I had a Hebrew conversation with AntiChaimBenPesach on youtube about his friendship with marbus.
me: יריב, למה אתה אוהב לעבוד עם נאצים כמו מרבוס?
Yariv:מרבוס לא נאצי.
אתה והמנהיג שלך חיים בן פסח נאצים.
me: מרבוס תומך באוסטאשה
החברים של האוסטאשה רצחו יהודים בשואה. זאת עובדה היסטורית
Yariv: הסרבים ביצעו רצח עם נגד האלבנים. כל העולם מכיר בעובדה שהסרבים הם פושעי מלחמה.
מנהיגך חיים בן פסח לא רק תומך בסרבים, הוא אומר שהם היו נחמדים מדי לאלבנים.
אתם הנאצים.
me: Yariv, why do you like to work with Nazis like marbus?
Yariv: Marbus is not a Nazi. You and your leader Chaim Ben Pesach are Nazis.
me: Marbus supports the Ustase. The members of the Ustase murdered Jews during the Holocaust. That's a historical fact.
Yariv: The Serbs committed genocide against the Albanians. The whole world recognizes the fact that the Serbs are war criminals. Your leader Chaim Ben Pesach not only supports the Serbs but says that they were too nice to the Albanians. You are Nazis.
LMFAO what a retarded pro-Gay Nazi jerkoff Oppenheimer is.
Here is what he wrote on Marbus' Gay Nazi channel recently:
The JTFers hate you because you're proud to be a Croat. Their leader Chaim Ben Pesach has convinced them that the Croats are all Nazis.
Even American Hero was banned from JTF because he is a Croat. Chaim and 4International are pro-Serb fanatics. Why would these Jews be so pro-Serb? The Serbs committed terrible war crimes. The whole world knows that the Serbs are monsters. But Chaim and 4International consider the Serbs to be heroes.
Chaim has even said that the Serbs were too nice to the Albanians in Kosovo! Chaim thinks the Serbs should have committed more war crimes!
These are crazy fanatics. First of all Oppenheimer, if AH was banned
for being a Croat, then by a process of logical deductive reasoning, the inescapable conclusion is that AH was also
approved by Chaim to be with JTF for
2 years and was also made an
Honorable Winged Member by Chaim because he is a........................
Croat???!!! Oppenheimer, did you forget to take your medication for delusional Schizophrenia or what?
![laugh :laugh:](https://jtf.org/forum/Smileys/super/laugh.gif)
As far as the blood libel you made Oppenheimer - that the Serbs supposedly
"committed terrible war crimes" - you have not provided a shred of evidence to support your charge. In fact even independent, non-NATO, non-Soros- owned researchers and legal teams who have investigated confidential internal documents of Western governments such as Germany [no friend of the Serbs obviously] have discovered that this charge has no basis in fact since they found there was ZERO evidence to support it. Unless you categorize the Serbian army defending Serbian civilians against the terrorist KLA as a
"war crime" which I guess you probably do.
Chaim never said that the Serbs perpeterated
"war crimes" against Albanian civilians because there were NO
"Serb war crimes" committed against civilians
as the war was directed against the KLA as proven by the German Foreign Ministry and Judiciary documents published by the German paper Junge Welt back in 1999.Chaim NEVER said that the Serbs should have
"committed more war crimes". You are using the tired old yellow journalism dirty trick known as the
"are you still beating your wife?" technique.
If someone makes such a statement they are trying to imply that it is already taken for granted and a
given that the person whom they are directing their question to does
already beat their wife. Everyone hearing such a statement will automatically
assume that the person is guilty as charged
without any proof or evidence being required at all to back up the accusation. Nice trick, Oppenheimer.That disgusting statement of yours above is a deliberate blood libel and pathological LIE. Chaim would never encourage Serbs to perpetrate so-called
"war crimes" against innocent Albanian
civilians: he was referring to the terrorist mass murderers known as the KLA and you know it.
Chaim said that the Serbs were
defending themselves against genocidal Muslim Nazi terrorist maniacs in the KLA which openly and publicly said they were going to expel and murder all of the Serbs from Kosovo as early as 1981 during the so-called
"Albanian riots" [
pogroms in reality] perpetrated in Pristina, Kosovo against Serbian civilians at that time. This is all documented and proven by independent non-NATO observers and is a historical fact. Go look it up moron.
Chaim did indeed say that the Serbs were
"too nice" to the Albanians - but again he was referring
NOT to innocent Albanian civilians
per se but to the Muslim Nazi KLA terrorist mass murderers - since that was the subject of the JTF video to begin with.
Oppenheimer, it is more than obvious to any sane, reasonable, logical individual [obviously that excludes you] that you are deliberately twisting Chaim's words to suit your own pro-Muslim Nazi agenda.
As far as the ridiculous claim that
"the whole world knows that the Serbs are monsters" such a blood libel yet again reveals your patholgical tendency towards outright LYING and your vicious hatred against the heroic Serbian Christians. Maybe most of the Western multinational-corporate owned Leftist news media says such a thing - but they also say such things against Israel and the IDF - and we at JTF have exposed these lies time and time again.
So stick that in your Gay Nazi pipe and smoke it Oppenheimer!!
![laugh :laugh:](https://jtf.org/forum/Smileys/super/laugh.gif)