FIRST OF ALL - with all of my support towards jtf programs
This i cannot agree with
its written "hoach tochiach et amitecha "
listen to me , ITS FORBIDDEN HALACHICALLY TO CURSE A TALMID CHAHAM ! (great torah scholar)
Its not right , even if u dont agree , then support a talmid chaham u do agree with , but there is no halacha which allow u to curse a tsadik/talmid chaham which u dont agree with !
its a sin !( it is !)
now , about the accusations
1. the idea you are speaking about (giving land for "true peace") is based upon an hallacical point (i dont say u need to agree with it, there are alot of talmidim chahamim who dont and prove its forbbiden to give lands, but still its within the framework of halacha) This is only somthing they "use" to manipulate the israeli big parties to give budgets to their torah schools and other things they need it for , While beliving they could rely on them for their goals
The truth is , Shas only say this , in order to manipulate the left , Because they are saying "its ok to give some lands (which are not of high quality ,and puplated, or needed for the defending etc.) FOR "TRUE PEACE" , however , They know as well that "shalom im mehabla la yitakayam" (a qoute of hefetz haim i belive ."peace with the terrorists will not exsist" , it was said before the israeli state was decleared )
So in theory , its like this (what they are saying) "for 'real peace' u can give some lands'(what they are saying, not me) "but we already know from our sources , that there wont be a real peace untill messiah come"
that is whats it all about , its not real plan to give lands , chas ve chalila .
2. shas did not support oslo , They only gave the impression they will on the first vote , However they later told rabin(sort of) "we see that the arabs arn't sincire , so we will not support it anylonger"
Know this , the only reason Rabin goverment was able to do the oslo thing , Is because of a traitor from the party of refael eitan z"l ,
his name was "gonen segev" , HE HAS SOLD OUT , BETRAYED , AND THATS HOW RABIN HAD 61 MEMBERS OF THE KNESSET AND COULD DO HIS PLAN (shas was against it , they were with the 59 who voted against it !)
thats the truth ! learn history !
3. rabbi ovadia yosef shalit"a , Is one of the greatest torah scholars in modern history , Most jews consider him 'gadol ha dor' (the greatest torah scholar of our generation)
his rulings is accepted by most spharadim , and he is respected in all streams of orthodox judaism.
4. shas people are usually kahanist (yeah!) , Even the rabbi ovadia yosef shalit"a son , Is a proclaimed kahanist , rabbi yaakov yosef shalita , which is a talmid chaham as well
If u enter almost any shas yeshiva or kolel , U will see that rabbi meir kahane hy'd books are actually known by most of them , and advocating of reading them , while kahanist materials are common withing this places
and belive me i know , cuz i am a haredi spharadi and and the first reading of kahane materials ,was given to me from 100% shas people