The change in policy of the Soviet Union and their vote in favor of the UN partition plan was shortlived. We all know that shortly after Israel's independence, the Soviet Union came to arm our enemies who were openly proclaiming they had intention to invade and destroy us.
Soviet Union supplied weapons to Israel through Czechoslovakia, while USA embargoed. Thanks to rifles and machine guns from Czechoslovakia Israel could launch Nahshon operation in april 1948, expelling hundreds of thousands of Arabs. Most of the Israel air force was from Czechoslovakia.
Massive supplies of Soviet weapons to Arabs started only in 1955, after Stalin's death.
Do you really think it was because Stalin liked Jews? Quit deluding yourself.
What does it matter why? Fact that he did supply weapons to Israel while USA embargoed us and British officers led Jordanian troops against us.
So Stalin was better for Israel than Truman.
Thanks to Stalin and Soviet Russia, Hitler was able to conquer Poland and start the holocaust. The Soviets signed a Non-Aggression Treaty with Nazi Germany in 1939. That is what enabled the Germans to start the holocaust.
Stalin and the Soviets murdered thousands of Russian Jews. Stalin was so anti-Semitic that he even murdered loyal Jewish Communists because he believed that the Jews were plotting against him. He ordered that many lifelong loyal Jewish Communists be shot to death. Stalin and the Soviets also destroyed all Jewish religious life and sent rabbis and religious Jews to Siberian concentration camps.
In the 1948 war of independence, Stalin briefly supported Israel because he wanted the British out of the Middle East. He did send planes to Israel via Czechoslovakia. But immediately after the war, he changed his policy and became virulently anti-Israel and pro-Arab. Stalin supported the Arab world's effort to destroy little Israel starting in 1950.
Before his death, Stalin had planned to exterminate all Soviet Jews. He accused them of being "Zionist spies" and "cosmopolitan agents". He used the Soviet media to portray Jews the way Nazi Germany did.
Only the sickest self-hating Jew would be grateful to this Nazi monster Stalin for selling planes to Israel during the 1948 war because he wanted to see the pro-Arab British defeated. We should be grateful to someone who murdered thousands of Jews, had planned to murder all of them, enabled Hitler to exterminate 3 million Polish Jews, and started a campaign in 1950 to destroy Israel? Not to mention that Stalin and the Soviets destroyed millions of Soviet Jews spiritually, taking their Judaism away from them by force.