. And what about a man strongly in love with a forbidden woman, or a gay or lesbian? Your temptation is one of easiest to overcome. You are not alone. Everyone faces stronger temptations than that. And if you feel weak, pray the psalms and turn to H" Baruch Hu. If you eat pork, chas veShalom, you will not only sin, your mind and body with be contaminated with something incompatible with your Neshama. It's horrible to feel that your body, soul and brain is partly constituted by something contrary to your own being!