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The chip
« on: May 08, 2010, 07:48:49 PM »
Micro-chipped population

The most important goal of the Illuminati is a micro-chipped population. Their aim is to have every person on the planet micro-chipped and every child micro-chipped at birth. This is no science fiction fantasy. It is already happening. Of course, they won’t come out and be honest about it because they know that many people will resist (well, some, anyway). They are doing it by stepping-stones to obscure what the real game is. They began with the micro-chipping of animals, first voluntarily and now often by law, and the same method is being used on humans. In 1997 a friend introduced me to a man in America. He had asked to meet me because he was a scientist working against his will on CIA secret projects that the run-of-the-mill politicians have no idea are going on. When I asked him why he used his genius to advance the agenda, he opened his shirt and on his chest was a see-through “sachet”, similar to those used for shampoo. The CIA calls them “patches”. Inside I could see an orangey-golden liquid. He said that he joined the CIA in the belief that he was serving his country, but he soon realized that they did not want his knowledge to help humanity. The idea was to control them. When he began to rebel against the misuse of his work, he left home one morning and remembers nothing else until he woke up on a medical-type table. When he began to focus, he noticed the “patch” on his chest. They have manipulated his body to need the drug the patch contains and it has to be replaced every 72 hours. If he doesn’t do what he is told, they don’t replace the patch and he begins to die a long and painful death. Large numbers of brilliant scientists, who could be setting the world free from poverty and hunger, are in the same situation.
This man told me about the micro-chipping agenda and much else besides. He arranged to meet me to expose what was being planned for the human race because he had no idea how long they would allow him to live. When these scientists have served their purpose, the patch is no longer replaced and they die painfully, taking with them the knowledge of what is going on. First he said that the cure for cancer has been known for decades, but they would not release this to the public because they did not want people to survive and were making far more money drugging the dying and treating the symptoms than they ever would curing the disease. He said the technology existed to create abundant growth in deserts without water by stimulating the energy fields of the plants. At it’s optimum, it was like watching a time-lapse photograph, so fast did they grow, he said. This would eliminate hunger by itself if it were made available. But this same technology was, instead, used to kill thousands of people in a mass murder that he witnessed. The CIA (an Illuminati agency) had gathered a vast multitude together in Ethiopia during the famine. He was in a plane that he thought was flying over the area to cast a vibrational field across the land to stimulate plant growth. When he came to the front of the plane to see what was happening, he saw thousands of people lying dead. They had been killed by the power of the magnetic field because the CIA was testing his technology as a weapon that could kill people, but not damage property. He also said that the technology to give us all the power and warmth we need without pollution or utility bills – free energy – has been known for decades. I know this from people I have met who are producing these systems, but they can’t get them into production because the Illuminati control the patent offices, the money, and the major companies required to mass-produce them. Imagine a piece of kit in your home giving you warmth and power every day forever without cost. Again this technology uses the pool of unseen vibrating energy all around us and turns it into usable power. All this technology would be ours today if it were not suppressed by the Illuminati.
But it was when he turned to micro-chips that the CIA scientists became most animated. He confirmed that the Illuminati plan was to micro-chip everybody. On one level it was to tag us and keep a constant track of where we are and what we are doing, he said. But the main reason was to manipulate at will our mental and emotional; processes. He said that people should not only think about the messages going from the chip to the computer. Far more important were the messages from the computer to the embodied chip. He said people had no comprehension of the level of technology in the Illuminati secret projects. Once people were chipped, he said, the computer could make them docile or aggressive, sexually aroused or sexually suppressed, and close down their minds to a point where they were like zombies. From where I am looking, I think it’s already begun! He asked me to urge people to resist the micro-chip at all costs because once we concede to that we would be nothing more than machines controlled by the “aliens” he confirmed were behind the whole thing. We need a global campaign of “SAY NO TO THE CHIP” and we need it NOW! The chip is in almost every piece of technology and is as well as tracking every journey. As I predicted in my books of many years ago, it is already being suggested that people should be chipped to make the world more efficient. Professor Kevin Warwick of Reading University in England has been used to promote the use of the human micro-chip. He was implanted with a chip amid enormous publicity and has introduced us all to the benefits of controlling electronic devices at a distance. Wow. The latest I heard was that he and his wife, Irena, were going to be implanted with another chip which would connect their nervous systems to data processors, batteries, and radio transmitters. Apparently their teenage daughter, Madeleine, was asked to join the exercise, but said “No way”. There is at least one thinking member of the family, then. “This is the next step of merging man and machine,” said Professor Warwick, “We will be able to have communications between two nervous systems across the Net”. Well glory be. He is being funded, according to the London Dailey Mail, to the tune of some half a million pounds by major US Internet firms. Professor Warwick admits that he and his wife could suffer permanent physical damage to their arms, but added that he hoped “there will be no mental damage”. One wonders how they would tell.
We are now seeing people chipped with their medical records and other personal details. The plan is to sell the chip as a way to stop people being mugged for their money because their financial details would be on a chip under their skin. Preventing credit card fraud is another excuse. They will also promote the micro-chipping of children by claiming that they could never be lost again because the chip could always locate them. The more children that go missing or are murdered and the more they promote the danger of paedophiles in the community, the more likely parents are to be frightened into micro-chipping their kids. Of course, the greatest abusers and murderers of children are the very Illuminati who are promoting the chip. Problem-reaction-solution. A guy called David Adair, who has worked on high-tech projects with NASA, has been on the New Age lecture circuit in America for years extolling the benefits of micro-chipping our children. I cannot believe that someone with his insider knowledge of secret technology would be unaware of what that would really mean in terms of tagging and mind control. Implants have been found in people who claim to have been abducted by “aliens”, and how many people are already micro-chipped without their knowledge? The CIA scientist told me in 1997 that micro-chips in the secret projects were now so small they could be injected through a hypodermic needle during mass vaccination programmes. Some years later, a picture appeared in a British newspaper of an ant holding a micro-chip in it’s pincers and that’s only the size they allow us to see. You will find that shot in the picture section. Chipping people so they can “talk” to their personal computers and the Internet is another approach. The London Sunday Times reported:

“The next computer you buy may be the last one you will need. In future, scientists want to insert electronic chips into our heads so we can plug directly into the information superhighway. British researchers are among international teams working on an implant to translate human thought into computer language. In a generation, one group says, people with a peppercorn-sized chip in the back of the neck will be able to talk to machines”.

What they don’t tell you is that the machines will be able to talk to them, too. In …And The Truth Shall Set You Free, I tell the story of Dr Carl W. Sanders, a highly acclaimed electronics engineer in the UK, who was developing a micro-chip implant to help spinal injury patients. He said that his project was hi-jacked by the one-world brigade and he attended 17 meetings with them in places like Brussels and Luxemburg. He told Nexus Magazine:

“I was at one meeting where it was discussed: “How can you control a people if you can’t identify them?” People like Henry Kissinger and CIA folk attended these meetings. It was discussed: “How do you make people aware of the need for something like this chip?” All of a sudden the idea came: ”Let’s make them aware of lost children, etc. This was discussed in meetings almost like people were cattle. The CIA came up with the idea of putting pictures of lost children on milk cartons (which they did). Since the chip is now accepted you don’t see those pictures anymore do you? It’s served its purpose”.

Dr Sanders said they want the chip to contain the name and picture of the person, an international (world government) social security number, fingerprint identification, physical description, family and medical history, address, occupation, income tax information, and criminal record. People will be told that if they are chipped, they will have no need for passports or any other personal paperwork and enough apparent benefits will be thrown in to persuade a comatose population unaware of the game to agree to, literally, give their minds away. Or their brain function, anyway. Micro-chipping will begin as a voluntary programme, with people encouraged to enjoy the convenience of being a clone of a computer. Then it will be made compulsory. The more missing children, terrorist bombs, mass shootings, and other horrors the Illuminati can engineer, the more the compulsory micro-chip will be “justified” and accepted by the sheeple. Those refusing the chip will be said to have “something to hide” (the old trick), or not to care about the missing children or those killed and maimed in the bombings and shootings. The “threat” of terrorists with nuclear devices in suitcases will also get a mention, it usually does. The global computer network to which these chips will answer is already in place underground at many locations. One is in Brussels, Belgium, a major Illuminati centre, and the location of NATO and the European Union. Another is at Cheyenne Mountain in the United States.
While I was writing this chapter, a company called Applied Digital Solutions announced the launch of a human micro-chip it calls Digital Angel. Angel = reptilians. It is a human implant designed to monitor the wearer’s physiology, like pulse and body temperature, and their location. The company claims it is the first operational human chip that can be linked to the global positioning satellite tracking systems. It will allow your every move anywhere on the planet to be tracked from the satellite. It is also designed to connect with the Internet and to become a user-identity device for the web. It is described as a “dime-sized” implant, inserted just under the skin. The chip will be powered “electromechanically” through the movement of muscles and it can be activated by the wearer or the monitoring technology. It has, according to the official statements, been developed by Dr Peter Zhou and his research team and has progressed “ahead of schedule”. The Illuminati agenda is not dependent on the necessary technology becoming available by accident. It is developed well in advance and is introduced in line with the planned timescale. At that point we are told the technology has just been discovered when in fact it has been waiting in the wings for years. The tax-exempt foundations, like the Rockefeller Foundation, give vast sums to scientific research, but, as a US Congressional Committee established in the 1950s, they do not lose control of how the money is spent and insist that the research serves the needs of the global agenda. The Illuminati-controlled Princeton University was involved in the development of this micro-chip along with the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dr Peter Zhou is the chief scientist at Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Applied Digital. He stresses, of course, the benefits for people becoming human robots connected to a satellite. He said he was excited about his chip’s ability to save lives by monitoring medical conditions and giving an exact location to rescue services. I predicted many years ago that this would be one of the ways they would sell the chip to the people when the time came for its introduction. He said that the implant would become as popular as cell phones and vaccines (one of which fries your brain and the other suppresses your intellect and undermines your immune system). Dr Zhou then delivered some of the most chilling sentences I have ever read:

“Digital Angel will be a connection from yourself to the electronic world. It will be your guardian, protector. It will bring good things to you. We will be a hybrid of electronic intelligence and our own soul”.

Just read those words again, especially the last sentence. This is what we conspiracy “theorists” have been predicting for all these years and now it is here. I heard that the introduction of this particular chip design may now be in some doubt, but it gives you an excellent idea of what is planned. And it is not only the chips. Just look around you today and see all the methods of control and surveillance. You cannot walk through a town or city without moving from one camera to another. Go into a shop or take money from a wall machine, drive a car, catch a train or plane, and you are being watched. This unbelievable scale of surveillance has been introduced little by little by the Illuminati until you wake up one morning and realize that George Orwell’s “Big Brother” is not just coming – he’s here. All the examples I have given in this chapter, and they are only a tiny few, are each part of the same agenda. I cannot stress that enough. Seeing how all these strands are connected is the key to lifting the veil. There are pressure groups fighting and uncovering the facts about environmental destruction, poisoned food, vaccinations, the drug cartel, oil cartel, transnational corporations of every kind, corruption in government, the banking scam, Third World debt, manipulation of wars, poverty, cancer, AIDS, child abuse, Satanic ritual sacrifice, media suppression, assassinations, erosion of freedoms, high taxation, and a whole list of others. But what we need to see for the mist to clear is that these are all part of one agenda working to one aim. All the scams are one scam. We can go on opposing these individual strands for a hundred lifetimes, but we will never make any fundamental change until we stop focusing on the symptoms and start homing in on the cause of them all: the Anunnaki bloodlines and their plan for a global fascist state. Whenever something that has remained hidden is close to becoming physical reality, there must always be a time when it hits the surface and can be seen. This is the period we are now living in. We are seeing massive global groups and empires fusing with other massive global groups and empires in banking, business, and media, while the concentration of political power continues apace through the European Union, “free-trade areas”, the United Nations. The same people have long controlled all these aspects of our society, but now we can see they do as they move the final pieces into place for the global fascist state or “New World Order”.

A Micro-Chipped Population

The Microchipped Population

This is the part of the Elite strategy which some people find hardest to accept. We believe that we would never allow it to happen. Well, let’s take a look at how close it is. Already domestic animals are being microchipped in ever great numbers and linked to a computer. It’s been sold to pet owners on the basis of: “You’ll never lose Rover or Fido again”. The Queen of England has had some of her corgis microchipped. Who’s next, Prince Charles? Alongside this, the move to phase out the use of coins and notes is being quickened and all money transactions will be electronic via a credit card and/or smart card. This is planned to become a joint identity/money card with all personal details on a microchip. If things go to plan, all these transactions will be recorded by a global computer – the “beast”, possibly, mentioned in the Biblical Revelations. The “mark of the beast”, the microchip, is planned to be moved from the smart card to the human body when a story can be hatched to persuade people to accept it. Some researchers suggest that the human barcoding system will include three sets of six digits in the computer – hence 666, “the number of the Beast”. Once we have agreed to the end of cash and there is no turning back, we will have to accept the microchip implant or we will have no means of purchasing anything when they decide to phase out smart cards. Also it will be sold to people as a convenience which will end credit card fraud and lost cards. It is the ultimate control. Everything about you, including our location, will be constantly observed by the computer. Some people believe that the Global Elite computer system is based underground in Brussels, Belgium. It is claimed to be called the Krypt or Crypt and located in 100,000 square feet of office space under the city. Similar computer centres are believed to be located at the Air Force Academy, Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, USA, and the Alice Springs, Australia. These systems lock into government computers across the world to gather information on every man, woman and child on the planet who has a social security number or a personal identification of some kind kept on a database. Your details will be on these computers now, waiting for the microchipping to start. The plans are well advanced and microchipping has already been widely promoted and in many areas of life, introduced.
Today if you go into a shop to buy food and your credit card is refused by the computer, you can pay with cash. What happens when there is no cash? You are at the mercy of the computer. If it refuses your card or microchip, you have no means to purchase anything. We will then be robots in every sense, an extension of a computer program. In the US, Food Stamps and some other benefits are being converted to the card based Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBHT) and the whole social security system is planning to do the same. The plan to phase out cash moves apace. A United Kingdom company, AIM UK, which specializes in “automatic identification”, produced a face with a bar coding on the forehead as part of it’s publicity material. One of this company’s products is Radio Frequency Identification which reads electronic labels in manufacturing, warehousing, shops, and on people. The technology now being developed will allow every thought and action to be monitored and recorded. The London Sunday Times of April 16th 1995, also reported that:

“The next computer you buy may be the last one you will need. In future, scientists want to insert electronic chips into our heads so we can plug directly into the information superhighway. British researchers are among international teams working on an implant to translate human thought into computer language. In a generation, one group says, people with a peppercorn-sized chip in the back of the neck will be able to talk to machines.”

Or, rather, the machines will be able to talk to them. People with satellite television are amazed to find that their individual decoder cards can be programmed from the TV headquarters. When you ring to subscribe to a ‘scrambled’ channel, the operator activates a beam which programmes your card and the picture appears while you are still on the phone! If they can do that to a card, they can do it to a microchip inside a human being. The Elite plan includes the microchipping of all babies at birth. It would take only a fraction of a second to do. The technology already exists and the only thing that remains is to persuade public opinion to accept it, or even demand it. One way this will be done is to highlight missing children stories, including the abduction of babies from maternity wards. While I have been writing this book, there have been such incidents in the United Kingdom and immediately the ‘solution’ offered was electronic tagging. This is a tiny step from an implanted microchip. The electronic tagging of criminals is also a stepping-stone to the microchip. With the mind control techniques I discussed in the last chapter, it is no problem to program a woman to go into a hospital and steal a baby to create the something-must-be-done scenario. She would have no recollection of her programming and she would believe it was her decision. A highly acclaimed electronics engineer in the United States was developing a microchip implant to help spinal injury patients when, he said, the project was hijacked by the one-world brigade. The story of Dr Carl W. Sanders was reported in the investigative magazine, Nexus, in the summer of 1994. He said that he had attended 17 meetings of the One-Worlders in places like Brussels and Luxemburg. The meetings, he claimed, were “tying together the finances of the world”. Dr Sanders said:

“I was at one meeting where it was discussed: ‘How can you control a people if you can’t identify them?’ People like Henry Kissinger and CIA folk attended these meetings. It was discussed: ‘How do you make people aware of the need for something like this chip?’ All of a sudden the idea came: ‘Let’s make them aware of lost children, etc.’”

“This was discussed in meetings almost like people were cattle. The CIA came up with the idea of putting pictures of lost children on milk cartons. Since the chip is now accepted, you don’t see the pictures anymore, do you? It’s served its purpose.”

Dr Sanders said the manipulators want the chip to contain a name and a picture of the person’s face, an international Social Security number, fingerprint identification, physical description, family and medical history, address, occupation, income tax information, and criminal record. Another selling point of this, no doubt, would be the end of passports. The chip recharges itself by turning the changes in body temperature into a dynamo system and the most effective places they have found for this are the forehead and the back of the wrist. The BBC ‘science’ programme, Tomorrow’s World, revealed in September 1995, how in the UK, people are already being microchipped with their medical records. This stuff is happening NOW! The implications of allowing ourselves to be microchipped are far wider than I’ve even outlined. It also involves the suppression of the spiritual transformation now underway. The Sanders chip, he said, can be used to modify behaviour. During the Vietnam War, he told Nexus, they had a “Rambo Chip” which stimulated a greater flow of adrenaline. Timothy McVeigh, the man charged with the Oklahoma bombing, says he was microchipped while serving in the US Army. How many mind-controlled service and ex-service personnel are out there with microchips within them that can be activated at will? Dr Sanders pointed out that if you stop the output of the pituitary gland, you can stop the flow of oestrogen, cause instant menopause, and stop conception. The chip can be a form of mass birth control, another theme of the New World Order. Messages from the computer to the implanted chip can change mass behaviour, act as an emotional upper and downer, a sexual stimulant and depressant, and trigger violence at will. And the major stepping stones to the microchipped human being are the microchipped identity card and the end of cash. Don’t let it happen.
Supermarkets are now experimenting with barcoded cards which customers will use to keep a tally of their purchases and then pay for them when they leave, without the need for a checkout assistant. The big supermarket chains already have the facility for customers to pay by credit card in ways very similar to this. The next step is to say how much more convenient it would be if customers had a little microchip under the skin without the need to use a card. Give your freedom away. You know it makes sense. Look at the supermarket queues you will avoid! In February 1995, the now defunct London Today newspaper included a centre page article predicting that cash would be phased out by the end of this decade and replaced with electronic money. ‘Trials’ are underway in England, as they are across the world. The new European currency will almost certainly be electronic.
As I write this, there has been a story on the news that the new European currency will be delayed until the next century because the time it will take to print all the money and mint the coins. I can hear the punch line now: “Oh we have found a way of speeding up the process – we’ll have an electronic currency!” The British government has made the UK the first country to introduce compulsory DNA profiles of everyone charged with a criminal offence. The DNA makeup of a human being is a potentially catastrophic tool in the wrong hands because the underground science knows far more about these things than the public are told or even mainstream science knows. In the light of all these provable developments, it focuses the mind to reflect on the predictions in the Biblical Revelation:

“And he [the beast or antichrist] causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no-one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”
Revelation 13:16-18

The Hopi native American people also have an ancient prophecy that no-one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the bear. When this mark becomes visible, the prophecy says, the third Great War will come. If you look at the mark a bear makes when it sharpens its claws on a tree, there is a remarkable resemblance to the bar code of today. The New World Order is pushing ahead at this time faster than ever before to secure food control, energy control, business and credit control and the sum total of all these things and more: people control. That’s what the manipulators mean when they speak of One World and the Global Village. A global fascist tyranny. A global plantation. The plan now is to divide and destabilize societies with terrorism and economic upheaval to dupe their collective minds into allowing what is left of basic freedoms to be destroyed. Japan is one obvious target of destabilization, but all are in their sights unless we get wise to it. The idea is to stimulate fear in every heart. Nothing is too unspeakable to the Global Elite in pursuit of this. We can stop all of it and we will stop it, but only when people choose to stop being pawns and victims. The Global Elite are not all powerful. They exist and control only because the human mind has opted out of responsibility and allowed them to run the world. With everyone who regains control of their own mind, the task of the Elite gets harder and harder.
If people are shocked by what they have read here, then I’m glad. I saw a badge, made in America, which said: “The Truth will set you free – but first it will [censored] you off!” Reality often does shock and it’s time for human beings to look reality in the face – and change it to a better one. The reality which has been exposed here is the reality the collective human mind has created. It’s time to grow up. Human apathy and naivety are the greatest weapons of the Elite. Opening ourselves spiritually and realizing the full glory of Creation is wonderful. But if people float around in some spiritual mist, their feet dangling from the ceiling, they are copping out, in my view, and the complacency I see in so many areas of the spiritual movement is staggering in the light of events in the world.
I hear people who think that addressing or talking about something that is ‘negative’ must be avoided at all costs. It is disempowering, I hear. Knowledge is never disempowering. But ignoring it is. What is more negative and disempowering than being manipulated every day towards a global fascist dictatorship while having no idea that it is even happening? What is more negative than having thoughts planted into our minds which we believe to be our own? And what does negative energy do, if it is not addressed? It stays negative, or gets more so. Is that what the spiritual movement wants? Is that empowering? Or is it much easier to live in some semi-dream world where words like love and peace are scattered around like confetti while the Elite go on unchallenged because to expose their manipulation is considered too ‘negative’?
It is easy to speak words, much harder to live them. And if we are going to change this world for the better, then words like love, peace, respect, and freedom need to be lived and not just parroted like some New Age speaking clock. As it’s foundation, any guide to freedom needs a thorough knowledge of why and how that freedom has been removed in the first place. Without that, there can be no answers. But answers there are if we have the courage and the vision to stop playing around and get on with it.

People of Planet Earth. It’s wakey, wakey, time.

Chips inserted in soldiers' brains

Universal Soldiers one step closer

UK Inquirer/Nick Farrell | October 25 2005

BOFFINS working for the US military are experimenting with creating super soldiers by sticking microchips in their brains.

Apparently the Pentagon has decided that one of the things its soldiers are missing is brains, or at least the ability to remember details of their training.

Now researchers at the University of Southern California's bio-engineering department have developed a chip which they claim acts in exactly the same way as the hippocampus.

This is the part of the brain that deals with memory and the chip can send out electrical signals which are similar to how it operates.

So far it worked well on rats, and it is hoped that one day experiments will be carried out on soldiers.

Clearly none of these boffins or pentagon experts read science fiction, or they would not be doing this.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: The chip
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2010, 10:30:35 PM »
This article is clearly a parody. The silliest thing to me was the time-lapse fast growing plants.

I will say this though, the chip is not fake, it's real and some people already have it. You can laugh and parody that all you want but it won't make it go away.

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Re: The chip
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2010, 06:03:54 PM »
This is no joke! We have some serious hidden technology!
Go on youtube and research the name William Cooper
that man will give you insite to alot!

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Re: The chip
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2010, 06:10:05 PM »
This is no joke! We have some serious hidden technology!
Go on youtube and research the name William Cooper
that man will give you insite to alot!

Do you mean insight? or 'in site'?

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline IsraelForever

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Re: The chip
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2010, 06:10:25 PM »
Sometimes, to be honest, I have a chip on my shoulder.

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Re: The chip
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2010, 06:11:40 PM »
Sometimes, to be honest, I have a chip on my shoulder.

I like my chips with salsa... Spicy salsa...

Brought to you by:

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: The chip
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2010, 06:21:05 PM »
Silly conspiracy theory...The real conspiracy, as Chaim always says, are how Muslims get away with everything...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Rubystars

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Re: The chip
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2010, 08:28:28 PM »
Some people already have microchips implanted into them and I think in a fascist state which is what many areas of the West are turning into, that it might very well be a big advantage to the government to have every citizen's information loaded into one of those. It might be introduced to store medical records or to bypass airport security, or control immigration, etc.

Offline Iron Greek

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Re: The chip
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2010, 09:02:42 PM »
mumam that is the most perfect looking bowl of chips i have ever seen! if you are eating those i have to tell you im quite jealous!

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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Re: The chip
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2010, 09:33:03 PM »
Sometimes, to be honest, I have a chip on my shoulder.

ROFL! :laugh:
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 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

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Re: The chip
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2010, 11:37:14 PM »
Yes, they do and I hope that everyone here will run far away from this technology and not get it put into them...

Some people already have microchips implanted into them and I think in a fascist state which is what many areas of the West are turning into, that it might very well be a big advantage to the government to have every citizen's information loaded into one of those. It might be introduced to store medical records or to bypass airport security, or control immigration, etc.
שמע ישראל

Offline Rubystars

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Re: The chip
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2010, 11:38:23 PM »
Yes, they do and I hope that everyone here will run far away from this technology and not get it put into them...

Some people already have microchips implanted into them and I think in a fascist state which is what many areas of the West are turning into, that it might very well be a big advantage to the government to have every citizen's information loaded into one of those. It might be introduced to store medical records or to bypass airport security, or control immigration, etc.

Anybody who follows along with this stuff and allows the company they work for or some other group to chip them is foolish.

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: The chip
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2010, 06:37:04 AM »
This is absolutely true.  They started subtly with animals and progress in steps, as to deceive people.  Remember the last days will be all about deception! The preparations are in place for the rise of the anti-christ!  Ask anyone who understands the bible!

Offline Rubystars

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Re: The chip
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2010, 07:26:50 AM »
This is absolutely true.  They started subtly with animals and progress in steps, as to deceive people.  Remember the last days will be all about deception! The preparations are in place for the rise of the anti-christ!  Ask anyone who understands the bible!

Christians believe there will be two very evil people. One is the anti-Christ, and the other is the false prophet.

However even if you don't believe in any of that stuff (and I'm not preaching my religion here), then you should resent the fact that some people are even suggesting that people get microchipped.

Offline HiWarp

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Re: The chip
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2010, 08:40:14 AM »
This is absolutely true.  They started subtly with animals and progress in steps, as to deceive people.  Remember the last days will be all about deception! The preparations are in place for the rise of the anti-christ!  Ask anyone who understands the bible!

Christians believe there will be two very evil people. One is the anti-Christ, and the other is the false prophet.

However even if you don't believe in any of that stuff (and I'm not preaching my religion here), then you should resent the fact that some people are even suggesting that people get microchipped.

The only thing that rivals what people will do to convenience themselves is what they will do in the name of safety. Both of those things can be used today to convince many people to willingly accept something like this. After all, who wouldn't want to arrive at the airport minutes, instead of hours, before your flight and be able to bypass security because the "chip" reader is able to confirm your identity. Add to that a regulation that prohibits anyone without a chip from boarding an airplane (hey it's for your safety) and you may have people lining up to get implanted.

I wonder if science fiction writers are visionaries that see future occurrences or whether elites read and watch science fiction and say "that's a great idea".

"Resistance... is futile. Your life as it has been... is over. From this time forward... you will service... us."
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
---Thomas Jefferson