Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch

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Yes Serbstvo that is the true, but orthodox serbs cant be a friends with Ustasa, Wahhabis. ecumenists ... I donot care if they have serbian blood! Yes croat can be my brother and Bosnian to, if they are  not papist. Maybe you wonder how it is possible that muslim be a papist, trust me they are in Bosnia, but biggest part are not aware of that!! Palestinians are papist to! Shqiptars to, just a few years ago in the center of Pristina has built a new huge Cathedral.The cathedral is visiting by Muslims Shqiptars in great numbers, majorityyoung people (in Kosmet is just a few percent of catholic  Shqiptars)! One journalist ask a girl on the street why they are doing that if they are a Muslims, she said that dont know, she just doing what does doing a rest of they youth and her friends! That is the evidence that they are papist and  they are not aware of that fact, majority of course. 


--- Quote from: Serbstvo on November 15, 2010, 03:34:41 AM ---I specified that a person of Serbian blood who LOVES HIS COUNTRY is a Serb. The fact that Croats, Bosnian Muslims and a large number of Albanians have Serbian blood running through their veins is irrelevant because they hate our guts. Now we are faced with a more recent artificial nation of Montenegrins who are Orthodox as we are. So it's clear that religion is not the root cause of our divisions. Not to mention that in Serbia, there are plenty of people who are Serbian in name only, but hate everything Serbian with a passion. I am willing to bet that they number in the tens of thousands.

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Yes that is the truth! I agree with you!


--- Quote from: Kerber on November 14, 2010, 07:52:32 PM ---
--- Quote from: voo-yo on November 14, 2010, 03:23:29 PM ---
--- Quote from: Serbian Canadian on November 14, 2010, 02:59:49 PM ---Ljudi vi se samo svadjate. Jeli moguce da imamo neku diskusiju bez napada i uvredjene? Ja sam siguran da mi svi hocemo bolje za nasu zemlju i za nas narod. Ovde se samo svadjate zbog neke gluposti. Ako hocete da imate diskuciju od teologiju ili nesto van teme onda napisite privatnu poruku. Voo-yo sto si tako agresivan prema Novakovicu? Jeli nemozete fino razgovarati i sa malo vise respekta jedno prema drugom? Ovde imamo dobru priliku da izvestamo nasu historiju, sve nepravde i sve probleme sto jos imamo. Moramo da radimo zajedno i da se dobro slazemo. 

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Objasnio sam vise puta svoj stav. Novakovicu, koji je ranije bio clan pod imenom "Serbian Radical Party" i koji je banovan zbog anti-jevrejskih i pro-muslimanskih stavova, nije mesto na ovom forumu. Nikada se nije izvinuo zbog toga, nije mu zao i nije promenio te stavove.
Ja njega ne prihvatam kao clana.

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Kako si ti siguran da je Novakovic bivsi clan SRS?
Slicni stavovi prema poturcenim Srbima nisu garant bilo cega.

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Siguran sam, imam mejlove od njega koji to dokazuju.


--- Quote from: Serbian Canadian on November 11, 2010, 05:33:51 PM ---Sox7 it seems you are very well informed about Serbian history and issues. Are you Serbian?

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He is not stupied, I agree. Only I do not agree with his opinion on Milan Nedic.

Pope will prayon the grave of monster Alojzija Stepinca.


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