« Reply #79 on: May 14, 2010, 08:00:59 AM »
I am saying, and there is ample evidence, that Nazi scientists were considered some of the most brilliant scientists of the era.
Now you're saying something different. But by referring to German scientists as "nazi scientists," you conflate different issues. Not all German scientists were Nazis. In fact, some of the greatest German scientists of that era, who transformed the entire modern world, were Jews!
There is no disputing that the german scientists were and still are respected around the world as some of the best and brightest of scientists...
Good so far And these were scientists who may have been involved with using Jews in horrible experiments.
Now you've entered into unsubstantiated territory with this last bit. You cannot document this with a citation or source because it is patently ridiculous! The German scientists who are praised are the ones who did good science! Horrific and sadistic experiments on humans for racial purposes is not considered "good science" by anyone except maybe neo-nazis. No one holds dr. mengele in high esteem as a researcher. He was moreso a horrificly cruel sadistic animal than a scientist by any rational account. It is time you stop labeling the entire discipline of science as the boogeyman.
Bringing a quote about operation paperclip says something about the CIA, not about "modern science."
I am not making any statement about good science in my posts... I was simply trying to show, originally to NA who was attempting to use some scientific racial evidence..
"actually the 19th century reaserches are the best beacuse they weren't contaminated by politically correct bias."
I wanted to make clear that just because 'science' occured in the 19th and 20th centuries that it too may be biased for a variety of reasons. Most obvious was the use of 'science' by the Nazis to brand Jews as sub-humans and psuedo-genetics which proved Jews to be inferior..
Again. There is such a thing as a poor research. .old. .done in a bad school. Biased. Bad Dr.etc etc didn't see anything good
actually the 19th century reaserches are the best beacuse they weren't contaminated by politically correct bias.
what is your point? i am sure that if a great scientist today would claim that the arabs are sub human you wouldn't mind that.or pehaps you will go and dfened the arabs with dr. bernnan fan
Well no actually I would disagree the problem is Islam not the semetic race all the greatest jews from Abraham to Daniel Nd ezikel were semetic. Oh yea ur an athiest. Ur not really pro Jewish from your handle u think we r nuts for believing the Seasplit in Exodus. .we aren't racist..but you are
i am nuts? at least i didn't defended any arab or negroes like some of us did.

enemies:negroes,musulmans and commies/liberals.
alleis:israel,united states,canada,european union,greater serbia,russia,australia and new zealand and japan/south korea and india.togheter we maight win this war.