Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch

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--- Quote from: Sox7 on November 13, 2010, 08:36:36 PM ---
--- Quote from: crnitrn on November 12, 2010, 12:57:22 AM ---
--- Quote from: Novakovic on November 11, 2010, 11:41:02 PM ---
--- Quote from: Sox7 on November 11, 2010, 07:47:21 PM ---Good. At least some people will have a way of distancing themselves from Rome. My heart cries out to the Serbian people to start reading the Bible again and reading Christ's words in particular. Having a deep personal relationship with Him is far more important than any patriarch or pope or icon or liturgy.

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 ;D Yes according to you and some other ''Serbs'' from this forum, Serbs should become protestants. LoL...

Right now under these hard circumstances some people want to take advantage of the situation to convert Serbs into protestants?

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Nemoj da mislis ako se cita biblija i da se pronalzi po neka sitnica koja je losa u pravoslavlju da to znaci da postaje protestant! Svi protestanti su skoro svi pod papinom sapom tako da su oni otisli u nepovrat!

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I grew up in a Protestant church and I am not "under the Pope's hand," I completely and utterly reject anything to do with the Catholic church.

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Ti nisi ali crkva  verovatno jeste mozda ima po neka omanja da nije ali gro jeste!1


--- Quote from: Novakovic on November 14, 2010, 12:48:58 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sox7 on November 13, 2010, 08:35:28 PM ---All I said was that Serbs should know what their faith is about.

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You also said something about the holy liturgy, icons which is not appropriate.

--- Quote from: Sox7 on November 13, 2010, 08:35:28 PM ---All I said was that Serbs should know what their faith is about. They resisted Islamic and Catholic attempts to convert them, many times were killed because they refused, and I think they should know what Christianity is all about. Celebrating a few holidays and slavas is not Christianity. Read what Christ said in the New Testament and you will begin to better understand what Christianity is all about.
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Look you do not have to teach me about Christianity in that way. Suggesting to me that icons, the holy liturgy and the patriarch are not that important, please we do not need that kind teachings. Right now the Serbian Orthodox Church is under attack. The Church is facing problems. So, many people are confused and easy to manipulate. If you want to help the Serbs, you should not preach against icon, holy liturgy and the patriarch. I agree that the Serbs in general do not go to the church. I also do not go often to the church. I admit. That is a consequence of the communist system which ruled over Serbia. The problem can be restored, if the Serbs return to the ways of their ancestors. The Serbian ancestors were Orthodox Christians, who belonged to the Serbian Orthodox Church, and not protestants.

I appreciate your concern and maybe you have good intentions. But if you want to help the Serbs, you should say to them that they must return to the way of their ancestors. Suggesting to them that icons, the holy liturgy and the patriarch are not that important, is not doing them any good.   

--- Quote from: Sox7 on November 13, 2010, 08:35:28 PM ---Read what Christ said in the New Testament and you will begin to better understand what Christianity is all about.
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If you would read the new testament, you would know that you can not have a relationship with Christ without the Church. Christ says in the new Testament that they who do not drink my blood and eat my flesh will not enter my Father's kingdom. If you do not fast and do not confess, you will can not have a personal relationship with Christ. Christ left instructions how to serve G-d.
The protestants do not have any of that, so you can not tell me that I can maintain a personal relationship with G-d (Christ) outside His Church. That is according to our Orthodox Christian perspective heresy, sectarian teaching. Serbs should read more the bible, but they should use the interpretation of the Orthodox Church and the Church fathers, not interpretation which are used outside the Church.

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Crkva nije bitna ! Hrist kaze gde se dvojica sloze u moje ime tu je crkva! U pitanju je los prevod sa grckog i hebrejskog termin koji se koristi u originalu ne pominje crkvu u bukvalnom smislu vec  u smislu skupstine zajednice. A jedini Hristov tj. Boziji Hram je u Izraelu a on je srusen, Solomonov hram!!

Ali srpska pravoslavna crkva je jedina u kojoj postoji zdravo tkivu ! Unutar nje sada besni rad izmedju unijata i pravih pravoslavaca uz Boziju pomoc pobedicemo i po ko zna koji put dici se iz pepela ,za slavu Gospodu!

Gospodine crnitrn mali mi zbunjeno delujete..

Covece, ti ne znas srpski, a ovde nekome solis pamet.


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