And what level of penalty, I wonder, is pedophilia ?
Do you estimate, how many west-pedophiles are hoping for large Islam immigration ?
So I am getting more suspicious, by Holland pedophilia minority party race, elections.
Do they want some more for the kids...... Mohammed draws ?
Or only some more Islamic families, with many-many kids ?
The 2 sons of Mohammed were needless and they vanished and were gone...
From under age.
The 4 daughters, these four littly-litlly female kids, were sooooo good.
And Aisha also...
Maybe Mohammed is secret sex symbol for 8 year old girls and the draws must be more "Pine-up" or something.

And the question is : What level of near-death penalty want a Muslim to my country ?
If I remember well, Golda Meir was said : We can forgive Palestinian for killing our children, but we can not forgive them, for getting us killing their children.
And there are so many years after, with no change of their muslim tactic.
They need somehow a Greek-style punishment for their pedophilia.
And I don't mean neither today's Greek style, nor ancient ...
The penalty for some drownings, is giving me the right to taste them as a soup in a volcano, for their pedophilia...
They are waking up my Titan-stork for their rebirth in a volcano, at Rise & Honey Valley, actually ...
They demand penalty ?
I demand a common opinion for pedophilia
and a common opinion what probably has this "draw matter" with female kids...