Author Topic: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???  (Read 10154 times)

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Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« on: May 02, 2010, 09:56:06 PM »
Have any of you seen the following youtube video yet?

This woman claims that all of the anti-JTF and anti-Chaim Ben Pesach videos are fake Peace Now channels and are actually made by Chaim himself. She claims that he is creating all of these channels and favoriting and all his own videos in order to boost his own ratings. She asks the question, "Why would someone from Peace Now favorite all of these JTF and videos?" and she claims that these supposed Peace Now channels is nothing more than Chaim himself.

Chaim, if you are reading this, would you please rebut and explain these allegations that this woman makes against you? I also think that this is something worth addressing on Ask JTF and you can consider this my question for next week.

Please don't think I'm making any accusations, I'm just real curious about how this woman is fraudulently making it look like Chaim is a fraud?

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2010, 10:08:13 PM »
Chaim addressed this subject in the following thread:,45208.15.html
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2010, 10:08:55 PM »

First of all, this is not a woman. This is someone who has used voice changing software which can be easily acquired on the internet.

This is someone who was once active on this forum but now is obsessed with ridiculous jealousy over the videos of Ira.

Here is my response from another thread:

Equally absurd is the assertion that I am "AntiChaimBenPesach", "Mr Kahane" and "MrDaveCoe". This false assertion is being spread by someone whom I had the greatest respect for. Someone whom I praised week after week on Ask JTF for many months.

Anyone who speaks Hebrew would know that AntiChaimBenPesach made at least one video with his own voice where he calls me a pedophile and a rapist, and claims that I was raped in prison, and makes similar accusations against Rabbi Meir Kahane zt"l hy"d. Any Israeli would know that the voice on this video is that of an Israeli imitating an American. Since I have an American accent when I speak Hebrew, there is no way that I could have made this sick and disgusting video. (As if I would ever do something like that, G-d forbid). Here is the video:

As far as the account known as "Mr Kahane", this person is an active leftwing member of our Hebrew forum. People on our Hebrew forum know him and know that this is also an Israeli who has lived in Israel his whole life. Why do we allow leftists on our forum? Because it makes the forum much more interesting and active.

This same person accuses me of being "MrDaveCoe". Equally ridiculous. Dave Coe is a real person who hates Jews and who is running for the California State Assembly.

Why do we publicize and promote anti-JTF videos? Because most of them actually help us by publicizing our movement. We have gotten new members and supporters, especially in Israel, as a result of the anti-JTF videos of AntiChaimBenPesach, Marbus and others. Also the videos that poke fun at us from Ira and Mr Kahane give us additional publicity.

This person also claims that the self-hating left in Israel is not concerned with our movement. Really? Is that why Dany Zak, the chief News Editor for NRG-Maariv (the second biggest newspaper in Israel) has started a special account on Facebook entitled "To Remove Chaim Ben Pesach From Youtube"? Here's all of the information with the links:,45249.0.html

Yes, we're promoting Dany Zak's anti-Chaim page as well because it brings more attention to our movement. Does that mean that I am also Dany Zak, who is one of the most important people in the Israeli news media?

Are the Peace Now and "anarchist" demonstrators unconcerned about our movement? We have already shown everyone here the reports from Israeli television complaining hysterically about our Hebrew forum "endangering" the left.

If this person who is smearing me spoke Hebrew, he would be very embarrassed by what he has written all over Youtube.

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2010, 10:17:49 PM »

BTW, at a time when Israel is in such grave danger, this person has spent the past several months attacking Ira and now attacking me.

Apparently this person does not believe in G-d. Because if he did, he would know that he is committing a very serious sin. Chazal teach us that lashon harah (evil gossip) like this prevents a person from having a place in the world to come, the world of eternal life.

I hope this person writes to me and apologizes. Otherwise I do not envy his future destiny.

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2010, 10:24:25 PM »
Dave Coe is a real person who hates Jews and who is running for the California State Assembly.

I knew that Rob Stark is running for the California State Assembly though I didn't know Dave Coe was.
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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2010, 10:34:31 PM »
I believe that Dave Coe is really Rob Stark. 

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2010, 10:44:20 PM »
Rob Stark seems to be chasing an Arab witch from YouTube.

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2010, 12:51:07 AM »
Dan,   for what it's worth,    Joshua himself mentioned his full name on the JTF Forum itself.   

Having said that,   I appreciate the efforts that Joshua provided JTF.      It certainly made a positive impact.     Hopefully,   Joshua, Ira ,  and anyone else involved with the conflict will patch up their differences before the situation gets completely out of hand beyond the point of no return.     There's too much at stake for all of us to have infighting.   
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2010, 12:57:29 AM »
Dave Coe/Rob Stark/EndZOG is Stephanie Gangraped's boyfriend.

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2010, 03:01:43 AM »
I think I can hear a trace of ozzy accent ?!

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2010, 03:51:49 AM »
Dan,   for what it's worth,    Joshua himself mentioned his full name on the JTF Forum itself.   

Having said that,   I appreciate the efforts that Joshua provided JTF.      It certainly made a positive impact.     Hopefully,   Joshua, Ira ,  and anyone else involved with the conflict will patch up their differences before the situation gets completely out of hand beyond the point of no return.     There's too much at stake for all of us to have infighting.   

Looks like you are right about the name and I agree with you completely eb22, but the main point I was trying to make with the last part of my post was why would , who is supposedly Yariv Oppenheimer, who I would assume is a fairly busy person in Israel if he's the head of Peace Now, be so intimately familiar with this information and suddenly choose to post a bunch of messages on ZooTube against Joshua who no longer makes videos against him within minutes of Chaim posting on here rebuking Joshua?

Dan,   my take on the situation is that Peace Now is a large /  well funded organization.      It's possible that AntiChaimBenPesach isn't Yariv Oppenheimer but instead is another member of Peace Now.     I'm confident that Peace Now and many other leftist organizations in Israel pay close attention to what is written on not only the Hayamin. Org Forum but on the JTF Forum as well.     They will do everything possible to destroy JTF/  Hayamin.Org ,   externally and/  or internally.     

Several weeks ago,   someone sent a personal message to my ZooTube account.    He or she asked me to come to the defense of Joshua and said some bad things about Ira.    Prior to that,   I wasn't paying much attention to what was going on regarding the situation with them and those who got involved with the situation.     

Once I started paying attention to the situation,   two things stood out:

1)   The infighting was not only wasting valuable time and potential resources,    it was playing right into the hands of our common enemies:     The Leftists,   Muslims,   and Neo Nazis/  911 Inside Job Conspiracy Freaks.

2)   There were at least a couple of people who were claiming that Chaim was responsible for some accounts appearing on ZooTube that were anti-JTF accounts.

That's when I decided to leave comments on Ira's channel requesting that she would remove the two videos about Joshua  (  she removed one of them )  and reply to one of the Anti-Ira videos to try to get the anti-Ira people to get back to focusing on defeating our common enemies.   

In order to dispel the rumor that Chaim was responsible for anti-JTF accounts,    I decided to look for proof to present in the reply section of the video.      The following is what I wrote:

"   I have what I consider proof that the AntiChaimBenPesach, AntiChaimBenPesach1, and MrKahane AREN'T Chaim's accounts. All 3 of these accounts were logged in during the 7th Day of Passover, New York time.   Even if one disagrees with Chaim on the decision whether to promote Ira's videos on the JTF Forum, no one in their right mind would think that Chaim would compromise his religious beliefs".      3 weeks ago

I stand by that statement today.
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2010, 04:12:58 AM »
Below is a link of the comments from the video I mentioned.     Being that this is public information,    I think it's in the best interest to post the link.    If I'm doing something wrong,   I deeply apologize.   

I support everyone who is still part of JTF.   We are going to have some differences of opinion at times.   ( The potential 2012 Republican Candidates come to mind.   )   But that's the norm in any group.     The key is to work together for the overall cause to try to save the U.S.,  Israel,   Serbia,  and Western Civilization.     G-d Bless each of you and your family.

"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2010, 05:16:54 AM »
I already responded to one of AsheDina's threads proving that Rob Stark is MrDaveCoe and EndZOG.  It would also be verifiable that MrKahane is a member of the Hebrew forum.  So this person is clearly wrong about that. 

However, Chaim, you should clear up the following, some of which is not mentioned in that video:

Both the HaYamin and Peace Now accounts that are subscribed to this channel: have the same videos favorited in the exact same order during the exact same timeframe--if you look at the RECENT ACTIVITY on the accounts I have listed below you can see it is the exact same actions in the exact same order.  (The AntiChaimBenPesach account happens to have this same order of videos if you scroll down his favorites.)  All the accounts have the same last approximate sign-in date.  Many of the HaYamin uploads have approximately the same amount of views as the Peace Now uploads which indicates the same number of accounts are promoting the same videos.  (I know this due to the fact that I've done it myself with my own videos.)  The exact same account description is given on all the HaYamin accounts, and the exact same account description is given on all the Peace Now accounts.  The Hebrew forum is promoted on all the accounts.  Compare these HaYamin accounts to these Peace Now accounts and pay particular attention to the RECENT ACTIVITY:


Peace Now

Also Chaim, AntiChaimBenPesach just posted Joshua's full name on his channel and Marbus's channel and Ira's channel within a few minutes of your post on this thread after not signing into that account for 4 days.  I don't know him and can't verify that it's his real name but how would AntiChaimBenPesach get that information?


Dan, I suggest that you ask this on next week's Ask JTF.

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2010, 05:28:44 AM »
Who's joshua?
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2010, 08:53:36 AM »
Joshua is 4Internatinal.

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2010, 09:13:29 AM »
I also noticed that Joshua was having issues with Ira and I really hope they both bury the hatchet and resolve their differences...Both of them are decent people.  I think Joshua has particularly done wonderful things for the movement.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2010, 02:31:52 PM »
What a stupid video I just watched.  I can't believe I just wasted my time with that.

It is no secret that JTF promotes the peace now videos and would make sense that they would favorite them with the multiple JTF accounts (where JTF videos are posted) in order to generate more hits.  Why?  Because the idiots in peace now often display our logo in their attempts to smear us and they put Chaim's picture prominently on their videos along with actual video clips.   Is Chaim to blame for that?   The peace now people think that Jews think like them, far left morons, and will be appalled like they are by what Chaim says.   On the contrary, most Jews are pretty normal and what Chaim says will strike a chord with them.  So by publicizing us, they help our movement indirectly.   Their feeble minds can't grasp that because like all far leftwing activists, they cannot fathom civilized, educated human beings having views different from their own.   This speculation is pointless and ridiculous.

As to the video:   I also detect an Aussie accent in there.  Despite whatever voice modification is being used.

Now let's comment on the content of the video:
At 6:29 the author clicks on "Stop the hate 2" and loads this profile onto the screen.   The prominently displayed video is quite obviously a slanderous one spreading lies against Chaim.  How do I  know?  The title is "Chaim ben Pesach:  My real story."    You can guess what kind of shtuyot is in that video.
Yet the author says, "What's really unusual here is the prominent web address right there" - unusual ?   Hardly.   The cited video's goal is clear:  They want to associate the phony, venomous slander within the video (Titled, Chaim b. Pesach my real story) with Chaim ben Pesach and the movement JTF itself to deter people from joining or viewing its content.  Are they idiotically drawing attention to us with their phony strategy?  Yes.   Again not our fault and not Chaim's.   It's clear why they put the prominently in the video screen.    It's a screen shot of an actual video of Chaim and they wish to slander our movement to scare people off!

Also liked the author's comment, "that same red background," after having showed blue backgrounds and then later in the video showing a yellow background profile.

His/her "evidence" amounts to:  Peace now attack-videos display our website address when they slander us.  Multiple JTF accounts favorite and/or subscribe to the peace now attack-videos which members have been urged to promote on the forum.  Peace now attack-videos and accounts favorite and/or subscribe to JTF videos.   Lots of accounts were made 6 months ago both by Chaim, JTF and by the peace now nuts.

Anyone else remember specifically that Chaim said on the forum we are going to make multiple accounts to put up our videos?   That explains why a fleury of videos were made all at once.  Quite simple really.

This conspiracy theories are for people who cannot grasp reality.  I can't wait to hear ask JTF next week.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2010, 11:25:35 AM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2010, 02:56:57 PM »
AntiChaimBenPesach is not Chaim ben Pesach. That is not even a woman doing that "voice."

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2010, 03:36:16 PM »
The mono audio is horrible. Sound is only coming out of the right headphone when I listen to this but everything else I listen to it comes out of both headphones.

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2010, 06:42:18 PM »
This is a quote from his YT webpage:

"My obsessive compulsive disorder for some inexplicable reason also causes me to vilify and attack a current member of my own organization called "4International" who I absolutely without exception always have to mention in a negative, sarcastic, malicious way whenever I make a comment singing the praises about "Ira" on Youtube.

My obsessive compulsive disorder also causes me to label anybody who dares criticize me or expose me as a Youtube phony as being a member of my own organization who is none other than ( you guessed it ) "4International" who I am obviously obsessed with and hate for some bizarre reason, most likely because I am insanely jealous of anybody in my organization displaying even a modicum of intelligence so anybody who dares criticize me I will immediately accuse of being "4International" despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

I regularly compromise my religious beliefs as an Orthodox Jew by uploading and promoting "AntiChaimBenPesach" JTF/Hayamin videos on Shabbat.

All in all I am just a despicable, evil, rotten to the core individual and pathetic Youtube phony whose dwindling movement will never get off the ground because of my evil, duplicitous, hypocritical nature"

This person seems to speak on behalf of the person previously known as 4 international.  I cannot wrap my head around this

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2010, 06:46:29 PM »
I know Chaim has a thick skin, but this is very hurtful, not to mention disturbed behavior.  4 International is a devout Zionist.  What could possibly be his motivation for putting on a fiasco such as this?  It makes no sense in that it undermines the very things Joshua fought for

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2010, 08:26:23 PM »
What a stupid video I just watched.  I can't believe I just wasted my time with that.

It is no secret that JTF promotes the peace now videos and would make sense that they would favorite them with the multiple JTF accounts (where JTF videos are posted) in order to generate more hits.  Why?  Because the idiots in peace now often display our logo in their attempts to smear us and they put Chaim's picture prominently on their videos along with actual video clips.   Is Chaim to blame for that?   The peace now people think that Jews think like them, far left morons, and will be appalled like they are by what Chaim says.   On the contrary, most Jews are pretty normal and what Chaim says will strike a chord with them.  So by publicizing us, they help our movement indirectly.   Their feeble minds can't grasp that because like all far leftwing activists, they cannot fathom civilized, educated human beings having views different from their own.   This speculation is pointless and ridiculous.

As to the video:   I also detect an Aussie accent in there.  Despite whatever voice modification is being used.

Now let's comment on the content of the video:
At 6:29 the author clicks on "Stop the hate 2" and loads this profile onto the screen.   The prominently displayed video is quite obviously a slanderous one spreading lies against Chaim.  How do I  know?  The title is "Chaim ben Pesach:  My real story."    You can guess what kind of shtuyot is in that video.
Yet the author says, "What's really unusual here is the prominent web address right there" - unusual ?   Hardly.   The cited video's goal is clear:  They want to associate the phony, venomous slander within the video (Titled, Chaim b. Pesach my real story) with Chaim ben Pesach and the movement JTF itself to deter people from joining or viewing its content.  Are they idiotically drawing attention to us with their phony strategy?  Yes.   Again not our fault and not Chaim's.   It's clear why they put the prominently in the video screen.    It's a screen shot of an actual video of Chaim and they wish to slander our movement to scare people off!

Also liked the author's comment, "that same red background," after having showed blue backgrounds and then later in the video showing a yellow background profile.

His/her "evidence" amounts to:  Peace now attack videos display our website address when they slander us.  Multiple JTF accounts favorite and/or subscribe to the peace now attack videos which members have been urged to promote on the forum.  Peace now attack videos and accounts favorite and/or subscribe to JTF videos.   Lots of accounts were made 6 months ago both by Chaim, JTF and by the peace now nuts.

Anyone else remember specifically that Chaim said on the forum we are going to make multiple accounts to put up our videos?   That explains why a fleury of videos were made all at once.  Quite simple really.

This conspiracy theories are for people who cannot grasp reality.  I can't wait to hear ask JTF next week.


KWRBT, you have explained this well. Kol hakavod.

BTW, Marbus the Croat Nazi and other anti-JTF haters also prominently display our web site on their videos. I guess the Croat Nazis are also part of the "conspiracy".

When blacks, Arabs, Albanians and other Jew-haters did videos against us, they also displayed our web site prominently. They are all obviously part of the "conspiracy".

Dany Zak, the main News Editor of NRG/Maariv, prominently displays our web site on the special Facebook page he created against us. Yup, he's part of the "conspiracy".

Here's a video where Marbus just uploads my entire video in Hebrew against homosexuality:

Marbus has done this many times on several accounts. It's all one big "conspiracy".

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2010, 08:30:34 PM »
This is a quote from his YT webpage:

"My obsessive compulsive disorder for some inexplicable reason also causes me to vilify and attack a current member of my own organization called "4International" who I absolutely without exception always have to mention in a negative, sarcastic, malicious way whenever I make a comment singing the praises about "Ira" on Youtube.

My obsessive compulsive disorder also causes me to label anybody who dares criticize me or expose me as a Youtube phony as being a member of my own organization who is none other than ( you guessed it ) "4International" who I am obviously obsessed with and hate for some bizarre reason, most likely because I am insanely jealous of anybody in my organization displaying even a modicum of intelligence so anybody who dares criticize me I will immediately accuse of being "4International" despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

I regularly compromise my religious beliefs as an Orthodox Jew by uploading and promoting "AntiChaimBenPesach" JTF/Hayamin videos on Shabbat.

All in all I am just a despicable, evil, rotten to the core individual and pathetic Youtube phony whose dwindling movement will never get off the ground because of my evil, duplicitous, hypocritical nature"

This person seems to speak on behalf of the person previously known as 4 international.  I cannot wrap my head around this


He writes that I am "obsessed" with 4International. Oh yes, that is indeed my obsession in life.

Look at the venom in the language he uses. He calls me "despicable, evil, rotten to the core" and "evil, duplicitous, hypocritical..." What vicious hatred.

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2010, 08:06:14 AM »
Thank you Chaim and others for the explanations, and thank you especially to Kahane-was-right BT, excellent analysis and very good points. I suspected that these allegations of fraud were itself fraudulent. I also sensed that this individual might be using a voice changer. While the voice sounded female, the form, content, and manner sounded very male-like (if that is an actual word :)

At the same time, I still think this person raises an interesting question of "Why would Peace Now want to promote a group that they are against?" When we refer to these people as "Peace Now", are they really members of the organization or are we calling them Peace Now because of the attitudes and opinions they espouse?

Chaim, you know that I may disagree with you on many things. But the one thing that I feel very sure about is that you are someone of absolute integrity and consistency. So I would be extremely suspicious and sceptical towards any claim that you are fraudulent or hypocritical.

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Re: Victor Vancier is AntiChaimBenPesach???
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2010, 08:42:40 AM »
This sounds like my life, this week.... :laugh:

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