Sadly there's a catch...

This action has been done by the Lyon chapter of a group called "Jeunesse Identitaire".
They are from far right and are absolutely everything BUT righteous.
This organization has been founded by Philippe Vardon et Fabrice Robert.
Both are members of a band called Faction.
They have a famous song called "Une Balle" (A bullet) where they sing that they have bullets for the police, for capitalists, for yankees, for zionists...
They made a split CD with german neo-nazi band called Hauptkampflinie.
They are no better than muslims and deserve the same fate.
Here are some links : Yes i know that now they claim not to be antisemits anymore and that some members have "friendship" with some members of Ligue de Defense Juive (LDJ) but i don't trust them a second. I sadly even lost my best friend about this topic two years ago. I pray Hashem that he and others i know will realize that to fight Muslims a righteous Jew should never compromise himself with such vermin.