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Arab moslems continue their pig worshiping lies
« on: May 07, 2007, 07:36:24 AM »

ISM Brings Fake “Holocaust Survivor” to UC Irvine 
By Lee Kaplan | May 7, 2007

The International Solidarity Movement never misses a beat when it comes to propaganda against Israel on US college campuses. In December of 2003, I attended their third national conference where one seminar discussed infiltrating Jewish groups in America to try and persuade American Jews that Israel was a pariah state, an apartheid regime akin to the former South Africa and a country no American Jew would want to support. Young American students are the targets for such indoctrination because they hold the future of American relations with Israel in their hands. The ISM is working in sync with Saudi-funded ex-president Jimmy Carter in furiously doing tours on American college campuses for just this purpose.

This week, UC Irvine is featuring a “Holocaust survivor” named Hedy Epstein who will tell students on the Orange County campus how horrible Israel is and promote the goals of the PLO to dismantle the Jewish state.

While it is true that Epstein lost family in the camps (she mysteriously has photos that she cannot account for as to who took them, it would be interesting to find out if they are even genuine, but let's say they are), she nevertheless spent the war in safety in England as a child. Calling oneself "a Holocaust survivor" connotes images of someone who was in the camps him or herself, starved, beaten and ultimately facing a gas chamber. Ms. Epstein was none of these.

The International Solidarity Movement that employs and sends Ms. Epstein around has only one goal: To send a message that "See? The Jews have no right to a Jewish homeland. We can parade around a Jew who will agree with our aims and mitigate everything we say and do." She’s a world traveler, staying in nice hotels, putting out the ISM party line and getting paid for it. Nice work if you can get it.

Is it narcissism on the part of Ms. Epstein? Is it money? Is it a radical perspective of revolution, communism or anarchism that guides her? Is it being treated as a prize cow and touring herself around as a "Holocaust survivor" that most people who have really experienced the Holocaust first hand would denounce as a fraud that drives her? Is she mentally ill? Perhaps it is all of these?  Bat Y'eor in her book Eurabia would describe this woman as a dhimmi. They’ve always existed among the Jewish people whether for money or simply attention. But one thing is for certain: Ms. Epstein is a fraud and she insults the memories of the likes of Elie Weisel -- people who really were Holocaust survivors. She insults the memory of Anne Frank who suffered in an attic, then died of overwork and disease in a camp as a child. Hedy Epstein grew up in England where no Nazis banged on her door. She later did research for the Nuremberg trials—and was paid for it— the same as she receives compensation from her handlers. Somehow her research never showed her the Nazis she researched were close allies during World War II of the same Arab irredentists who now parade her around to oppose Israel.

The Germans also had Jews who helped them carry out the Holocaust. These people were called Jew catchers, the Jewish Police, the Judenrat, and kapos. Ms. Epstein belongs to the ISM clique of modern Jews who are making a livelihood out of supporting the next perpetrators of a Holocaust against Jews living in Israel today by the likes of Hamas, the PFLP, and Islamic Jihad, groups that the leaders and founders of the ISM admit they work with. The Hamas Charter explicitly calls for the extermination of Jews.

UC Irvine is a campus where Arab students walk around with Hamas headbands and armbands even on their caps and gowns during graduation ceremonies despite Hamas being classified as a terrorist organization by the US State Department. Is it any wonder then that the administration at UC Irvine looks the other way when the ISM brings someone like Hedy Epstein to campus? Is it any wonder that it remains silent when she is called a “Holocaust survivor” while she indoctrinates young students on a campus that should be educating students in scholastic truth and an understanding of how democracies are overcome by totalitarian regimes that achieve power by conveying deceptive images? Hedy Epstein’s tour reveals a malaise on American campuses that needs to be exposed to the taxpayers who support public colleges like UC Irvine.
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Re: Arab moslems continue their pig worshiping lies
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2007, 08:31:37 PM »
If Hedy Epstein really were a Holocaust survivor, then she most likely survived the Holocaust by being a kapo.

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Re: Arab moslems continue their pig worshiping lies
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2007, 08:45:02 PM »
congratulations on your 500th post Hail Columbia  :)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2007, 08:54:16 PM by bullcat3 »
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