Author Topic: Herzl Day Law  (Read 2860 times)

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Herzl Day Law
« on: May 02, 2007, 10:13:01 PM »
First they made Rabin Day. Now they have Herzl Day? What do people think of the newest Israeli government declared Jewish holiday?

Herzl Law (unofficial translation)

On June 29, 2004 the Knesset adopted the Binyamin Zeev Herzl (commemoration and achievements), 5762-2004 Law, whose goal is to "bequeath Binyamin Zeev Herzl’s vision, heritage, and achievements for generations, to commemorate him, and to bring about the education of future generations, and the structuring of the State of Israel, its institutions, goals and image, in accordance with his Zionist vision".

Chapter A: The Goals and Implementation of the Law
 The goals of this law are to bequeath Binyamin Zeev Herzl’s vision, heritage, and achievements for generations, to commemorate him, and to bring about the education of future generations, and the structuring of the State of Israel, its institutions, goals and image in accordance with his Zionist vision.
Implementation of the goals
 The goals of this law shall be implemented by celebrating Herzl Day, educational and value oriented activities in State institutions, in the IDF and in schools, the granting of scholarships to pupils, and the provision of support to public institutions, which act to realize the goals of this law, including by means of maintaining activities on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, all in accordance with the provisions of this law.
Chapter B: The Public Council
Public Council
 The Government shall appoint a public council to commemorate Binyamin Zeev Herzl (in this law - the Public Council); The Council shall be made up of twenty one members, as follows:

 Seven members who are civil servants representing the Government, including two employees of the Prime Minister’s Office and an additional civil servant, recommended by the Prime Minister, two employees of the Ministry of Defense, recommended by the Minister of Defense, and two employees of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, recommended by the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport;

 A member representing the IDF, recommended by the Minister of Defense;

 Eight members representing the World Zionist Organization, agreed to by the World Zionist Organization;

 Five members, who are public representatives, but are not civil servants, in consultation with the World Zionist Organization; three of them from academia.

 The Public Council shall appoint, with the approval of the Prime Minister, the Chairman of the Council and his Deputy from among the members mentioned in clause (a)(4).
Duties of the Public Council
 The duties of the Public Council -

 To advise the Prime Minister with regards to applying the law, and implementing it, and to observe the implementation of the law;

 To make recommendations to the Prime Minister on the policy and goals regarding activities in accordance with this law, and its enhancement;

 To advise the Prime Minister on laying down the criteria for supporting public institutions, as stated in article 3a of the Budget Foundations Law 5745-1965 (in this law - the Budget Foundations Law). In order to advance the goals of this law, inter alia on the following issues:

 Holding activities on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem;

 Conserving, restoring, and presenting exhibits and documents connected to Herzl’s life and achievements;

 Holding educational and value oriented activities, including the preparation of study programs, holding courses for teachers and instructors, and carrying out tours;


 The holding of events;

 Commemoration activities.

 To prepare an annual budget proposal for the implementation of the law as stated in article 15(a), and to present it for the approval of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance.
Working procedures of the Public Council
 The Public Council shall convene at least twice a year, as well as upon the demand of at least half its members.

 The Chairman of the Public Council shall preside over its meetings; he shall convene the meetings of the Public Council, and shall decide their dates, location and agenda, inter alia in accordance with the demands and proposals of the Prime Minister, the World Zionist Organization and the members of the Public Council.

 The Public Council shall lay down in working procedures, in so far as they have not been laid down under this law.
Expenses and remuneration
 The members of the Public Council shall not be entitled to a salary for their membership on the Council, but they shall be entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred while fulfilling their duty as laid down by the Prime Minister, with the approval of the Minister of Finance.
Term of office, expiration of term, removal from office
 A member of the Public Council shall be appointed for a period of service of three years, and he may be reappointed for two additional consecutive periods, each of which shall not extend beyond three years, and after an interval of three years he may be reappointed for no more than three consecutive periods of service, as stated.

 A member of the Public Council shall cease to serve before the termination of his term if one of the following occurs:

 He has resigned by handing over a letter of resignation to the Prime Minister;

 The condition by force of which he was appointed ceases to exist.
Conflict of interests
 Anyone who is liable to find himself frequently, directly or indirectly, in a state of conflict of interests between his position as a member of the Council and another matter or position he might hold, shall not be appointed, and shall not serve as a member of the Public Council.

 A member of the Public Council shall avoid participating in a deliberation held by the Council and in a vote, in meetings in which the topic of deliberation might cause him to be, directly or indirectly, in a situation of a danger of conflict of interests between his position as a member of the Public Council and another matter or position he might hold, and he shall not deal within the framework of fulfilling his position in the Council, with an issue that could cause his being in the said state, even outside the meetings of the Council; However, a member of the Public Council is entitled to take into account the concerns of the body which he represents, in so far as they are connected to this law, and he shall not be considered to be in a situation of a conflict of interests for this reason alone.

 Should it become apparent to a member of the Public Council that an issue being deliberated at a meeting of the Council, or that he has been assigned to deal with, could cause him to be in a situation of a conflict of interests as stated in clause (b), he shall inform the Chairman of the Council thereof.

 In this article -

“Another matter” -

 Including a matter concerning a relative of a member of the Public Council, or a matter concerning a body in which the member of the Council or his relative are managers or responsible employees in them, or a matter concerning a body in which each of them holds capital shares, the right to receive profits, the right to appoint a director, or the right to vote;

 “Relative” -

 A spouse, parent, offspring, brother, sister or another person who is dependent on the member of the Public Council, and the spouse of any of these.
Validity of actions
 The existence of the Public Council, its powers and the validity of its decisions and actions shall not be affected by the place of one of its members being vacated, or by a lacuna in his appointment, or the continuation of his service.
Chapter C: Herzl Day
Herzle Day
 Herzl Day shall be held once a year, on Iyar 10, the birthday of Binyamin Zeev Herzl. On this day -

 A state memorial service shall be held on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem;

 In IDF camps and in the schools time shall be devoted to learning about the achievements and Zionist vision of Binyamin Zeev Herzl;

 A symposium shall be held in Jerusalem in memory of Binyamin Zeev Herzl. The symposium shall be organized by the Public Council. At the symposium issues from the world of Zionism and in the spirit of the vision of Binyamin Zeev Herzl shall be discussed.

 The Knesset shall hold a special debate to mark Herzl Day on its exact date, or a date close to it.

 Should Iyar 10 fall on a Sabbath, Herzl Day shall be held on the following Sunday.
Chapter D: Educational and Value Oriented Activities and Scholarships
Educational and value oriented activities
 State institutions, the IDF and the schools shall hold educational and value oriented activities to advance the goals of this law, including the holding of ceremonies and educational activities on Herzl Day.
 The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports shall allocate study scholarships within the framework of the distribution of scholarships by the Ministry, for the purpose of research on issues connected with the achievements and Zionist vision of Binyamin Zeev Herzl, according to rules determined by the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports.
Chapter E: Budget and Financial Support
 The participation of the State treasury in the implementation of this law, including a budget for scholarship according to article 12, and a budget for the financial support of public institutions according to clause (c), shall be determined in the annual Budget Law, as defined in the Budget Foundations Law.


 The Public Council shall prepare an annual budget proposal for the participation of the State treasury, as stated in clause (a), and shall present it to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance; The Prime Minister and Minister of Finance shall approve the proposed budget as proposed by the Public Council, or with changes as they may see fit, and shall bring the approved proposed budget to the Government, within the framework of the deliberations on the annual Budget Law.

 The granting of financial support according of this law shall be done on the basis of the criteria for support of public institutions, as stated in article 4(3) to be determined by the Prime Minister, after consultations with the Public Council.
Chapter F: Miscellaneous Provisions
Implementation and regulations
 The Prime Minister is responsible for the implementation of this law, and he is entitled, in consultation with the Public Council, and with the approval of the Knesset Education and Culture Committee, to issue regulations for its implementation, including regulations regarding the working procedures of the Public Council.
Amendment No. 16 of the Government Corporations Law
 In the Government Corporations Law, 5735-1975, at the end of the addendum will be added:

 “19. The Public Council - according to the Binyamin Zeev Herzl (commemorations and achievements), 5764-2004”
Commencement and incidence
 The commencement of this law, except for Chapter B, within eight months of its publication.

 Within four months of the publication of this law the Government shall appoint the Public Council according to article 3 in Chapter B.

 The commencement of articles 4 to 9 in Chapter B shall be from the day on which the Public Council shall be appointed as stated in clause b.

 Article 13(a) shall apply as of financial year 2005 and beyond.
Temporary provision for financial year 2005
 The participation of the State treasury in the implementation of this law from the day of its commencement until the end of financial year 2005 shall be laid down in the annual Budget Law for 2005, and the provisions of article 13(b) shall not apply.

Ariel Sharon
Prime Minister
Moshe Katsav
President of the State Reuven Rivlin
Speaker of the Knesset

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Herzl Day Law
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2007, 10:18:17 PM »
I have no problem with Herzl Day.

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Re: Herzl Day Law
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2007, 10:41:54 PM »
The Leftists say Herzl founded Zionism. Herzl just hijacked Zionism which until then was a religious movement. The First Zionist Aliyah (Religious settlers.) was in 1882, 15 years before Herzl "founded" Zionism. He was just the founder of The Political Zionist Movement to make a state. But his state movement was abandoned until Jabontinsky revived it in "Revisionist Zionism".

Herzl didn't 'hijack' anything. Your other statements are accurate, but, Yacov, slandering the man is sheer nonsense.

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Re: Herzl Day Law
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2007, 10:45:28 PM »
Shai Ben-Tekoa called it hijacking.

Perhaps the leftists have 'hijacked' Herzl's legacy. That's a big difference from your original statement.