Rubystars: "
However I also believe that as long as someone is not doing anything violent, that they shouldn't be put to death for following the wrong religion or evil belief system."
As is evident, Rubystars, Torah Law from a "strict constructionist" view, is much at odds with our American Legislative & Judicial System, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our highly secular upbringing most of us on this forum have been brought up in and taught from birth to believe in and promote.*
As Americans we are raised to believe that anyone vowing loyalty to the Constitution and possessing American citizenship, has the full rights to worship or not worship as they choose, to embrace any cult or beliefs, just as long as they obey all laws and do not interfere with the rights of other citizens to do the same.
Of course, the New Testament also has teachings opposed to "modern life" [
"If thy eye offend thee, pluck it out...if thy hand offend thee, cut it off"]
This is just one of the reasons that so many modern day Jewish Israelis develop such craziness in their politics...they believe in the right to a "Jewish State" and "The Ingathering of the Exiles" all the while denouncing as "archaic" and "racist" the very Torah which is the basis for their core beliefs!
The founders of the State and most of its citizens were long exposed to enlightened Western science and culture.
Not so the Mohammedans! -- they have it easy -- they never left the 6th Century, take the word of Mohammed literally, and so when they find someone reading their horoscope in the New York Times they have no problem torturing and beheading them.
*Moses is told by Ha'Shem in Torah to appoint Judges over Israel, who are to interpret the Law "according to each generation" ... so there is some "wiggle room" for not having to literally kill witches & sorcerers. (instead we now just cancel all their credit cards and their AAA membership for their punishment!)
![rotflmao! :::D](