The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Nuking Mecca

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
I agree with Chaim that the answer must be no unless it is for clear and present self-defense and national survival. The last thing Israel and the world need is to be poisoned with fallout.

I say we should napalm Islamic population centers instead, or put toxic, gender-altering hormones in their water supply to turn them all into shemales.

I really wouldnt support nuking china even if they are evil. We need to keep our focus on Islam.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
We don't need to nuke China. If we stop outsourcing our jobs and construction to them, they'll go broke and their military-industrial complex will implode on its own, or at least shrink severely.

You guys are giving the U.S.A. too much credit.

This is NOT the country that it once was.

When Kahanist's take over Israel they will have to do something about the ocean of Muslim's surrounding them. I personally think Kahanist's will one day take over in time to save Israel. Democracy and survival are sometimes exclusive. If you guys really want a solution to the problem of Islam, Israel must become a totalitarian state of Kahanist's. If the citizens of a nation are to dumb or selfish to defend their nation then the one's that want to should be able to without the inefficiencies of democracy that can impede them. Same thing with America.


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