You all better watch it, "MusicOfTheSphere" is with that stupid Peace Now. She hates Chaim because he is a holy man, she hates David because David does NOT AT ALL agree with homosexuality, and she hates AsheDina, because I called Yuriv Opeen jerk a 'fag' , then she turned around and called blacks -apes- koo koo koo koo
I see some have made 'friends' with this MORON, she is SO double-minded it is sick. You are either WITH G-d and Israel or AGAINST. If you are hating all over Chaim, me and David, then you hate JTF, me, David and Chaim.
Israel needs to get FREE of the bolshevik brainwashing, and this homosexuality, if they dont, dark days are ahead.
I dont 'hate' homosexuals, their lifestyle is ungodly.
Leviticus 18:22