Author Topic: another croatian embicile  (Read 2631 times)

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Offline george_jtf

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another croatian embicile
« on: March 22, 2010, 06:00:24 PM »
I came across this video and could not believe just how uneducated and ignorant someone could be.

After watching it, I noticed this neohrvat forgot to mention few important fact. Of course, they weren't important to him....

1. Croats,not Serbs, forced non-croats to convert to Catholicism. Included were Jews, Serbs and Muslims (yes, them too).
2. While Chetniks were hiding and saving Allied pilots shut down over Yugoslavia, Croats were handing them over to the Germans.
3. Croats, not Serbs, had the second biggest concentration camp Jasenovac, where over one million lives were lost in the most brutal ways imaginable. Although main victims in this camp were Serbs, Jews and Gypsies, there were other minorities who did not meet Croatian idea of a Nazi movement and superiority. Even Germans were disgusted by the methods these Croats were killing people.

One of the most interesting things that this idiot put in this video was how he mentioned that Serbs killed over 89,000 Jews in Serbia. The problem with it is that there weren't that many Jews living in Serbia during the time. Furthermore, he forgot to mention that the Jews who were killed were killed and sent to concentration camps by the Germans who were living in Vojvodina region for hundreds of years and joined the Nazis immediately after Hitler invaded Serbia in April 1941.

It is idiots like that who are so egoistical and ignorant that can spread such stupidity that people will actually believe it. At this moment, I am curious who is more stupid, neohrvat who created the video or those who believe it?

Offline ProudToBeSerb

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Re: another croatian embicile
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2010, 10:55:24 PM »
That kind of propaganda were used against Serb people for many years. Even in '90 being a Serb considere long beard man with knife in teeth whos killing everything on site, of course that is far from thruth and those countries like croatia, bosnia and albania push that kind of propaganda because they need to justify them selves when they do much vorse crimes. Exatcly like Clinton did '99 when NATO bombed us, and whole world belived in that story, and today Kosovo is main route for opium smugling acros Europe, our churches from 14th century burned to the ground and almost whole Serbian population ethnic cleansed, but our politicians are corupted and they did nothing to solve situation, they got piece of a cake. If only Russia want to help us, but they have no interests in doing that, and so we are alone against whole world, it's not easy being a Serb but we are proud people and we will fight to the end...
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