Author Topic: America on Guard Leader Tom Trento on Islam and rally against it in FLA  (Read 542 times)

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Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Tom Trento, Director of the Florida Security Council. He is leading a coalition of pro-American, pro-Israel, counter-jihad organizations to expose former CAIR operative Ahmed Bedier and his new front group, United Voices for America, at Muslim Capitol Day, March 11, 2010, in Tallahassee Fl.

FP: Tom Trento, welcome back to Frontpage Interview.

So you are organizing a rally, “America On Guard, against Muslim Capitol Day,” in Tallahassee Florida, March 10–11, 2010.

First, what exactly is Muslim Capitol Day?

Trento: Thanks Jamie.

According to its creators, Muslim Capitol Day is a time for Muslims from all over Florida to travel to Tallahassee to learn how the government works and to lobby their legislators on issues important to Muslims. Its purpose, we are told, is to guide a supposed neglected, minority group to finally participate in their government and to have a say in making laws.

In other words, Muslim Capitol Day can either be viewed in two ways:

[1] As one completely ridiculous political scam.


[2] As a brilliant tactical move by a Muslim Brotherhood leader to insinuate Sharia law into the state of Florida.

In reality, Muslim Capitol Day equals both.

FP: Elaborate please.

Trento: For observant Muslims, those who keep the Qur’an, follow extra-Quranic orthodox teachings and model themselves after Mohammed, therefore it is incumbent upon them to work toward replacing the US Constitution with the comprehensive system of Islamic jurisprudence known as Sharia law. In parts of the globe, like Iraq and Afghanistan, the observant Muslims are attempting just such a social transition through a hot jihad — using bombs and bullets.  Ironically, here in the United States, indeed in Florida, the observant Muslims are using commonly acceptable tactics like the local political process to introduce Muslim law to the Florida law makers and to the citizens. This is the cultural jihad at work right before the eyes of the uninformed, unsuspecting and unprepared.

In that sense, Muslim Capitol Day is a brilliant stealth move by former CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) operative, Ahmed Bedier and his warmed over CAIR front group, United Voices for America.

FP: How is Ahmed Bedier orchestrating a brilliant stealth campaign?

Trento: Bedier is using a classic Trojan Horse ploy rolling into Tallahassee on heads of the elected officials, who for the most part are clueless about Sharia law, authoritative Islam and all the bad stuff that is inside that deadly horse. Bedier likes to produce a first-class show, all spiffy and looking good, so that there a visual acceptance of his Trojan Horse. Moreover he likes to frame his group of 100 Muslims as a dispossessed, disadvantaged minority, simply striving for acceptance and wanting to learn how to be good American citizens.  But many believe this Muslim Brotherhood “made man”, Ahmed Bedier, has a more sinister plan in store for the good citizens of Florida.

FP: Wait a minute, a critic could ask: what’s wrong with any group wanting to learn more about their government and get more involved?  Isn’t that a basic America right?

Trento: The stealth part of Bedier’s political charade is the external, the outside, the beauty of that majestic Horse, standing inside the gates of Tallahassee. The jihad part of his charade is the belief system of United Voices, what is inside their heads, their philosophy, their political objectives. Most politicians see Bedier’s Muslims as potential votes. Most progressive liberals see Bedier’s Muslims as an “underclass” to protect from the “Muslim-haters.” Those of us involved in the American On Guard campaign, see Bedier as a documented terrorist-sympathizer who is using this group, some willingly some ignorantly, for his theo-political  purposes of advancing Islam in Florida and America.

We get it. We’ve connected the Bedier dots, we’re not fooled and we will confront and expose Mr. Bedier  and his anti-American, anti-Israel, pro-HAMAS beliefs. Do Bedier and his Muslims have the right to do what they are doing?  Of course they do. And we have the right to rip that Trojan Horse wide open and let everyone seen the virus contained within, Sharia law. Yes we do.

FP: How do you intend on doing that?

Trento: We will accomplish our goals for Muslim Day through several methodologies:

[1] National Security Briefing: To all Florida state officials on Wednesday March 10, the day before Bedier’s Muslim Day party. This pre-emptive high-level Briefing features our good friend Mr. Dave Gaubatz, former federal agent, author of the new best-seller book, Muslim Mafia, an expose on the inner working of the seditious organization, CAIR. We figured if CAIR is coming to Tallahassee on Muslim Day, what a great time for Dave Gaubatz to tell the state Representatives all about this wonderful civil rights group.

Also on the program is Nonie Darwish, Muslim apostate and founding member of Former Muslims United. Nonie will present the results of an extensive survey she and Jerry Gordon conducted to see if Bedier and his Muslims will go on record as supporting a Muslim’s right to leave Islam, without any consequences whatsoever. I think the Florida legislators may be in for a surprise when they find out if Bedier and his group sign this document.

Another Briefer to note is the father of Todd Beamer, Mr. David Beamer. As you know, Todd Beamer was the first known offensive activist of September 11, 2001, as Flight 93 was taken over by Muslim terrorists and Todd gave that famous call to action, “Let’s roll.” Mr. Beamer, a powerful and eloquent speaker, carries on in the memory of his son by taking the fight to the bad guys. This top-level Briefing has about ten more experts in various fields of counter-terrorism, investigation and education, all related to exposing political Islam as a system that is destructive to Florida and the Nation.  This will be an amazingly powerful event.

[2] Press Conference: March 11, on State Capitol grounds. Our Presser features some of the speakers from the Briefing, but will include significant leaders from the Tea Party movement from all over the state of Florida. This is a development that I was not expecting, but fully understand. Once the Tea Party Patriots understood that a Muslim Brotherhood leader was messing with the US Constitution, well, all I can say is, don’t stand in the way of a Tea Party Patriot  when they want to defend their Constitution. These folks don’t like President Obama screwing with that sacred document, let alone a shifty character like Ahmed Bedier. The Tea Party Americans will be with us in force.

[3] Pro-American Rally: Immediately following our Presser, we will have a Rally celebrating the uniqueness of the American experiment and the miraculous building of this great country. We do not apologize for America’s greatness as we understand human nature is such that the best will always be criticized by those who are weak. Therefore, we reject America-bashers out of hand. Notwithstanding  President Obama’s protestations to the contrary, we categorically disallow any notion that Islam has anything to do with the founding or development of the United States of America. Ironically, it is because of our Judeo-Christian worldview and heritage, and our belief in a personal G-d, that has lead us to be a bastion of human rights, free speech and freedom of religion. Clearly, these political principles are in contradistinction to totalitarian Islam and the political dream of Ahmed Bedier.

[4] Mr. Bedier, answer the damn question: We are going to pressure Bedier to finally answer a couple of very serious and revealing questions he has either refused to answer or danced around in a cavalier manner.

So far, Bedier has not given a definitive answer to whether or not he condemns HAMAS, the designated foreign terrorist organization that wants to destroy Israel. The America On Guard team will prepare the state legislators, officials, and other concerned citizens to ask Bedier and his followers some powerful challenge questions and hopefully get a damn answer.

FP: And how will you go about this?

Trento: We’ll do this through several avenues:

[1] Visit The Representatives: Just as Bedier’s proxies are directed to visit their Representatives, our  folks will also visit the Representatives, to make sure they get the intelligence data we have prepared on Bedier, the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR and many of the United Voices leaders. Our goal is to make sure no Bedier piece of propaganda goes unanswered, so that the Florida Representatives can make informed decisions as to whether they listen to anything Bedier has to offer.

[2] United Voices Events: Bedier’s group has a series of formal programs scheduled for state officials. Our folks will attend these open public meetings on state property to monitor and record exactly what is said by Bedier and United Voices leaders. We will use any Islamist statements to educate America about Bedier’s hidden agenda.

[3] FSC Documentary: Another one of our projects is the production of a Muslim Capitol Day documentary designed to alert all of America to Bedier and his slick Sharia law marketing campaign in Florida. We have some good intelligence that Bedier and the Muslim Brotherhood are planning on having Muslim Capitol Days in other states, if they can create a successful one here in Florida. Our documentary should make the expansion of “Bedier Day,” very difficult to any state that truly cares about the US Constitution.

FP: This is quite an effort on your part. How do you do this and what help are you getting?

Trento: Yes Jamie, there is a lot to do here and there is no way I can do any of this alone. I am a small part of an amazing team that is committed to protecting America. Our approach is simple, as we work with like-minded organizations to build a very influential coalition. One of the Florida Security Council’s activist partners is none other than Brigitte Gabriel’s powerhouse, ACT for America. In particular, the Jacksonville Chapter lead by Randy McDaniels and the Orlando chapter lead by Alan Kornman, assisted by Stacy, have been instrumental in the organization and execution of America On Guard Campaign. Joining these warriors is the dean of intelligence gathering, the esteemed, Mr. Jerry Gordon, well known counter-jihad writer and analyst of the New English Review. Rounding out the A-Team, is “Doc,” Swier, “CJ,” and J-Mark, with his unstoppable camera!  Unlike Bedier and his Muslim Brotherhood we do not get any Saudi petro-terrorism dollars, so we rely on good Americans who see the value of our work. Yes, we need donations.

FP: What can someone do who wants to stand with you in your America On Guard Rally?

Trento: We are at war. Jihadists worldwide want to kill Jews, Christians, Americans, Hindus and basically everyone who does not accept Islam as G-d’s religion. Myriad of Muslims want to kill our way of life and political system and replace it with the Qur’an. We are a small group of very serious, very competent Americans who are On Guard against any Muslim wanting to destroy or replace the Constitution with any religious book, particularly a book like the Qur’an. Therefore if someone wants to step out and be involved with us, we welcome them with open arms and will stand with them, should-to-shoulder, in this epic ideological battle. All they need to do is to go to the and SIGN UP. That is the first BIG step.

FP: Tom Trento, thank you for joining us and I hope you’ll get a big turn-out at the America On Guard Rally.

And the great site with great video concerning qurananimalism
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline arksis

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Dang, I would love to be at this rally! Wish they had one in every state in every town!
---Never, ever deal with terrorists. Hunt them down and, more important, mercilessly punish those states and groups that fund, arm, support, or simply allow their territories to be used by the terrorists with impunity.
Meir Kahane