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Accused Facebook flasher charged
« on: March 08, 2010, 12:13:10 PM »

Prosecutors have filed indecent exposure charges against a West Seattle man accused of sending an explicit -- and unappreciated -- photo of himself to a woman he met through Facebook.

Speaking with police, the woman said she met James Alan Douglas through the popular social network. While she was using the site primarily to make business contacts, Douglas, police came to believe, was looking for romance.

According to charging documents, the woman determined she and Douglas had different interests not long after she connected with him through a mutual friend. She told police Douglas repeatedly asked for her private e-mail and for photos of herself; she let Douglas know she was married and not interested in him.

The two continued exchanging messages -- none, prosecutors note, of a sexual or romantic nature -- when she received an e-mail containing a photo of Douglas naked in a car, according to charging documents.

"He sent unsolicited pictures of his exposed penis to a woman he had recently met through Facebook, without any prior conversations involving sexual content or suggesting that she might be receptive to such photographs," Senior Deputy Prosecutor Carol Spoor told the court.

Confronted by a King County detective following the Dec. 10 e-mail, Douglas allegedly admitted to sending the photo but claimed the woman was interested in a relationship with him.

"He said he sent the pictures so she could see what he looked like," the detective said in charging documents. "He said he sent (the woman) those pictures because he figured she wanted to see him."

Douglas, 45, allegedly went on to claim that he was dating "six or seven" other women, including one he considered his girlfriend. He allegedly told officers he hoped to meet that woman in person some day.

In addition to charging Douglas with indecent exposure, prosecutors alleged he acted with sexual motivation. He has not been jailed in the case.
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