Author Topic: Question I asked chaim I hope someone can point out mymistakes I hope Im wrong  (Read 2769 times)

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Shalom brother Chaim,

With  Israel's prime minister effectively freezing  new Jewish construction in east Jerusalem and the behavior of Jews being worse then even during the end of the 2nd temple era it really does look like we lost. it brakes my heart but it looks like we will have a fourth exile (the last one being bar-kochba) gentiles hate us and Jews really could not give a damn as long as they are comfortable , what curse it is to be a part of such a self haring nation.

Chaim let me propose something to you. The Jewish people they cheat , they speak loshon harah  baseless hatred  towards one another and make reform temples . Muslims as bad as they can be are willing to give their lives for their cause .. do we ? no. the Muslims dont have such a thing as reform Islam ... but we do. only a small number of Jews are g-d fearing like you.

oh but we have nothing to worry about we have  the naturai karta , reform Jews conservative Jews , things like peace now and beni brith. Cry

honestly, for a while I was proud to be a Jew but when i look at this I wonder ...  do I want to be a part of these people? no wonder the temple isnt built .....

let me ask you a question Chaim , you have read the tanach right? you know that the reason the temple was destroyed was because g-d actually did not want the sacrifices and it was an abomination to him. I am looking at this rationally , i dont think, scratch that , i know all the Jews will never make tesuva ,also  do you think g-d wants people that are passive with  atheist leaders such as Pipi?

Rabbi Kahane said winners are winners (us) and looser are losers (the fakestinians)

but take a good hard look at us Chaim are we really the winners or are we the loosers?  Do I want to be on the loosing team?

Ive come to the conclusion that its not that land of Israel that will save us , but rather listening to the word of g-d and sorry most Israelis wont and if we become a mass movement it cannot be a religious one  or else there will be a civil war you know that , Kahane knew that so what good is it? how can g-d protect an irreligious movement?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 08:36:39 PM by 18chai »

Offline muman613

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I am not as upset about it as you are... The history of the Jewish people is full of examples of Jews who did not want to heed the word of Hashem. Those Jews are lost to history and we are still here. You realize that 4/5 of the Jewish people in Egypt did not join us in the Exodus from Mitzrayim. You also know that many Jews remained in Bavel after the 2nd temple was built... Judaism calls all those who hear the word of G-d, as Moses commanded us through the Torah received at Mt Sinai...

Our history is not a pretty one but one which I am proud of regardless. There will always be back-stabbers and back-sliders and self-haters but there will always be a faithful remnant and Hashem will wait for them patiently. I am fully confident that the prophecies of our Holy Tanakh will be fufilled.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Chai

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I wont lie im loosing my faith.

I mean 2000 years of exile and we are giving away land . if there is another exile or close to it again for sure i will renounce my religion; Im just tired of this embarrassment and im not gonna be a part of it if it happens.

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Very interesting Dan.  But couldn't what you just posted apply to the second exile, and how G-d will bring the Jews back to the land of Israel?  What about when the Jews are already in Israel for the second time.  Is there any Biblical backup for a third exile?  That's certainly what I'm afraid of. 

Offline muman613

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Very interesting Dan.  But couldn't what you just posted apply to the second exile, and how G-d will bring the Jews back to the land of Israel?  What about when the Jews are already in Israel for the second time.  Is there any Biblical backup for a third exile?  That's certainly what I'm afraid of. 

Actually we are in the fourth exile now...

1) Babylonian
2) Persian
3) Greek
4) Roman

Mikeitz(Genesis 41:1-44:17)
Exile and Return (part 2)

The Sages enumerate four separate "exiles" that the Jewish people have endured since first settling the Land of Israel 3,300 years ago. Each of these exiles is qualitatively different, in the sense that the oppressors focused on uprooting different aspects of Jewish life and practice. The four exiles are:

    * "Nafshi" (Emotional) - Babylonian tyrant Nebechudnezzer wanted the Jewish people to emotionally submit themselves to him and his idolatry. They refused, so Nebechudnezzer destroyed the First Temple and sent the Jews packing to Babylon.
    * Gufani (Bodily) - While living under Persian domination, the Jews experienced an exile which threatened to annihilate them through the genocidal machinations of Haman, the villain of the Purim story.
    * Sichli (Intellectual) - Under the rulership of the Greeks, the Jews were subject to harsh decrees prohibiting their connection to God and Torah. The tide of Greek philosophy and culture ― chronicled in the Chanukah story ― threatened to extinguish Jewish intellectual thought.
    * HaKol (Combination) - The current exile began 2,000 years ago with the Roman destruction of the Second Temple and the disbursement of the Jews to four corners of the globe. During this time, Jews have been subjected to a horrific combination of all other exiles ― perpetual persecution, expulsion, humiliation, mass murder, and more.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Chai

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 bar-chochba loss was the third exile in like the 100's we had it and lost it . when people like pipi mess up it will be not the third exile, but the 4th!

but it was a beautiful passage except the fact that g-d tells us we dont deserve it ( thanks g-d)

Offline Chai

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im starting to think the redemption is a lie , which makes me an apicoret (heratic) but so be it. im being honest with how I feel. I want to be a slave to g-d , all i do is pray that g-d will help me believe in him but he ignores me.

im not asking for money , food , etc im asking g-d .. let me serve you .. open my heart .. he is not.. when i pray i feel empty.

its like asking you old father , father teach me how to make your fav dish so you dont have to , and he ignores me ... if that's the case so be it. but i want to serve him.

Offline muman613

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bar-chochba loss was the third exile in like the 100's we had it and lost it . when people like pipi mess up it will be not the third exile, but the 4th!

but it was a beautiful passage except the fact that g-d tells us we dont deserve it ( thanks g-d)

Come on... You know that the reason the Prophets say this is to encourage everyone to do Teshuva... This kind of chastisement is supposed to make us stronger. When the going gets tough, the tough get going... I read the rebukes and I cry and I promise that I will always hold Hashem before anything else in this world.

Concentrate on what you have the power to change. Change yourself and by doing so you will change those around you, those around you will change the world. I have seen the power of Torah wisdom and its affect on righteous people. Do not let depression sway your course left or right. Keep Hashem at the front of your mind, at the fore of your actions, and see the mitzvah in every action you perform... Do not believe that Hashem is angry at us, he is just like a father who wants us to succeed.

Chazak! Chazak!

You appear to be having an Emmunah breakdown...

Read about keeping your emmunah charged @

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Chai

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Very interesting Dan.  But couldn't what you just posted apply to the second exile, and how G-d will bring the Jews back to the land of Israel?  What about when the Jews are already in Israel for the second time.  Is there any Biblical backup for a third exile?  That's certainly what I'm afraid of. 

Actually we are in the fourth exile now...

1) Babylonian
2) Persian
3) Greek
4) Roman

Mikeitz(Genesis 41:1-44:17)
Exile and Return (part 2)

The Sages enumerate four separate "exiles" that the Jewish people have endured since first settling the Land of Israel 3,300 years ago. Each of these exiles is qualitatively different, in the sense that the oppressors focused on uprooting different aspects of Jewish life and practice. The four exiles are:

    * "Nafshi" (Emotional) - Babylonian tyrant Nebechudnezzer wanted the Jewish people to emotionally submit themselves to him and his idolatry. They refused, so Nebechudnezzer destroyed the First Temple and sent the Jews packing to Babylon.
    * Gufani (Bodily) - While living under Persian domination, the Jews experienced an exile which threatened to annihilate them through the genocidal machinations of Haman, the villain of the Purim story.
    * Sichli (Intellectual) - Under the rulership of the Greeks, the Jews were subject to harsh decrees prohibiting their connection to G-d and Torah. The tide of Greek philosophy and culture ― chronicled in the Chanukah story ― threatened to extinguish Jewish intellectual thought.
    * HaKol (Combination) - The current exile began 2,000 years ago with the Roman destruction of the Second Temple and the disbursement of the Jews to four corners of the globe. During this time, Jews have been subjected to a horrific combination of all other exiles ― perpetual persecution, expulsion, humiliation, mass murder, and more.

the 4th Roman empire is dead. i dont understand this i have heard it before.

Offline muman613

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Very interesting Dan.  But couldn't what you just posted apply to the second exile, and how G-d will bring the Jews back to the land of Israel?  What about when the Jews are already in Israel for the second time.  Is there any Biblical backup for a third exile?  That's certainly what I'm afraid of. 

Actually we are in the fourth exile now...

1) Babylonian
2) Persian
3) Greek
4) Roman

Mikeitz(Genesis 41:1-44:17)
Exile and Return (part 2)

The Sages enumerate four separate "exiles" that the Jewish people have endured since first settling the Land of Israel 3,300 years ago. Each of these exiles is qualitatively different, in the sense that the oppressors focused on uprooting different aspects of Jewish life and practice. The four exiles are:

    * "Nafshi" (Emotional) - Babylonian tyrant Nebechudnezzer wanted the Jewish people to emotionally submit themselves to him and his idolatry. They refused, so Nebechudnezzer destroyed the First Temple and sent the Jews packing to Babylon.
    * Gufani (Bodily) - While living under Persian domination, the Jews experienced an exile which threatened to annihilate them through the genocidal machinations of Haman, the villain of the Purim story.
    * Sichli (Intellectual) - Under the rulership of the Greeks, the Jews were subject to harsh decrees prohibiting their connection to G-d and Torah. The tide of Greek philosophy and culture ― chronicled in the Chanukah story ― threatened to extinguish Jewish intellectual thought.
    * HaKol (Combination) - The current exile began 2,000 years ago with the Roman destruction of the Second Temple and the disbursement of the Jews to four corners of the globe. During this time, Jews have been subjected to a horrific combination of all other exiles ― perpetual persecution, expulsion, humiliation, mass murder, and more.

the 4th Roman empire is dead. i dont understand this i have heard it before.

The descendents of the Roman empire is the Roman Catholic Church and the children of Essau. We are still in the 4th exile of Rome...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline muman613

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Here is an apropos article:

Editor’s note: The words of a true tzaddik said years ago are amazingly live and true today. The following are translated excerpts from the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s discourses from 1982, that implores the leaders of the Israeli government not to bow to international pressures, for Hashem runs the world...

At a Chassidic gathering held on Shabbos Bereishis, the Lubavitcher Rebbe focused his attention on the teaching with which Rashi begins his commentary to the Torah. The Rebbe explained that like all of Torah, this teaching should not be regarded merely as an abstract principle, but rather as a construct practically applicable throughout our nation’s history.
The same principles, the Rebbe explained, are relevant in the present age and should be employed within today’s contemporary political arena. Presenting the Torah’s ideas straightforwardly and without apology is the means to influence public opinion at present.
In this vein, we are publishing an adaptation of the Rebbe’s words with the hope that their study and their application will bring peace, security, and prosperity to the Jewish people. (Sichos In English 29 Tishrei, 5752)

Rashi’s1 First Teaching
Sequence is of crucial importance in the study of the Torah2 Giving one subject precedence over others endows it with prominence. In this vein, it is significant to note how Rashi, the commentator who seeks to reveal "the simple meaning of the Torah’s words,’’ 3begins his commentary on the Torah. Rhetorically, he asks4 why the Torah does not begin with the description of the mitzvos which the Jews were commanded to fulfill and explains that it was necessary to recount the narrative of creation and the early phases of the formation of the Jewish nation so that:
If the nations of the world tell the Jews; "You are robbers, for you have taken forceful possession of the lands of the... nations,’’ the [Jews] will reply, "The entire world belongs to G-d. He created it and He gave it to whom He saw fit.’’
Rashi associates this teaching with the verse5 "The power of His works He declared to His people,’’ emphasizing that it is not the shifting socio-economic forces in the world at large that mold the fate of our people, but rather "the power of His works.’’
Relying on the Rock of Israel
This lesson has been expressed throughout the course of our nation’s history. Even in times of persecution and oppression, when outwardly, their fate appeared to depend on the decisions of gentile powers, the Jews knew that G-d was the source of their deliverance.
This approach does not imply that we should rely on faith alone. On the contrary, the Torah obligates us to employ all the natural means at our disposal and not to rely on miracles.6 Nevertheless, the natural means which we employ cannot alone promise success, for success depends on G-d. Needless to say, an approach which reflects a lack of faith in G-d will not have positive consequences.
Our Destiny is in G-d’s Hands
This lesson is particularly relevant at the present time. The Jews must realize that their security and well-being is a matter between them and G-d alone. Even when we are in a situation where we require the generosity and favor of non-Jewish powers, they do not control the fate of our people. Our people’s destiny is dependent on "the power of His works.’’
This is the message which the Jewish people must communicate to the nations of the world -- that G-d has given us Eretz Yisrael and that He determines our security and well-being.
Relaying this message will influence world opinion, for the Torah is accepted by all nations. When the Torah’s message is communicated to them straightforwardly, without apology, they will listen.
"Wonders in All Things’’
The above is particularly relevant in the present year, 5752, for the letters of its Hebrew equivalent serve as an acronym for the Hebrew words meaning, "This will be a year of wonders in all things.’’ The previous year was described as "a year when `I will show you wonders,’ ’’7 and we saw wonders manifest throughout the world. This year the wonders will be greater and more encompassing, bringing success and prosperity for Jews in all places and particularly in Eretz Yisrael. May these wonders also include the ultimate wonder -- the coming of the Redemption and may this take place in the immediate future.
1. (Back to text) Rav Shlomo Yitzchaki (1040-1105 C.E.); the foremost commentator on the Torah.
2. (Back to text) See Sheloh, Torah SheBeal Peh, 402b.
3. (Back to text) See Rashi, Bereishis 3:8.
4. (Back to text) Rashi’s words are based on the commentary of the Bereishis Rabbah on Bereishis 1:1, Yalkut Shimoni to Shmos 12:2.
5. (Back to text) Tehillim 111:6.
6. (Back to text) Pesachim 62b.
7. (Back to text) See the booklet "I Will Show You Wonders’’ (Sichos In English, 5751) which draws attention to the wonders which G-d wrought throughout the previous year, and in particular, to those which transpired in the Gulf War.
(Excerpts from “Sichos in English”, Shabbat Parshat Breishis 5742 (1982), reprinted with the kind permission of
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Chai

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bar-chochba loss was the third exile in like the 100's we had it and lost it . when people like pipi mess up it will be not the third exile, but the 4th!

but it was a beautiful passage except the fact that g-d tells us we dont deserve it ( thanks g-d)

Come on... You know that the reason the Prophets say this is to encourage everyone to do Teshuva... This kind of chastisement is supposed to make us stronger. When the going gets tough, the tough get going... I read the rebukes and I cry and I promise that I will always hold Hashem before anything else in this world.

Concentrate on what you have the power to change. Change yourself and by doing so you will change those around you, those around you will change the world. I have seen the power of Torah wisdom and its affect on righteous people. Do not let depression sway your course left or right. Keep Hashem at the front of your mind, at the fore of your actions, and see the mitzvah in every action you perform... Do not believe that Hashem is angry at us, he is just like a father who wants us to succeed.

Chazak! Chazak!

You appear to be having an Emmunah breakdown...

Read about keeping your emmunah charged @

i am i even emailed rabbi lazer he is to bussy he just refered me to some books ... thanks but no thanks rabbi lazer./

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don't despair. have faith in H'shem....Always...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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I wont lie im loosing my faith.

I mean 2000 years of exile and we are giving away land . if there is another exile or close to it again for sure i will renounce my religion; Im just tired of this embarrassment and im not gonna be a part of it if it happens.

Don't Despair..have faith in Gd...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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im starting to think the redemption is a lie , which makes me an apicoret (heratic) but so be it. im being honest with how I feel. I want to be a slave to g-d , all i do is pray that g-d will help me believe in him but he ignores me.

im not asking for money , food , etc im asking g-d .. let me serve you .. open my heart .. he is not.. when i pray i feel empty.

its like asking you old father , father teach me how to make your fav dish so you dont have to , and he ignores me ... if that's the case so be it. but i want to serve him.

If Holocaust survivors can win 6 day wars as predicted by the Torah, then redemption and the coming of the Moshiach are a definite possibility...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Chai

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The above is particularly relevant in the present year, 5752, for the letters of its Hebrew equivalent serve as an acronym for the Hebrew words meaning, "This will be a year of wonders in all things.’’ The previous year was described as "a year when `I will show you wonders,’ ’’7 and we saw wonders manifest throughout the world. This year the wonders will be greater and more encompassing, bringing success and prosperity for Jews in all places and particularly in Eretz Yisrael. May these wonders also include the ultimate wonder -- the coming of the Redemption and may this take place in the immediate future.

i will bet you $100 no redemption. :'(

Offline Chai

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thanks guys i really appreciate it but its not a light switch .. i think the fire is burning out.

Offline Dr. Dan

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The above is particularly relevant in the present year, 5752, for the letters of its Hebrew equivalent serve as an acronym for the Hebrew words meaning, "This will be a year of wonders in all things.’’ The previous year was described as "a year when `I will show you wonders,’ ’’7 and we saw wonders manifest throughout the world. This year the wonders will be greater and more encompassing, bringing success and prosperity for Jews in all places and particularly in Eretz Yisrael. May these wonders also include the ultimate wonder -- the coming of the Redemption and may this take place in the immediate future.

i will bet you $100 no redemption. :'(

There will be redemption and Moshiach..don't know when..but our faith requires us to believe that it will happen..otherwise, you might as well be a reform Jew who believes nothing... :o
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Chai

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The above is particularly relevant in the present year, 5752, for the letters of its Hebrew equivalent serve as an acronym for the Hebrew words meaning, "This will be a year of wonders in all things.’’ The previous year was described as "a year when `I will show you wonders,’ ’’7 and we saw wonders manifest throughout the world. This year the wonders will be greater and more encompassing, bringing success and prosperity for Jews in all places and particularly in Eretz Yisrael. May these wonders also include the ultimate wonder -- the coming of the Redemption and may this take place in the immediate future.

i will bet you $100 no redemption. :'(

There will be redemption and Moshiach..don't know when..but our faith requires us to believe that it will happen..otherwise, you might as well be a reform Jew who believes nothing... :o

every year we say next year the messiah and every year the reforms are right , how much more hillul hashem ? they are the ones that are laughing at people like us, im tiered if the embarrassment representing the loosing team. all my ancestors thought the same thing and they were wrong , all my grandfather did was await the messiah and he died not seeing it , i dont want that to be , me.
 im sorry 2000 years is enough waiting ... more then enough.  the pizza is cold man. g-d should have struck when the iron was hot. jews keep getting worse and more assimilated each day half my family has lost faith or intermarried already is there was a messiah it would have happened was the crusades , inquisitions programs Holocausts not enough ? we still haven't changed to made teshuva and repented either ... was g-ds mercy giving us 1947 borders? was it the 4 wars we had to go though the itafadas? Rabbi Kahanas death? Chaims exile ?..  this is g-ds mercy a secular israel ?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 11:15:29 PM by 18chai »

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maybe if all Jews stopped learning Torah then g-d would have no choice to redeem us because he has 2! if there is one. that would show him!

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Many Jews are leaving too though.... whats shaking my faith is current events. yes we have israel but are we giving it up. i mean we are freezing building in our capital! that doesn't bother you? the fact that there is a need for JTF is a red flag already that we are in crisis , , i mean rabbi kahane was killed before his work was done doesn't that say anything? east Jerusalem is froze

whats more , that fire of god i felt in my soul is now gone . its very sad im still a good person but how can g-d judge me when all i do is pray to get it back and he ignores it i pray for him to help me serve him and he ignores me im asking to serve him for him to give me wealth power etc/

may you all be a witness that I asked hashem for help for my emuna.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 11:43:08 PM by 18chai »

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Hashem is difficult to understand and I cannot really do much to help you. But I feel obliged to do my best to attempt to strengthen your faith. A simple fact of life is that we are only human and we have a limited ability to understand this world. We are not dealing with mathematics or science here, we are dealing with human souls and the fabric of Creation. I do not attempt to understand the big picture, it would make me insane and mad... But it is hard enough to deal with the little picture, our own lives and the frantic pace of modern life.

I am blessed that I have witnessed Hashems providence in my life. It is important to remember that a Jew can have such strong faith that we are supposed to bless him for both the good and the bad which happens in our lives. I have seen how bad things in my life end up turning around and being good. This is revealed to us in the story of Joseph who was enslaved in Potiphars house. He was righteous because he resisted the advances of Potiphars wife and yet he was accused and thrown into a dungeon for many, many years.... He should have been bitter at Hashem, he should have been angry, and yet he still had faith in Hashem and in his providence. Eventually his prayers were heard and he was appointed second in command to Egypts Pharoah...

The Jewish people are special to Hashem. I believe even those who are far from him still have a place in their souls where Hashem could reside. What is required is for Jews to attempt to understand each other and help each other, even if we don't witness them changing their beliefs. I believe I make a good impression on those around me, and most of these people will always tell me that they believe that Israel should be the Jewish homeland, and that we should be strong against the enemies. I find that my religious observance seems to influence those around me, even in the market and even at the gas station...

Our enemies enjoy the doubt that you are experiencing. The yetzer hara is working hard on every Jew to chip away his/her emmunah in Hashem. It is so easy for me to lose my faith when I read the headlines of the news every day. Every morning I feel a strong challenge when I read the internet news... But to this day I have never lost my faith... There are times I feel down for a few hours... There are times that I feel depressed that we are such a far-flung and disperate people. I dreamed of Jewish unity and I know the reality is very grim. But I will not lose faith... I feel a power within me, and a power in the righteous Jews around me. We can turn the world around...

Keep the faith... Do not let depression turn you away from Hashem... I wish there were a Prophet to chastise us today. I wish there was a clear vision of Hashem and his design for the Jewish people... But we dont have it now, and we have to continue on with our strong faith, strengthening our own emmunah and those around us...

PS: It bothers me that Jerusalem is even being negotiated. I think every Jew needs to cry out in prayer, cry out in the media, and cry out to our brothers in Israel... The Jewish nation is being threatened and we cannot sit idle...

May we merit to understand the wisdom of Hashems plans...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Hashem is difficult to understand and I cannot really do much to help you. But I feel obliged to do my best to attempt to strengthen your faith. A simple fact of life is that we are only human and we have a limited ability to understand this world. We are not dealing with mathematics or science here, we are dealing with human souls and the fabric of Creation. I do not attempt to understand the big picture, it would make me insane and mad... But it is hard enough to deal with the little picture, our own lives and the frantic pace of modern life.

I am blessed that I have witnessed Hashems providence in my life. It is important to remember that a Jew can have such strong faith that we are supposed to bless him for both the good and the bad which happens in our lives. I have seen how bad things in my life end up turning around and being good. This is revealed to us in the story of Joseph who was enslaved in Potiphars house. He was righteous because he resisted the advances of Potiphars wife and yet he was accused and thrown into a dungeon for many, many years.... He should have been bitter at Hashem, he should have been angry, and yet he still had faith in Hashem and in his providence. Eventually his prayers were heard and he was appointed second in command to Egypts Pharoah...

The Jewish people are special to Hashem. I believe even those who are far from him still have a place in their souls where Hashem could reside. What is required is for Jews to attempt to understand each other and help each other, even if we don't witness them changing their beliefs. I believe I make a good impression on those around me, and most of these people will always tell me that they believe that Israel should be the Jewish homeland, and that we should be strong against the enemies. I find that my religious observance seems to influence those around me, even in the market and even at the gas station...

Our enemies enjoy the doubt that you are experiencing. The yetzer hara is working hard on every Jew to chip away his/her emmunah in Hashem. It is so easy for me to lose my faith when I read the headlines of the news every day. Every morning I feel a strong challenge when I read the internet news... But to this day I have never lost my faith... There are times I feel down for a few hours... There are times that I feel depressed that we are such a far-flung and disperate people. I dreamed of Jewish unity and I know the reality is very grim. But I will not lose faith... I feel a power within me, and a power in the righteous Jews around me. We can turn the world around...

Keep the faith... Do not let depression turn you away from Hashem... I wish there were a Prophet to chastise us today. I wish there was a clear vision of Hashem and his design for the Jewish people... But we dont have it now, and we have to continue on with our strong faith, strengthening our own emmunah and those around us...

PS: It bothers me that Jerusalem is even being negotiated. I think every Jew needs to cry out in prayer, cry out in the media, and cry out to our brothers in Israel... The Jewish nation is being threatened and we cannot sit idle...

May we merit to understand the wisdom of Hashems plans...

Amen , may god give me what you have,.if not then he has to forgive me because i am begging him for it.

Offline muman613

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Hashem is difficult to understand and I cannot really do much to help you. But I feel obliged to do my best to attempt to strengthen your faith. A simple fact of life is that we are only human and we have a limited ability to understand this world. We are not dealing with mathematics or science here, we are dealing with human souls and the fabric of Creation. I do not attempt to understand the big picture, it would make me insane and mad... But it is hard enough to deal with the little picture, our own lives and the frantic pace of modern life.

I am blessed that I have witnessed Hashems providence in my life. It is important to remember that a Jew can have such strong faith that we are supposed to bless him for both the good and the bad which happens in our lives. I have seen how bad things in my life end up turning around and being good. This is revealed to us in the story of Joseph who was enslaved in Potiphars house. He was righteous because he resisted the advances of Potiphars wife and yet he was accused and thrown into a dungeon for many, many years.... He should have been bitter at Hashem, he should have been angry, and yet he still had faith in Hashem and in his providence. Eventually his prayers were heard and he was appointed second in command to Egypts Pharoah...

The Jewish people are special to Hashem. I believe even those who are far from him still have a place in their souls where Hashem could reside. What is required is for Jews to attempt to understand each other and help each other, even if we don't witness them changing their beliefs. I believe I make a good impression on those around me, and most of these people will always tell me that they believe that Israel should be the Jewish homeland, and that we should be strong against the enemies. I find that my religious observance seems to influence those around me, even in the market and even at the gas station...

Our enemies enjoy the doubt that you are experiencing. The yetzer hara is working hard on every Jew to chip away his/her emmunah in Hashem. It is so easy for me to lose my faith when I read the headlines of the news every day. Every morning I feel a strong challenge when I read the internet news... But to this day I have never lost my faith... There are times I feel down for a few hours... There are times that I feel depressed that we are such a far-flung and disperate people. I dreamed of Jewish unity and I know the reality is very grim. But I will not lose faith... I feel a power within me, and a power in the righteous Jews around me. We can turn the world around...

Keep the faith... Do not let depression turn you away from Hashem... I wish there were a Prophet to chastise us today. I wish there was a clear vision of Hashem and his design for the Jewish people... But we dont have it now, and we have to continue on with our strong faith, strengthening our own emmunah and those around us...

PS: It bothers me that Jerusalem is even being negotiated. I think every Jew needs to cry out in prayer, cry out in the media, and cry out to our brothers in Israel... The Jewish nation is being threatened and we cannot sit idle...

May we merit to understand the wisdom of Hashems plans...

Amen , may G-d give me what you have,.if not then he has to forgive me because i am begging him for it.

I will daven for you also... These are some of the most troubling times... But imagine how a Jew must have felt at the time the 2nd Temple was destroyed. Those who lived during the Bar Kokbah rebellion and put their trust in him, believing him to be the Moshiach, and then to be killed and the temple burned.... It must have felt like living death, and the sadness must have been oppressive. I am glad I was not alive any time near then...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Chai

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Thank you so much please do pray for me.

same here id prob become a heratic

but here a question this happened because G-d said your sacrifices are an abomination to me because the Jews have baseless hatred

so do you think g-d even  wants our prayers ?   what makes us different then the Jews then? and after all that has happened what could g-d possibly do to make jews repent after the crusades inquisitions programs holocausts and itifatas ? there really is nothing else g-d can throw at us. burn us gas us knife us  take our land away we are still the same sinners evidently . So what can g-d do?