The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Nuking Mecca
--- Quote from: MarZutra on May 11, 2007, 11:24:45 AM ---I think Israel should. The reason for this is that it must be....literally....a light among the nations. Give this world something really to complain about. Blame them and later thank them... I'd like to see Israel take out Damascus, Tehran, Mecca while America takes out Moscow, Beijing, Havana while India nukes Pakistan... Lets get it on!!
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Wouldn't that be something!
What about China, though?
Tom Tancredo says: "We could nuke Mecca"
Freepers discuss:
--- Quote from: jeffguy on May 11, 2007, 02:12:41 PM ---
--- Quote from: MarZutra on May 11, 2007, 11:24:45 AM ---I think Israel should. The reason for this is that it must be....literally....a light among the nations. Give this world something really to complain about. Blame them and later thank them... I'd like to see Israel take out Damascus, Tehran, Mecca while America takes out Moscow, Beijing, Havana while India nukes Pakistan... Lets get it on!!
--- End quote ---
Wouldn't that be something!
What about China, though?
--- End quote ---
We're kidding ourselves if we think we can take China.
The WWII generation is no more. We've become fat, lazy, stupid, selfish children.
For all intents and purposes, the U.S.A. is finished and will NEVER be restored.
This is what we deserve.
If we went through with a plan like that the nuclear fallout would probably half the expected lifespans of everyone on earth.
Either one can, but if I had to choose, I'd choose Israel.
The US would never do it.
However, whoever does it has to realize the consequences
of nukes. We want to kill muslim cockroaches without
burning any trees or ruining any lawn. Why dirty our
drinking water (or theirs)?
When you spray for bugs at home, you don't want your children
to touch the sticky residue.
Instead of nukes, we could just bomb them strait to hell and
bury their filthy corpses in the desert. Well have to use
Hazmat trucks to transport them though because their bodies
are highly toxic.
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