Author Topic: Is U.S. military cowering before Muslims?  (Read 2365 times)

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Is U.S. military cowering before Muslims?
« on: April 30, 2010, 05:48:17 PM »

The nation's largest public policy women's organization is appalled at the way the Pentagon appears more committed to appeasing Muslims, than allowing a high-profile Christian leader to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to members of the military.


Last week the Pentagon created an uproar when the Army announced that it would rescind an invitation to Franklin Graham to speak at the Pentagon's National Prayer Day event on May 6. The radical Muslim group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations applauded the decision, calling the well-known evangelist "controversial." CAIR had pushed the Pentagon to disinvite Graham because he had told the truth about the violent teachings of Islam.
Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America, has chimed in with other pro-family leaders who have expressed their outrage. She says it is appalling that the military is afraid of offending Muslims.
Wendy Wright"The military would disinvite him apparently because they're afraid of offending violent Muslims," she observes. "This is just a Muslim belief that non-Muslims must show subservience of Muslims.
"And to think that the military -- which is in midst of a war against radical Islam -- is actually kowtowing to some of the most violent elements of that religion makes me fearful for our country."
Wright expresses concerns that apparently there are people in the leadership of the U.S. military who are more afraid of offending America's enemies than they are about advancing the very thing that could bring peace -- the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt